Night is endless and long. With the rare cool summer, how many unknown secrets are constantly born or destroyed? No one can tell. The only thing that people dare to believe is that with the passage of time, the stars change, the sky suddenly appears, the sun gradually brightens, and it is no longer shrouded in darkness, How many people can feel some of the warmth of the world.

But sometimes, the warmth is always cut off, surrounded by buildings, green shade, and cold people

After a long time, you will feel that everything is unbelievable, but for some simple people, they are often confused by some appearances, as if there is nothing wrong with following others, It's like a kind of hearsay is taken as a fact.

"Do you know? It's all spread. It's said that our new generation of saints are not virgins. How can this be good? Isn't it true that non virgins can't accept inheritance? If she is so shameless, what can we do for the future of the Nuwa people? " A middle-aged woman who seems to have been married can't help but read.

Listening to her words, others began to take over the conversation, "well, now, it's all over the world, and I don't know how the patriarch will deal with it. I think we have to give you an account of it. The days are too hard now. If we can't have another person to light up our family, I'm afraid it's more difficult. "

"That's not necessarily true. In the ancestral era, the virgin had the same ability and power as the patriarch. But slowly, with the changes of the times, the patriarch's strength was more stable, but the inheritance of the virgin gradually declined. Although she always had the heart to support, she still couldn't do it." What this man said was what Ning bingning had done.

In fact, when Ning bingning's generation came, it was already in danger. A noble person who was hard to find would rather marry with foreigners than accept the inheritance from the saint's daughter for the sake of the whole Nuwa family. This was the resentment of many people at that time, but it was finally dispelled by the help of an daoshan.

But really no more ideas? Not necessarily, many people still have some objection to this, but because of their strength and kindness, it's hard to say it. But if now Naning bingning's daughter Anrou is like this, most of them feel that the Nuwa family can't bear it.

Although they are well protected by Ninghai and others, they still know something about the outside world. Now there are few people who know that they and others exist. However, those powerful people still care about them. Even if they don't want to, they can't deny that they can play an indispensable role in them.

It's entirely reasonable for outsiders to rush after their descendants, but it's not what they want to see. It's not impossible for them to help each other. However, this kind of unilateral demand, which can even be said to be squeezing, is completely rejected by them.

"But these things, in the final analysis, are other people's own choices. Happiness is something that we have to fight for. At that time, Lord Ning bingning's choice was not wrong. If it wasn't for her, even the catastrophe would not be able to pass safely. We can't talk about it all." Compared with the elders, the younger generation has different views.

"No, it is often taught that we must first consider our own feelings when we choose the other half, and then we are the other things. When we grow up in this environment, we are not going out to accept the edification of foreign things. What we need to do is to get rid of the dross and extract its essence." With the discussion of the elders, young people also began to express their views on this matter.

They don't fully support an Rou's approach, but they don't oppose her making her own choice. Today's young Nuwa people are more or less able to go out and feel it. It's just that the length of time and the depth of joining the world are different. Like an Rou, a person who loves deeply gives back his love, To them, it's just like the changeable clouds on the horizon, which are far away and never dare to think about.

Even though they are more open-minded than the older generation, they still remember that the clan rules clearly stipulate that they can't have an affair with outsiders.

Not every outsider can be as reliable as an daoshan, nor can they be as trustworthy as the outsiders thousands of years ago. The hurt is more than the sincerity. They are afraid and prefer not to be contaminated. At least they can have a peaceful life for themselves. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I knew it was nonsense. I knew I wouldn't let you go out to study the advanced technology and culture of the outside world. It's just outrageous to see what kind of poison you have done." An old woman who listened in for a few words suddenly turned extremely ugly and said to her children.

"I didn't ask for this on my own initiative, but after all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Look at your son, I haven't done anything special, have I?" Little boy licked his face and flattered his mother in an attempt to get forgiveness.Although there is nothing to blame for this, it is just a freedom of speech. Unfortunately, there is no such thing here. The young people's eyes are a little dim, but they have not completely lost their brightness.

They have their own insistence and belief. Even though they are eager for change and hope to have the lightness and pleasure of advancing with the times, they do not only see the good side, but also keep the negative side in mind. Therefore, they are not all as radical as Ning Yu.

But in the end, for those who are completely stubborn in thought, what these people are doing at the moment can be described as treason.

In fact, they didn't do anything, but they showed some support in language and heart. They didn't have so many complaints about Anrou's own choice. They respected Anrou's own decision more than forcing her to take the overall situation as the priority and kidnap her morally.

But after all, the arm can't twist the thigh, and the voice of a few people is buried. At the moment, the Nuwa people are almost dissatisfied with Anrou.

Even though they were not sure whether it was true or not, they had preconceived that she was repeating her mother's mistake