After confirming that Tan pinchao left, Lu Sen stopped a car and left.

Lu Sen didn't go back to school. He went to Gu Hui.

To Gu Hui's residence, Lu Sen is to confirm that there is no eye around, this just to knock on the door.

Now Gu Hui avoids being found by Wang Zhengji's people and lives in a very secret place.

His wife and children didn't come.

If even his wife and children are taken over, Wang Zhengji will soon know.

Gu Hui now works for Lu Sen after he doesn't continue to work for Wang Zhengji. And what he did, in fact, was his duty, studying all kinds of flowers and plants, and occasionally poisonous animals.

After Lu Sen entered the house, Gu Hui was studying a plant that looked like a flower.

However, Lu Sen recognized that it was not flowers, but the medicinal materials he had brought back from the secret production base in Peng Wenfu's pharmaceutical garden.

"Brother Lu, why are you so free today?" Gu Huifang stops his work and receives Lu Sen.

Gu Hui is very grateful to Lu Sen.

If it had not been for him, he would have been dead.

Although I don't know why a student knows so much, Gu Hui has learned a lesson and naturally won't ask more.

As long as you don't ask and say more, at least you have saved your life.

If it wasn't for Wang Zhengji's constant search outside, Gu Hui would have left here and gone back to live with his wife and children.

Now, he can't go back. Once he goes back, Wang Zhengji knows that he will use his wife and children to force him out.

Gu Hui made a pot of tea.

"Brother Lu, I don't have any kungfu tea here. I only drink these casual teas. I don't do much research on tea either. Now it's just used to quench thirst. "

He poured a cup and put it in front of Lu Sen, "anyway, for me, as long as I drink tea, it's the same."

Lu Sen smiled as like as two peas. The so-called kungfu tea, when it can be brewed, I will die of thirst. "

Gu Hui laughs: "you sit down first. I'll finish the rest of my work, and then I'll talk to you."

"You're going to be busy."

Lu Sen has plenty of time today.

He can stay here for a long time and go back in the evening.

Gu Hui is a workaholic.

Once he starts to work, he really doesn't care about the surrounding things. Because of this, Lu Sen was able to develop the kind of hemostatic powder that can make people stop bleeding at once.

Gu Hui has contributed a lot to all this.

If you don't have him, I'm afraid you don't have the ability to make that magic hemostatic powder.

Gu Hui said it was a little thing.

After doing this, I was busy for half an hour.

"Brother Lu, I'm sorry to leave you alone."

Lu Sen smiles: "actually, I'm here to disturb you."

Gu Hui said quickly: "brother Lu, don't say such kind of polite words. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd be a dead man now. How could I talk to you so easily as now?"

Gu Hui poured a cup of tea for Lu Sen again.

Although it's a little bit too much, for Gu Hui, it's only now that he can drink more.

Just a few mouthfuls, and the thirst was solved.

Putting the cup down, Gu Hui asked, "brother Lu, come here. You should tell me something urgent?"

Lu Sen also put the cup aside, sat up straight, the smile on his face slowly converged.

Gu Hui knows that Lu Sen is the one who goes to the three treasures hall for everything. This time he comes here, he should say something very important.

"Brother Lu, is there something important?" Gu Hui had some worries in his eyes. "Did Wang Zhengji find this place?"

"I don't know that."


Gu Hui was a little embarrassed.

"In fact, I came to see you today about Wang Zhengji." Lu Sen looked at Gu Hui, "I want to ask, do you know foxin?"

Gu Hui was a little stunned and blurted out, "don't you know that foxin is spapp?"Lu Sen said with a bitter smile: "I didn't know before. You all know that. "

"Of course."

Gu Hui works under Wang Zhengji, and Wang Zhengji is an important member of the subap group. He is sure to get to know him a little bit.

However, as for the relationship between foxin and spapp, Lu Sen did not know and was not surprised.

Not only him, but also many people may not know.

After all, foxin and sparp almost never claimed to be the same company.

If it wasn't for Wang Zhengji, Gu Hui didn't know the relationship between the two.

"Brother Lu, what's the matter with you

"Just want to know." Lu said, "since you know that the two companies are the same company, you should know that Foxconn mainly works at home, while sparp works abroad. How much do you know about the history of foxin? "

Gu Hui thought about it and said, "I don't know much. However, I listened to ye Lezhong before... "

At the mention of this name, Gu Hui's expression was dim.

Lu Sen knows in his heart that Gu Hui has worked with ye Lezhong for such a long time. He will feel sad when he dies now.

"Ye lechong once said that the reason why foxin is so famous today is because of an experiment 20 years ago."

"What experiment?"

"It's like an experiment with photonegative nuclei."

Lu Sen didn't understand.

Gu Hui explained: "in fact, the so-called photo negative nuclear ion was originally proposed by one of FOK Hsin's members. The use of nuclear energy experiments, hoping to experiment with energy that can exceed the speed of light. But as you know, if you are not afraid of nuclear energy, many people will die. "

After a pause, Gu Hui seemed to think of something in his mind. After a moment, he continued: "if this photo negative nuclear ion can really be studied, it must be a great contribution."

"But it didn't work out in the end."

"Yes." Gu Hui nodded, "if we can really study it, I'm afraid it's not like this now. But twenty years ago, this experiment was very advanced. Although they failed, it is because the theory of FOK Hsin is tenable, which paves a way for them to succeed in the future. "

Lu Sen said sarcastically, "do you know that they have also killed many people because of this experiment?"

Gu Hui was stunned for a few seconds.


Gu Hui seemed to think of something. "I heard ye lechong say that at that time, the scientific research personnel of fokko Xin carried out an experiment in a village called fengdushan 20 years ago, and later the experiment failed, resulting in the death of all the people in that village. It's just that I checked it later. There's no news on the Internet. I don't believe it. "

Lu Sen sighed, "it's true."