Nakajima just ignores hiko and forces hiko to stay. The relationship between father and daughter will be challenged, but it's not safe for hiko to stay alone. Now his plan is not complete. It's a kind of adventure for hiko or Huajian to appear outside.

"Zhizi, you should be very clear. I just don't want you to take risks."

Hard can't, of course, can only come soft, but Zhizi didn't even look back, but still stopped, "I spent so much time, recruited so many people, just to wait for today to see you destroy my place of birth?"

Nakajima is choked and speechless. There are some things he can't decide. However, what Zhizi said is right. Her daughter is trying so hard to prevent other accidents today. She doesn't come to watch him destroy her country's economy.

"I have no choice for you. I hope you understand."

Nakajima closed his eyes. He didn't care. But if he was a big Nakajima family, he needed to support himself. Nakajima grew up today with the help of others. What he got, he had to lose, so he had no choice.

"I can't understand it. I'm sorry. Zhizi tried his best today."

Zhizi turns around and salutes the officials, then turns around and goes out the door.

Looking at Zhizi opening the door, Nakajima waved, "cold blooded, you go to look at Zhizi, don't let him have an accident."

The cold-blooded frown, hesitated for a while, at this time to leave, the most important information is difficult to determine, but do not leave will make people suspicious, or leave first, "I know."

Cold blooded, he quickly chased Zhizi. Looking at Zhizi leaving, Nakajima sighed, "don't blame me. Today's Nakajima is different from before. When I struggle in my official career, I understand that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

"When I was down, you turned a blind eye. Today I'm standing here. You're up to me to live and die. You don't have to be polite to me or flatter me. I won't kill you. I want you to understand that in this world, you're not in my eyes."

Nakajima's words are full of extreme conceit. This conceit comes from his self-confidence. His self-confidence is that he can use everything and even challenge other countries, not just his country.


Just closed the door was violently kicked open, cangyue with Jinhua Group of people appear here, when see Jinhua Group of people appear, Nakajima just still invincible expression, instant solidification.

"Cangyue, what do you want?"

Cangyue's vision swept over the people present, and finally fell on the prince, "the prince took such a big risk, is it worth it?"

The prince calmly looked at the moon, "I knew that you would come to save me."

"Cangyue, do you want to fight me?"

Hearing the dialogue between the prince and cangyue, Nakajima's face sank and her tone became stern. You should know that cangyue's intervention will directly challenge the strength of Nakajima family. The strength of Jinhua Group is not inferior or even stronger than that of Nakajima family. It's just that there is no direct conflict of interest between a politician and a powerful organization, So cangyue will be polite to the Nakajima family.

Now cangyue and the prince are on the line, which shows that the Jinhua Group has been involved in politics, so Nakajima has no bottom in mind, and the Jinhua Group may fall to the royal family at any time.

Cangyue chuckled and slowly went up to the middle of the hall. Her eyes fell on Nakajima. "Although the royal family's power has been elevated, they have been working hard to protect the country. In the last economic crisis, the royal family suspected that someone had manipulated all this, which led to the loss of more than three million jobs, so the royal family came to me, Let me help you find out. "

"Finally, I found a mysterious organization. The organization code name is gong."

"The palace organization is very complicated and very careful. I destroyed nearly ten strongholds of the palace organization, but I never got any information about higher-level people. Finally, I chose to check our own people, who can manipulate the financial crisis. They must occupy a seat in the cabinet of our country, and I found that Nakajima's official career is prosperous, Along the way, the Nakajima family has become more and more powerful. Its power can be cultivated, but where does the money come from? That's what I've been looking for. "

"Although I don't have 100% evidence to identify Nakajima as a member of the palace organization, I can be sure that there is a strong connection between Nakajima and the palace organization, because I found that the Nakajima family has a large amount of money from unknown sources, which is the capital of the Nakajima family to cultivate its power."

"The prince talked to me before he came to the Nakajima family. I suggested that the prince should not take risks. However, the prince believed in the Nakajima family, so he came and came with his sincerity. But the prince also acted as a backhand, that is, all the members of my Jinhua Group came to the scene secretly, ready to help at any time."

Cangyue's strength is so strong that she doesn't need to hide anything. She directly shows all the members of the Jinhua Group. Cangyue is confident that she will be invincible in the Nakajima family.

"Even though I did everything, I still didn't guess what Nakajima was going to do. The economy has begun to collapse and it's all too late." The prince sighed. The prince is a very smart man. However, he is still too young to think that Nakajima's hand will be so fierce that he will directly cut off the country's economic lifeline“ Ha ha... "Nakajima looked up at the sky and laughed. He pointed to the prince angrily and roared," you do everything. Do you know how long we have prepared for today? We did everything possible, but we miscalculated that you would come. What's more, we miscalculated that you have been acting like a fool. "“ General minefield, you're not going to do it yet. " Nakajima can't help it any more. Now he needs to take advantage of the strength of Nakajima family. Even if he can fight against the Jinhua Group, the result will not be very good. So at this time, he needs to take advantage of the strength of others. As a general, minefield has a lot of troops in his hand. As long as minefield moves, let alone the Jinhua Group, it is the whole royal family. So what? Minefield snorted and looked at Nakajima. "It's a matter of mourning and betraying our country. Minefield won't do it." Minefield's words are very dignified, so that a public nod praise, even the prince has a thumbs up, "minefield general is really right and wrong." Nakajima stamped his feet. "Well, minefield, you forced me. Don't think I don't know what you did. You dominate the whole underground human flesh market. Nearly 100000 people disappear every year. You are the biggest executioner behind it."“ If Nakajima is a traitor, then you are the biggest nightmare in the country. " Nakajima jumped out of the wall in a hurry. Minefield didn't want to help him, so he directly lifted the bottom of minefield. Minefield's face was terrible. Nakajima, a bastard, even if he was going to die, dragged his minefield into the water. It's really hateful.