shame on you.

Lu Sen made such an expression to Su Ming.

"Hey, boy, if you don't say it, now I have the right to terminate your internship here."

Lu Sen shrugged: "Uncle Ming, there is only one clinic in this street at present. If you get rid of me, I'll open a clinic on the street tomorrow. You know, that geographical location is always better than here. Li zaishan's clinic is there and has taken away many patients. "

Lu Sen showed a sly smile, "Uncle Ming, with my medical skills, I can completely shut down your clinic."

Su Ming stopped talking immediately.

Lu Sen, this is not a bluff.

If Lu Sen really stands on his own, his clinic will be shut down.

Thinking of this, Su Ming immediately grinned, showed his yellow teeth and said, "Lu Sen, I was just joking with you just now. What's the impact of having dinner with a woman? "

"Uncle Ming, you just said that if I go to dinner with all kinds of women, it will affect the quality of Medicine..."

"You're serious about that." Su Ming said with a smile, "Uncle Ming sometimes doesn't speak very well. You don't just eat. You just contact all kinds of women and understand their temperament. Only in this way can you have a better diagnosis when you meet female patients."


Su Ming said that. Lu Sen must give him a step down.

"Uncle Ming really understands. I know that I am sacrificing for the future of the clinic. It's easier for male patients, but even if female patients come to see a doctor, they can't diagnose what they think. More contact, then we can play a better therapeutic effect

"That's right."

Anyway, this face is lost. Su Ming simply doesn't want it.

"You see Uncle Ming, I go to the streets and the square every day just to know more about patients. There are some patients who obviously have hidden diseases, but they are taboo doctors. I have to enlighten them more. Well, it's hard for us to work. My daughter just doesn't understand. "

Lu Sen echoed with a sigh, "Su Yu will understand your good intentions in the future."

"Go away!"

I don't know when Su Yu, who is already standing at the door, shouts at them.

"You two are not ashamed of yourself. One is to pick up girls and the other is to be lazy. You just say that you are so great."

Su Yu heard their conversation and was so angry that he vomited blood.

Su Ming said: "girl, I have just understood for you that Lu Sen is not a girl. He does that to treat people's diseases. Such a responsible person, I think he is good. If you cultivate more feelings, it's not too late to get married even if you're pregnant. "

Su language clenched her teeth.


Lu Sen pulled rasumin and motioned him to stop talking.

Su language is going to be furious. If we continue to talk about it, the consequences will be very serious.

Once Su Yu gets angry, they won't have dinner tonight.

Because Su language doesn't cook.

Su Ming used to eat by himself, and most of the time he cooked by himself, but I'm afraid that his cooking skills, even the dog did not eat, thanks to his careful eating.

As for Lu Sen, it's hard for him to cook. However, how can angry Su Yu allow him to stay in the clinic.

Su Ming also immediately held the meeting and immediately turned around the topic and said, "ah, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to send medicine to sister Lin on West Street. Fortunately, if you forget to send it, it will be a bad thing. "

With that, Su Ming immediately ran out and didn't take the medicine at all.

Seeing Su Yu's eyes, Lu Sen said, "Uncle Ming, he didn't even take the medicine. I'll call him back."

With that, he ran away.

Su Yu was the only one left, stamping with anger.

"You two, no dinner tonight!"


Although Lu Sen has dropped out of Mingyi star, he still pays attention to the result of the game every Friday.

With the end of the last day of the game, the final ranking, there is no big fluctuation.

The first place was won by Anrou without accident.

Second, Wan Yunjing also included it.

Originally, if Lu Sen didn't withdraw from the competition, it was unknown whether Wan Yunjing or Lu Sen would take the second place. Moreover, we all think that if Lu Sen were there, maybe the first place would not be Anrou.However, hypothetical things have never been able to start all over again.

For Lu Sen's sudden withdrawal, there are all kinds of speculation on the Internet.

Some people think that he is angry with Li Shuangqiang and Yuan zonghuan in every show, so they both put pressure on the program team to let him be eliminated.

Avoid being eliminated, feel a little humiliated, simply withdraw from the competition.

But some people say that Lu Sen can't afford to lose.

Some people say that Lu Sen has been hired by a top three hospital in advance, so there is no need for him to continue the competition.

There are various versions.

As a party, Lu Sen can't ignore the topic of online discussion.

In any case, the first "star of Ming medicine" came to an end.

From the beginning, it was a program that was not appreciated by people, to the end, the ratings successfully exceeded the national ratings that night, which was a miracle.

Because of the "star of Mingyi", Xu Wei has become a hot host since she was a newcomer.

After she became famous all of a sudden, several well-known radio stations have extended olive branch to her.

As for the top ten contestants in China, except for the top three, all the others entered good hospitals.

Lu Sen was also invited by a hospital, but he refused directly.

He doesn't want to work in a hospital for the time being.

Although he doesn't want to go to the hospital to work, he always pays attention to the "holy doctor's Cup" one month later.

He wants to participate.

However, he is not eligible to participate.

With a sigh in his heart, Lu Sen threw a copy of Huangdi Neijing to the head of the bed and lay down.

As soon as he closed his eyes, the sunspot came in.

"Big elder martial brother, big elder martial brother, wake up, master has been taken away..."

Lu Sen sat up and rolled his eyes: "master has been taken away. What the hell is this... Do you think it's summer vacation and the time to release journey to the west?"

After several breaths of relief, the sunspot said, "elder martial brother, I'm looking for director Li."

"Which director Li?"

"Who else is director Li? There is only one director Li in the whole MINGTING University."

Lu Sen thought about it and immediately knew which director Li was.

Li Manfu, director of the Department of politics and education.

This guy is not a teacher like other teachers.

He's just a spitter.

As if the whole life is not smooth, as long as a student let him look bad, but he even each other's eighteen generations of ancestors.

However, such a guy, he spray so fierce, but no one dares to complain.

Those who complained about it did not take long to either transfer or drop out.

Sunspot stares at Lu Sen and asks: "elder martial brother, did you provoke Li Zanzi? Why did he come to you suddenly?"