Mu Qingcheng naturally believes what Lu Sen said.

Just like these people are really invited by him, Mu Qingcheng will not say anything.

There will always be more people.

However, Mu Qingcheng didn't want to see these people.

Because all of them are bad.

Three men came out after the two men and women.

They're dressed a little strangely.

Unlike their modern clothes, they are more like Taoist robes, but they are different from Taoist robes.

Strange clothes, this description is a bit too much, but their dress and today's wedding people, it is a bit out of place.

Even Li Zhenggang, he is wearing a suit which is very decent.

Yes, Li Zhenggang is wearing a suit, which sounds strange.

A man appeared with a long sword, but he was wearing a suit, and even his brain pants could not make up such a picture.

When the three men appeared, they didn't know about him.

Li Zhenggang took the long sword back, looked at the three men and said, "I didn't expect that the defeated men also came."

"Li, don't be too arrogant. Even if you are the first swordsman of Zhongnanshan, sooner or later this title will be mine. "

Li Zhenggang sneered: "ten years ago, you were defeated by me. Ten years later, you still have no chance to win me. The three sons of Guigu, the skills of Guiguzi have been spread to your generation, and you haven't even learned them. "

"Li, I'll kill you now!"

"If you want to fight, I'll be with you at any time!"

Li Zhenggang didn't see the three people at all.

Ten years ago, the three men rushed to Zhongnanshan to challenge him.

At that time, Li Zhenggang didn't have such a temper as he does now.

Thirty year old Li Zhenggang, when he was the most crazy in his life, happened to be the three men who went up to Zhongnanshan to challenge and directly put them under the sword.

I didn't expect to meet them here ten years later. It's really impressive.

Li Zhenggang holding the sword, slowly to Guigu Sanzi in front.

Lu Sen frowned. If they did, today's wedding would be impossible.

"Master, even if you really want to fight, do you want me to finish the wedding ceremony first? After all, today is my big day. "

Li Zhenggang stopped.

Guigu Sanzi also stopped.

Lu Sen looked at Fan Yu and said, "brother fan, go on."

Fan Yu didn't know who these people were, but he knew that they were not good people.

Once a soldier, he can feel that there is a kind of breath in these people, it is a kind of dignified breath.

Fan Yu once heard the instructor of the army say that if a person's strength reaches a certain level, he will be domineering.

This kind of domineering, even if you don't have to go out, as long as you stand there, it gives people a feeling of not angry but powerful.

Now Fan Yu has this feeling.

However, these are not important. The most important thing is to finish Lu Sen's wedding first.

Looking at the book again, Fan Yu cleared his throat again.

He felt that no one should come to disturb him.

"Will you marry this woman? Will you love her and be loyal to her, whether she is poor, sick or disabled, until she dies? "

Lu Sen turned his head and looked at Mu Qingcheng. With a gentle smile on his face, he said slowly, "I do."

Then Fan Yu turned his head and looked at Mu Qingcheng.

Will you marry this man? Love him and be loyal to him, no matter he is poor, sick or disabled, until he dies. Would you like to

"I will!"

Mu Qingcheng said it without considering it.

"The two sides exchanged rings."

With the ring on, Fan Yu said, "now, the bridegroom can kiss the bride."

Lu Sen lowers his head and kisses Mu Qingcheng's mouth.

Among the applause, Mu Qingcheng's shyness kept pouring out, but his sense of happiness was even stronger.

I don't know how long after that, the two talents are reluctant to part.

"Wife, you go to prepare first. There are so many guests all at once. I need to greet them."Mu Qingcheng hesitated for a while and asked, "do you want to call the police?"

"It's no use for them to call the police. Besides, today is a big day. I promise I won't do it. What's more, we don't need to do anything that can be solved by mouth. "

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Pause, Mu Qingcheng added, "husband, I love you."

"I love you too, wife."


After Mu Qingcheng and others entered the hotel, Lu Sen stayed at the wedding ceremony.

After pulling his neck tie, Lu Sen said, glancing at the people present, "thank you very much for coming to my wedding today. Because it's just to be prepared to witness. It's not like being too tired to inform everyone. However, since we are here, we will go in for a few drinks later. Maybe the food doesn't always meet your taste, but if you want to drink, as long as you want to drink good wine, I'll try to let people get it. "

GUI GuZi sneered: "Lu Sen, you don't need to pretend to be enthusiastic. You know what we're here for today. "

"I don't know." Lu Sen looked innocent. "Besides, I don't even know the name. I don't think it's necessary to ask your name because the visitors are guests. But if you have to give a gift in return, I hope you will give your name

Li Zhenggang interjected: "those people are the heirs of ghost valley. The guy with the beard of two traitors is called xuhuaizi; The sissy one next to him is xuguzi, and the rat headed and thief eyed one is xuduzi. "

"Li Zhenggang, let your shit go!"

"It stinks."

Li Zhenggang made a gesture of waving his nose.

"Ghost Valley three sons, don't rush to fart. Today is a happy day for others. You come here to drink wedding wine and fart. It's very impolite. Did your grandmaster Guiguzi not teach you? "

Ghost Valley three son anger has already come up.

However, they are not in a hurry.

Because the target has not yet appeared.

Lu Sen knows that they are here today to wait for mu Lao, but he knows exactly who the two men are waiting for.

"And what do you call them?"

"You don't need to know." The woman said coldly, "when you know our names, it's your day of death."

Lu Sen laughed: "even the name dare not say out, but dare to say this kind of treacherous name."

After a pause, Lu Sen took off his suit.

Fold it carefully and put it on a flower basket beside it.

"Since you don't dare to give your names, now listen to me."

"Standing in front of you is Lu Sen who doesn't change his name or sit there. No matter which one of you wants to send me to hell today, I will send you to hell first! "