Out of the club, they stood at the door.

Su Ming didn't follow.

He's still trying to get the crayfish back.

The red tide on Su Yu's face has faded slowly, but she is still a little shy in her heart. Turning his head, he saw that Lu Sen was looking to the side of the road, like blocking a car.


Su Yu shouts, but Lu Sen doesn't respond.


As his voice rose, Lu Sen turned his head and asked, "call me."

Su Yu's eyes stare: "it's not you. Is there anyone else here?"

"I have a name."

Su language is adamant, tiny sullen way: "I want to call you to feed not to be able to."

Lu Sen shrugged: "well, as long as you like, whatever you like. As long as you don't bark too hard, like cats and dogs, you don't have to

Su language is not so naive.

"You just kissed me. Shouldn't you say something?" Su Yu asked.

"What do you want me to say?"

Su Yu is an irritable woman, but Lu Sen just kisses her. It's her first kiss, but she pretends to be indifferent. Any woman will be upset.

"How can you do that?" Su Yuwei said, "can't you say something nice?"

Lu Sen chuckled: "how about this? Let's wait and open a room? While we are still a little enthusiastic, if we open a house, it must be the dry firewood meeting the fire and burning

"You --"

Su Yu can't help but slap her.

However, this slap did not fall on Lu Sen, but let him hold it.

"Well, I'll make a joke with you."

Su Yu pulled back her hand and said angrily, "how can this kind of thing be a joke? You know, men must think it doesn't matter at all, but how many women are suddenly kissed, and the other party seems to have nothing to do with it. It's so sad."

"Then you can be my girlfriend."

"Your attitude is too perfunctory. I won't agree!"

Seeing an empty taxi coming, Su Yu reaches out to stop it.

After Su Yu sat in, Lu Sen was ready to follow him, but the door slammed.

"Well, I haven't got in yet."

Su Yu said angrily, "walk back by yourself! Driver, please drive

After the car left, Lu Sen grinned bitterly.

Well, he offended Su Yu. Well, there's a reason for her anger.

However, Su language has a particularly good advantage, that is, Qi comes and goes quickly. Perhaps, when she returned to the clinic, she would follow her and let her vent a few words, and then it would not be the same thing.

It's just that I kiss her tonight. It's a little different. I don't know how many days this anger can last.

Lu Sen decided that it would be better not to go to the clinic these days, so as not to really annoy this female tiger. This is not worth the loss.

You know, usually do not want to eat at school, you can also come here to rub a meal.

In this way, even food costs are saved.

If Su Yu is angry and doesn't let him eat, it's a big loss.

This point is still early. The banquet held by Zhang Ronghuan is still going on.

However, Zhang Ronghuan's main purpose tonight is for the sake of the Su language.

Well, Su Yu left soon after she arrived. Zhang Ronghuan couldn't finish the banquet immediately, so she had to stay to entertain the guests.

Most of the guests here tonight are clients. If we offend them all, he can't stay as the general manager for long.

Lu Sen is going to go back to eat. After all, he knows that he's coming to dinner tonight, but he gives up eating roast goose.

Now, I haven't had a big meal. I can only go back to school and eat instant noodles.


After eating a instant noodle, there is a salivating smell in the dormitory.

The sunspot came back from the outside with a full face.

"Eh, it's so fragrant. Elder martial brother, you can eat noodles."

Lu Sen hid on the bed and flipped through a Book of life and death in Tibet. It was not a book about medicine, nor did he buy it. Instead, he took one from the head of the bed.It's good to turn two pages occasionally.

After hearing sunspot's words, he put down his book and said, "no food to eat, where are you so smart? This is going to have a big meal again?"

"Please." Sunspot belched, "I knew you didn't eat, so I told you to go there together."

"I'm not going to disturb your candlelight dinner."

The sunspot scratched the back of his head. "Where is a candlelight dinner, it's just a casual meal."

Lu Sen looked at the time. It was only nine o'clock. It was too early to go to bed, but he had nothing to do in the dormitory. I'm going to find Zhao jing'er. After thinking about it, even if I call her out, I can't say anything sweet for too long. I have to give up.

"Elder martial brother, have you found out about the photos?" Sunspot climbed to the upper bed, leaned down and asked.

"Not yet."

"The other party didn't contact you again?"

"So it's a strange thing." The bald man has been asked to check. However, a few days later, the bald man hasn't called yet. I don't know if the guy is careless about it.

However, if he doesn't care, Lu Sen has many ways to make him care.

"It's better that he doesn't go online." Sunspot worried, "if you put it on the Internet, the news that Xu is with you will be known to everyone. At that time, I'm afraid you'll be killed, but you can't be quiet. "

"I'm sure I'm not afraid. If I really have that ability, I'll let them be human." Lu Sen sat up straight and closed the book of life and death in Tibet and put it aside. "Anyway, he didn't put it on the Internet, which means he wanted to steal some money. It's better that he doesn't have this idea, otherwise I'll let him understand what the consequences will be if he wants to get money from me. "

Sunspot said: "elder martial brother, although it's good to be able to catch big stars, you have to pay attention to it. Don't put in too much feeling. You know, the actors are merciless. Don't run out of money and people. "

Lu Sen shrugged: "your elder brother is handsome, but he has one shortcoming, that is, he has no money. Whoever tries to steal money from me is in vain. "

Sunspot looked down on him, but he had been in the same dormitory for more than a year. In addition, Lu Sen's temperament changed greatly after he was hit by a car. He was used to saying that he was handsome from time to time.

Moreover, even if despised, for Lu Sen, it is no use.

As he was about to lie down in bed, he thought of something and asked, "elder martial brother, I've learned a lot about your big wave days, but I feel like I can't exert a little power. Elder martial brother, did you let your master cheat you? "

"My master won't cheat me. As for your bad weather, it's not a matter of moves. It's a matter of your attitude." Lu Sen's performance of sunspots will not be forced now.

Some people are born to eat this kind of food; But more people, no matter how hard they try, still can't reach the height of others