Looking at the direction of the van, Lu Sen had no idea what happened.

Anrou leaned over when he didn't want to.

Now, when he wanted to be with her, he left quietly without any sign.

Just like the last second, everyone was still joking, but the next second, she suddenly pulled out the knife.

It's hard to feel like this.

Something must have happened that he didn't know.

Returning to Anrou's house, Lu Sen looks at the tidy living room, feeling melancholy.

The air was filled with some familiar smell.

These smell, familiar with the smell of Anrou.

Everything is clean.

It's like he doesn't want to leave any clues that he can find.

Lu Sen doesn't know why Anrou left without saying goodbye.

But she left in such a way that Lu Sen felt very sad.

It is clear that the relationship between the two people has reached this point. No matter what happens, even if it is in great danger, as long as she says it, she will go through fire and water.

Don't you want to implicate him?

Lu Sen is not a person who is afraid of things.

If he was really afraid of things, he would not get himself into so much trouble.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Sen tried to guess the possibilities.

However, after thinking about many possibilities, none of them could persuade him to believe it in the end.

Sitting in Anrou's house for a long time, Lu Sen didn't notice until it was dark.


Hearing the sound of opening the door, Lu Sen was in a low mood and excited.

Is Anrou back?

Lu Sen quickly rushed to open the door, "Anrou, you come back..."


There was a scream.

It's not Anrou.

A woman is a woman, but she is a middle-aged woman.

Lu Sen didn't see her.

"Who are you?" Lu Sen asked in a deep voice.

"At night, no sky lantern, you want to scare me to death!"

The woman in the room patted her chest and turned on the light.

"I also want to ask who you are and how you came into my house."

"Your house?"

"I'm the landlord here!"

Lu Sen suddenly realized.

"My friend lives here."

The middle-aged woman stared at Lu SEN for a long time. When she saw that her appearance was not too bad, she asked, "it's a girl who rents my house. What's your relationship with her?"

"She's my girlfriend."

Middle aged women are not surprised.

"You boy, you look like this, and you find such a beautiful girlfriend. You really find treasure."

Am I ugly?

Auntie, your words are really hurting your self-esteem.

How can a young man like me not find such a good girlfriend.

Of course, it's not the right time for Lu Sen to talk to middle-aged women.

"Landlord elder sister, my girlfriend asked you to come and return the house?"


The middle-aged woman went in and glanced at the house. There was no damage.

Generally speaking, the house rented to a woman is much better preserved than the house rented to a man, as long as it is not the kind of disorderly woman.

"When did she ask you to come back?"

The middle-aged woman took a suspicious look at Lu Sen, "you are her boyfriend. When will she return the house? Don't you know?"

Lu Sen disguised: "I know that she is going to return the house today, but because my mobile phone just ran out of power, I don't know when she will inform you to come over, so I ask casually."

The middle-aged woman said, "at noon, I won't be free. I can't help it. I've been collecting rent these days. I've run up and down several buildings. I'm tired. "

Lu Sen gasped from the corner of his mouth.

Ma'am, it's just a few buildings, and then the bag is full.Think about other people, in order to pay for the room, they have to work hard.

"So you've come to collect the house now?"

"Yes, or I'll come here for nothing."

Lu Sen thought for a moment and asked: "the landlord elder sister, it's like this. My girlfriend said to return the house, because she's going back to her hometown these days. But I think it's good here. Can I continue to rent it? "

"It must be OK to rent, but because your girlfriend said that she wanted to check out at noon, I put the information out. What's more, all kinds of real estate taxes now have three taxes in one. If you want to rent, it will be more expensive in the direction of rent. "

"If it's more expensive, I'll renew it."

"OK, if you want to renew the lease, I'll sign a contract with you now. Generally speaking, it starts from half a year. How much do you want to rent? "

Lu Sen doesn't know if Anrou will come back this time without saying goodbye, but it is full of memories with her.

"A year."

He doesn't lack the rent.

Soon the contract was re signed. After Lu Sen paid the deposit and a month's rent, the landlord left.

He always wanted to move out. In this way, he rented a house outside.

Sit in the house until sunspot calls.

"Elder martial brother, we are at Jinming street. Where are you?"

"I'm still near the school."

"With Ann?"


"Big brother is big brother."

"Don't be garrulous." Lu Sen said, "you first find a place, and then send me a location. I'll be about half an hour late. "


After hanging up the phone, Lu Sen washed his face so that he didn't think so much.

No matter what hard words an Rou leaves, what he has to do now is to find out where an Rou has gone.

As long as you find her, you will know why she left without saying goodbye.

"Anrou, as long as I don't want to let you go, even if you are at the end of the world, I will find you."


Because he wanted to know what happened to the zombies mentioned by sunspot, Lu Sen still wanted to go to Jinming street to have a look.

The zombies that had appeared several times before and after, whether it was true or not, were enough to attract his attention.

Wang Zhengji is now dead, but Lu Sen learned from Bai Jin that a project he asked Foxconn employees to complete before his death was related to human regeneration genes.

It is possible that the zombies that appeared before were all related to Wang Zhengji.

Moreover, after Wang Zhengji's death, no information related to human regenerative genes was found, and no samples were found at the same time.

It is very likely that Wang Zhengji has already sent out samples and information.

If these things fall into the hands of the enemy, it will be quite detrimental to national security.

Now, there is news of zombies, and Lu Sen has to pay attention to it.

When he got to the bar street, Lu Sen called sunspot, confirmed the location, and was ready to go to their bar.


At this time, there was a scream in front.

"Dead man! There are dead people

A man and a woman ran out of the alley in panic