"Stop them!"

Peng Wenfu commands his men to stop Lu Sen and Jiang Wanzhu.

Peng Wenfu said angrily: "boy, if you make me lose face tonight, I will let you know what will happen if you offend me!"

Lu Sen said: "Peng Wenfu, as long as it's your reason. If you don't mean to shake hands secretly, you can have a chat. By the way, didn't you tell that woman to seduce me and then try to embarrass me? Remember, next time you say something like this, find a room and close the door. "

At last, Peng Wenfu couldn't bear it.

"Take this boy down for me, break his legs, and the woman, grab him and bring him to my room."

Leaving this sentence behind, Peng Wenfu turned and left.

Several of his men rushed over.




After three screams, all of them flew to Peng Wenfu.

When Peng Wenfu heard the scream, he looked back and saw three bodies falling down. His face turned white. He wanted to dodge, but he was still slow.

Three people, all on him.

Peng Wenfu is walking to the stairs. If he is under the pressure, we can imagine what the consequences will be.

"My waist

Peng Wenfu called.

Lu Sen went over and said in a low voice, "Peng Shao, what's wrong with your waist?"

"It's broken."

"Just break it."

Lu Sen squatted down and pressed Peng Wenfu.

"Ah, stop it. It's killing me."

Hearing the scream of Peng Wenfu, Lu Sen was excited.

"I don't care who you are, but you shouldn't provoke me." Lu Sen said coldly, "if you want to have a birthday party, why do you have to have a purpose. You want my girlfriend's idea? Don't dig the corner so obviously. I warn you, this time it's a broken waist, next time it's a straight JJ. "

Leaving these words behind, Lu Sen did not pay attention to Peng Wenfu and others, and left with Jiang Wanzhu.

After getting on the bus, Jiang Wanzhu hesitated and asked, "is it really OK to break that guy's waist?"

"Why don't you go back and have a look?"

"I'm not going back. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether the guy in Peng Wenfu lives or dies. "

Jiang Wanzhu said slightly sullenly, "Peng Wenfu, who always pretends to be a gentleman in front of me, finally shows his true face tonight."

"Of course, as long as you bring a handsome boyfriend like me, he is jealous and doesn't want to show his true face."

"Cut --" Jiang Wanzhu was contemptuous for a while. "Just like you, you are handsome. I don't think you are handsome at all. Besides, you've cheated so much money tonight that you have to pay it all. "

"You think too much." How could Lu Sen give away the money? "I earned it by using medical skills. Besides, I'm not cheating. They are really sick. Otherwise, how could there be so many people who didn't even attend the birthday party and lined up for me to diagnose. "

After grinning twice, Lu Sen continued, "if there is such a good thing next time, you must take me with you. I find that it's much faster to make money. Fifty for one, five hundred for ten. As long as I knew, I should have said that 100 yuan for minor illness and 200 yuan for moderate illness can at least double the income. I have no experience this time. I will charge for it next time. "


"I'm going to help the world."

"I don't care about you." Jiang Wanzhu fastened his seat belt, started the car, and then said, "Peng Wenfu's background is still a little fierce. If you provoke him, pay attention to yourself. I know you're good at it, but sometimes it's easier to hide a gun than to take a back shot. "

Lu Sen didn't speak. Looking forward, he saw a young man wearing jeans, with his hands in his pants pocket, carrying a backpack and earphones, listening to music and crossing the road.

"You go back first, I suddenly think that I have something to look around."

"What else do you have... So late..."

But without waiting for Lu Sen to answer, he had opened the door and got off, and soon crossed the road.

"This guy..."

Jiang Wanzhu really can't understand Lu Sen. sometimes he is so angry that he wants to vomit blood, but if there's something wrong, he will think of him for the first time.Obviously, he is not a reliable guy, but when he is reliable, he makes people rely too much on him.

Patting her cheek, Jiang Wanzhu didn't think too much and drove away.

After crossing the road, Lu Sen followed the young man with his ears plugged.

Until the young man after the turn, he catch up, but did not see anyone.

It's over ten now.

Although it's a famous club, it's usually a place where rich people come. They drive more cars than ordinary people.

Moreover, this is not the main work area, let alone the rental area. If it is a big street, there are not many people walking at this point.

Lu Sen looked forward and saw no one.

"I didn't expect it to flash very fast."

"I didn't flash."

Lu Sen looked back and saw a white light passing by.

Lu Sen stepped back to avoid the young man's attack.


The young man was slightly surprised, but the knife in his hand did not stop, one by one, faster than before.

Lu Sen didn't fight back. He kept avoiding.

After more than ten strokes, the young man took back the knife and stood in the same place.

"Who are you and why are you following me?"

Lu Sen looked at the young man and said, "I just think you are a little suspicious."

"I'm suspicious?" Young people seem to hear a huge joke, "what's suspicious about me? Is it suspicious to walk alone in the street at night? Also, you question me suspiciously. Are you a policeman. If it's a policeman, please show me your identification. "

"I'm not a policeman. But I have every reason to believe that the backpack you are carrying behind you contains a time bomb. And your goal now is to blow up the bank in front of you. "

Lu Sen looked at the young man. "Yes, you are going to blow up the bank, not the ATM."

The young man's expression sank down. He held the knife tightly in his hand and said coldly, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I can tell you that if you go to blow up a bank with a bomb on your back, you won't have a chance to escape."

The young man snorted coldly, "since I choose to use the bomb, then I have a chance to escape."

"From the underground tunnel that took a month to dig?"

The young man finally got serious.

"Who the hell are you?"

The knife in his hand made a gesture of preparing to attack again. As long as Lu Sen didn't answer his question, don't blame him for being impolite