In the early morning, the hotel room is not as suitable for solitude and meditation as expected. Somewhere at the end of the corridor outside the door, it seems that there is a room planning to revel all night. A resident next door has complained to the hotel housekeeping department, but after knocking twice, it still has little effect.

The person sent by the housekeeping department to deal with the matter should be a newcomer with little work experience. Like this kind of trouble that neither side can offend, cunning old people always shift the blame to new employees for various reasons.

They might call it a rare opportunity to exercise, or they simply forced the unlucky little girl here in a natural tone.

Although I didn't see the appearance and expression of the new man, just listening to her slightly astringent tone can judge how embarrassed and hasty she was to deal with such things.

"Please turn down the volume as much as possible to avoid disturbing the guests next door. Please, thank you for your understanding!"

It seemed that he had the courage to say these words at one breath, but then there were bursts of laughter in the room. One of the men's voices was particularly loud because he was standing at the door of the room.

It's more like bullying this timid newcomer than dealing with annoying interruptions. After a few perfunctory words in a careless tone, the little girl seemed to have run out of words for such scoundrels.

"Well, we just want to have fun, but we don't have to pay for your hotel. Look how much we ordered from the Chinese restaurant downstairs and how many times we ordered room service. Isn't this generating income for your hotel?"

"Can't guests like us have a little free space? Can those guests who complain to you contribute more than us? It's a joke, so it's the God in your heart that guests like us spend a lot in the hotel, understand?"

"But, sir..."

"What else? Frankly speaking, we're going to play all night tonight. Who dares to gossip about the birthday of our eldest son Zhao?"

"Ah, the little girl looks very smart. Call her in and be happy!" another man's voice sounded.

Then the conversation at the door stopped abruptly and was replaced by a forced door closing. But before the door closed, it was clear that the little girl screamed for help.

The loud music fades quickly after closing the door, but it is still unbearable for the time period of 1 a.m., especially when you are going to enjoy a comfortable sleep.

The movement just now made waves in the two coffee cups placed on the table. Su Yue made the coffee before she left. She didn't drink a few mouthfuls. There was still residual temperature on the cup wall. Now she only left a shallow lip print.

Suddenly he was told such an amazing thing. Su Yue should have been with Ye Fei.

But she and old man Su haven't seen each other for a long time, so under Ye Fei's persuasion, Su Yue left the room with some apprehension.

Even though a few hours have passed, ye Fei still feels a little incredible. He needs to calm down alone now, but the noise outside doesn't seem to want him to be satisfied.

Occasionally came the sound of the door opening and closing quickly, which was urgent and irritating.

Ye Fei sighed quietly. Just half an hour ago, Tang Ming called and said that he had gone to the foothills of Muling mountain alone. According to his temperament, he couldn't stand ten days without hearing from his younger martial sister.

According to Tang Ming's original words, even after ten days, they still can't beat Zhou Yuxuan. It's better to follow him quietly and find a chance to save people.

No matter how high his martial arts are, he always has to eat and sleep, so he doesn't have a chance.

Ye Fei also felt helpless about Tang Ming's unauthorized action. If he hadn't disturbed his mood because of that thing, he should have guessed that Tang Ming would risk doing so. Now it's too late to say anything.

The mobile phone screen suddenly lit up. Su Yue sent a message that he had accompanied Mr. Su to complete the examination in the hospital. Everything was normal.

Although Zhang Chenhan suffered a little injury, it was no big deal.

Ye Fei paid attention to the time displayed in the upper right corner. More than 20 minutes had passed since the little girl was pulled into the room.

During this period, the harsh music did not stop at all, but the noise of slapstick and coax became more and more intense, more unscrupulous than before.

Although Ye Fei is a little depressed at this time, he really doesn't want to meddle in such business. But it is definitely not his character to stand idly by while knowing that others are in trouble.

He sighed again for no reason, then slowly stood up and walked towards the door. The noisy neighbor next door has made him a little upset. If he doesn't do it again, I'm afraid the little girl will be in danger.

When I came to the door of the room, the music inside was enough to shake the eardrums, and even the floor under my feet felt the dynamic rhythm of the music.

Ye Fei silently pressed the doorbell, but the sound was not enough for the people inside to notice.

But ye Fei did not show anxiety, but continued to ring the seemingly useless doorbell. When he rang the fourth time, a man's impatient voice came from the other end of the door.

"It's so late, which bastard is knocking at the door again to make trouble. See if I don't beat him!"

I was eating and enjoying the delicious food just now.

"What do you do? A man with a national character face and a greasy mouth appeared in front of Ye Fei. He put one hand on the door and was holding a duck clavicle in the other hand. It seems that" he looked at Ye Fei with disdainful eyes.

But he was completely ignored by Ye Fei, because at this time, ye Fei had caught the newcomer in the hotel housekeeping department who was being bullied by a group of big men.

At this time, they were gathered around the weak little girl and forced her to dance for their own pleasure.

"Brother Hong, what are you doing standing at the door? We're still waiting for you to drink! We've finished that cup just now, so we're short of you. Don't think about it!" there was a greeting from other men. The man named brother Hong became impatient.

"I see. I'll come right away when I get rid of this silly boy."

Brother Hong showed a fierce expression, stared at Ye Fei and said, "why don't you talk for a long time, did you knock on the wrong door? Or did you want us to be quiet, but when you saw your brother me, you were scared to pee in your pants?"

"Don't be afraid. Although I'm not a good man, I absolutely disdain to bully you. Get back to me and don't make me angry!"

While talking, brother Hong stuffed the duck clavicle into his mouth and made a sound of smacking. But he immediately found that ye Fei was still indifferent, as if he couldn't understand him at all.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Do you understand?"

Ye Fei then looked up at him and said expressionless, "you're too noisy. Can I ask you to shut up?"