After hearing what Lu Sen said, I think it makes sense.

This is not a residential area.

But at least ten famous cars and luxury cars have been parked.

Even if there are a few rich people nearby, but more than a dozen cars are still parked outside. Even if they are not afraid of being exposed to the wind and rain, they are also afraid that bear children will suddenly run out.

A key, straight through.

Luxury cars cost hundreds of thousands.

"And where is their casino?" He asked.

"Chess - under the card room."

"Have you been here?"

"I've come to find out before, but I still need to pull you here."

"I don't have your gambling skills."

Lu Sen patted Shui Shui on the shoulder and said, "we'll come here tonight, no gambling. We just came to say hello and let the boss know. We came to settle with her. "

"But this is someone else's territory."

"A lot of times, we always have to go straight to the Yellow Dragon. If you don't go into the tiger's den, you'll get the tiger's son. You should understand that, too. "

Two people did not speak, but directly into the chess - card room.

Because it's only more than six o'clock now, there are not many people who come to play chess and cards at dinner time, only three or two mahjong tables are open.

The winner looks up at the clock on the wall from time to time to see if the time is up; And the loser, mouth cursing, voice is very big, and mahjong also hard knock down.

If every loser has such a bad temper, I'm afraid mahjong will change every two days.

"Do you want two rounds?" Lu Sen asked.

Shui Shui shook his head, then said awkwardly: "I don't know how to play mahjong..."

Lu Sen turns his head and stares at Shui Shui, as if doubting what he said. But when I saw the expression of water, I didn't doubt it any more.

Nowadays, there are not many people who don't know how to play mahjong.

Almost every family has a mahjong table. If you are influenced by it, you will learn it. Even if they are not proficient, they at least know how to play a little bit.

But I really can't fight at all.

My family has been doing hardware business. Even if I didn't need help when I was a child, I couldn't learn mahjong.

When I grow up, I have to help at home every new year and holiday.

As for the side, no one calls him to play mahjong every day, and he has no interest in gambling, so he will not play mahjong.

"Or you can play..." said Shuishui.

"Forget it, let's go inside."

As soon as Lu Sen stepped in, two men stopped them.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Sen made a look inside: "come here, you really think it's playing mahjong outside."

One of the youths looked at Lu Sen and said, "haven't you been here before?"

"I didn't know there was such a place before. I just heard that there was a gambling company here. As for hand addiction, come and have a look."

Without waiting for the young man to reply, Lu Sen took out his wallet and said, "well, I've just got my pocket money for a week, and I'm going to come and play with it. Since it's not welcome, let's go somewhere else. "

Lu Sen opened his wallet on purpose. The young man took a look. It was full of red money.

Although I don't know how much it is, it's at least 20000 yuan.

It's just a week's allowance. Is it possible that this boy is a rich second generation. But they didn't dress like each other.

Hesitating for a moment, the young man still let Lu Sen and Shui Shui go on.

They operate casinos. They don't know how many people go in and out every day. Not everyone's identity will be investigated. However, they are not very worried.

If anyone dares to play tricks in it, I'm afraid he can't get out of this chess and card room.

Follow a young man down from above.

It's obviously the first floor above, but there is a basement below.

If it wasn't for his own eyes, he didn't believe what Lu Sen said before.

The chess room outside is not very big, but the casino below covers an area as big as two chess rooms.

After taking Lu Sen down, the young man said something to a man wearing a collar. Then the man came to Lu Sen."It's your first time to play. What do you want to play?"

Lu Sen looked at the man in front of him, with two beards on his mouth. He was about 40 years old. Keep the hairstyles of Hong Kong films made in the 1960s and 1970s.

Lu Sen glanced around and said, "what's so interesting here?"

Hu Zi Nan said with a smile: "as long as you want to play, you can play anything."

Lu Sen took a look. Compared with the situation that there were only a few mahjong tables outside, it was very popular here. It seems that the mahjong table outside is just a cover up. Everyone has come down here.

But no wonder mahjong won't win much if it's not big.

It's different in casinos.

Lu Sen looked around and said, "I'll look around and play when I see the right one. Anyway, it's all pocket money. If I can win, I can spend more next week. If you lose, ask my dad again

After listening to Hu, he just said "have a good time" and left.

Lu Sen walked around, but he didn't change his chips.

I didn't plan to come here to gamble. I just want to know something about the situation here. If he can meet Tan pinchao here, he can confirm whether he has cooperated with the female boss.

In my heart, Lu Sen still doesn't want to contact Tan pinchao for the time being.

Because the Holy Grail is not over.

You know, Tan pinchao is known as a gifted doctor. It would be even more exciting to be able to bring this talented doctor down.

Therefore, Lu Sen is not in a hurry to meet Tan pinchao at this place.

He came here tonight just to give the boss a signal.

Pay off debts.

1.5 It's not a small number.

If we can't find her, we won't talk about the new casino. If we find her again, how can we miss the opportunity to collect debts. You know, never want to owe him money, when he wants to collect debt, can default.

Although he did not participate in gambling, Lu Sen still found that there are several rich second generation in it. Presumably, those luxury cars outside are all those of the rich second generation.

After all, if the female boss invited, presumably not many rich second generation can resist the charm of female boss. Even in order to win the attention of the beauty, they are willing to come here to gamble.

"Let's go." Lu Sen said.

"That's it?" I'm confused.

They just came to have a look around, as if they just looked at it, but they didn't come to collect the debt at all.

"If we don't leave again, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to leave." Lu Sen had a smile on his face. "If you want to try your real dragon boxing, you can stay. But I have another appointment later. If you want to try the heat, try it yourself. "

Aquatic nature will not leave industry.

See Lu Sen leave, also follow to leave.

But I still feel confused in my heart. I just come here for a turn. It doesn't seem to be of any use.

However, he couldn't figure out what Lu Sen was thinking, so he left the casino with curiosity