But now I want to go to the ancestral hall of Xianhuang village.

Then I'm bound to meet the Jin Jinghu gang.

Although Ye Fei's staff here are not empty, they still get into trouble.

So ye Fei discussed with Tang Ming to see if there was any way to get rid of the troublemakers first, but Tang Ming thought it was very simple.

Because he doesn't know Jin Jinghu at all.

"Among the four of us, you and the Taoist priest have a holiday with them, but brother Xiaochai and I don't, so you two just stay in the car. Let's go out and check the situation. Even if we kill those people directly, it's no big deal."

Ye Fei shouted at Tang Ming's arrogant tone.

Just want to offend him: "the golden mirror tiger is ranked in the killer list, but it's not entirely logical to think so.

Because Xianhuang township has gradually become a well-known dens for human traffickers.

The higher the popularity here, the more traffickers will come with children.

They can sell their children here at a higher price than elsewhere. Isn't this a disguised encouragement to these traffickers to abduct children?

This has not effectively curbed the behavior of child abduction and trafficking.

Instead, there is a disguised meaning of encouraging traffickers to catch more children. Ye Fei thinks things should be far from as simple as they seem!

At this time, the younger martial sister said, "listen to the child. Since he and his father knew the truth here, they have been pretending to be adult traffickers and abducted children, so that they can cheat a lot of money from others!"