There is only one way.

Before selling the organ donor, you Miao will take the donor out for necessary health examination to ensure that the sold organ can be normally provided to the patient for use without causing additional risk that the sale will fail.

Luo Xiwen's opportunity is also here. He told ye Fei: "according to my experience of staying here for more than half a month, most of the villagers in gen mountain do not know the existence of organ trading, and there is no harmony between them. Therefore, this matter must be carried out in the dark."

"In the evening, they dared to let us out. There were no doctors and medical equipment in the village, so they had to ship us to Sizhou island. There, after we were examined, we had to wait for the transaction to happen."

After thinking about it, Tang Ming said, "in other words, our opportunity is on the way they sent us to Sizhou island! As long as we can escape halfway, we can get rid of their control."

But having said that, there are few opportunities for them to start.

And ye Fei is worried that you Miao will give them hypnotics before transferring them. When he loses consciousness and is confused, he goes to the island, which will be a big trouble.

Now it's still a long time before dark. Ye Fei and they can only wait patiently.

The food from the outside was still warm. Both ye Fei and Tang Ming thought it was too embarrassing to eat this kind of cell, but the stomach protest was real.

Luo Xiwen advised: "I think you'd better eat more or less. At least there will be no medicine in this meal. Don't eat it until that meal in the evening. The guy who imprisoned us seems to know some chemistry knowledge and has to be careful."

The younger martial sister looked at the food. She has always been addicted to food. She doesn't care what it is. Even prison food doesn't care for her.

The little girl's family doesn't have as many concerns as ye Fei and Tang Ming. A thousand things can't equal the top priority of having a full meal.

Ye Fei also put down his burden and bent down to serve the food.

Tang Ming groaned, obviously feeling that ye Fei had no ambition to do so. Recalling that they were still eating seafood last night, they could only eat prison food in the twinkling of an eye.

"HMM." Ye Fei deliberately dragged a long sound.

Tang Ming saw that everyone was eating. Even though he was very dignified and proud, his frustrated stomach began to rumble. So he blushed and obediently obeyed. Ye Fei and his younger martial sister looked at him with a smile on their face.

But the food was really rich and appetizing.

Although Tang Ming was unwilling, fortunately the food was really delicious. No one can escape Zhenxiang's law, even the proud Tang Ming.

Eating and drinking is a person's most basic need. Only after meeting this need can you concentrate on other issues.

After eating, ye Fei stood in front of the hole. In the distance, you can see Sizhou Island standing on the sea level.

The sea breeze blows, the weather is beautiful, and seabirds hover in the air from time to time.

The only thing that's a bit annoying is that Zhang Deyi doesn't know when to start snoring. Snoring just roars like a sand pig.

Ye Fei recalled what Zhang Deyi had said before. He concentrated on gathering Qi and gathered the Qi in his body at one point. He has heard this sentence before, and of course he has done it, but he still has a lot of room for progress.

Anyway, there was still a long time before night fell. Ye Fei had an idea in his heart. So he stepped back and punched the wall like Zhang Deyi had just done.

However, it was completely different from the result he imagined. The wall was only trapped for a few inches, and there was no breakdown of the wall like Zhang Deyi.

Perhaps the walls built of reinforced concrete and solid bricks are not so easy to damage.

Ye Fei's action aroused Tang Ming's idea. He came over and asked, "are you competing with this madman?"

"You see, just now you easily peeled off the wall tiles, but it doesn't mean that the wall is not strong enough. You just destroyed its surface. I hit it with all my strength and destroyed the surface. It's not as easy as we thought to break through the wall."

Tang Ming wants to refute Ye Fei's words, but it's more persuasive to practice in person at this time. He also immediately launched an attack on the wall according to ye Feigang's appearance, and the effect of one punch was equivalent to that of Ye Feigang.

At this time, three damaged holes have been left on the wall. Zhang Deyi punched through the wall, while ye Fei and Tang Ming can only dent the wall by a few centimeters, but there is a huge gap between them.

The younger martial sister exclaimed, "the old grandpa is hidden. Maybe he is really an expert in the world."

Ye Fei was also surprised, but he knew whether Zhang Deyi was an expert in the world. However, he was surprised that the skill of Nanyu Xianmen could be so powerful. The only difference between him and Zhang Deyi was that the latter spent more time studying than him, which naturally made him extraordinary over the years.

But when the sunset fell on the sea, someone brought dinner on the roof. This time ye Fei and they didn't move. But after the food delivery man left, he quietly poured the food into the sea through the hole.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, several people spoke outside.

"Before the medicine effect comes up, pull up these people inside first. When they get on the ship, as soon as the medicine effect takes effect, they can sleep safely on the other side."

"I can finally send them away. I have to take care of them to eat these days. Those big fish and meat are better than myself. Are you angry?"

"You don't have to be angry. Will you be much happier if you regard them as bundles of money bags? It's a good thing to have a lot of money for your brothers after you sell them!"

Ye Fei motioned everyone to calm down and get on the ship according to these people's wishes for the time being.

Fortunately, Zhang Deyi and Luo Xiwen are normal at the moment and can cooperate with their actions, so they won't make any mistakes.

It was a small fishing boat that was used to carry them, and the bed cabin was full of fishy smell. Ye Fei and everyone pretended to sleep upside down as they had agreed before, so that those people reduced their vigilance.

"It's a pity that the little girl looks very smart. She doesn't know that she's going to dig the organ on her body this time. Cao Yidao's skill is not good. If she accidentally cuts it, the man will die directly."

"It's not that he didn't kill people. Last time, the donor was only said to cut 60% of his liver. As a result, he cut the whole piece. In the end, not only did he kill people, but the business didn't succeed. Brother you's nose was crooked."

The two men outside the cabin complained to each other, and suddenly they were silent.

Ye Fei vaguely distinguishes from the sound of continuous waves that two footsteps are approaching them. Are they making that kind of idea?