Xu Haotian rolled his eyes and didn't want to answer Wu Yan's words. None of the mothers had the consciousness of being a mother.

"Come and listen to the rainbow train."

"Rainbow train."


After Xu Haotian confirmed, the music of the rainbow train began to ring.

"It seems that this car has nothing special except automatic driving."

Feeling the car, Wu Yan studied it for a long time and found that there was no special function except automatic driving. As for voice wake-up, it was not a high-end technology.

"It's a car like robot. Don't look down on it."

Xu Haotian is quite clear that the sequel of the castrated version of the freedom robot has not been cut off except for the function of intelligent driving. Many other intelligences have been cut off, so the freedom is an ordinary self driving car.

When the Guobin Hotel arrived, the car automatically drove into the parking lot, and then looked for a parking space. This scene made Wu Yan's eyes bright. The self driving car can't do that.

Obviously, there is nothing special about the parking lot of Guobin hotel. It's not like a car driven by itself in country A. although it can automatically find parking spaces, it's necessary to refit the parking spaces and have sensors to accurately park them. However, liberty doesn't need these supporting facilities.

There is no difference between intelligence and automation. Now a small detail shows the difference between the two. The intelligence of freedom, like a human, has a pair of eyes to judge by, while autonomous driving depends more on various sensors.

"Great, great."

Wu Yan is also engaged in scientific research. Of course, she knows that the gap is very small, but it is very different because the technical level is different.

In short, the hammer made of iron and the hammer made of carbonized steel are obviously not of the same level. Although they are used to drive nails, the effect is the same, but the inside is completely different.

Xu Haotian asked for a private room and took everyone to the private room for dinner. This time, there were too many protagonists. The main thing was to entertain the experts and professors who operated on Xiao's mother, so they were all protagonists.

During the boring dinner, Professor Qin stared at Wu Yan. She had seen Wu Yan several times recently, but she was not familiar with her. This time, she had the opportunity to sit together and chatted curiously, "you are July 19, haven't seen you before."

"Oh, I've just returned to China. Now I'm helping to solve a difficult problem on July 19. After a while, I still want to fly back abroad."

Wu Yan explained her reason.

Xu Haotian introduced himself, "Professor Qin, director of the 928 Institute of Neurology."

"This is my mother, Wu Yan."

Xu Haotian introduces Wu Yan with a smile. All eyes fall on Wu Yan. Professor Qin obviously didn't expect that Wu Yan would be Xu Haotian's mother“ Professor Wu is blessed to have such a good son. "


Wu Yanke set up, Professor Qin nodded slightly, "this is not flattering words, Xiao Xu, is also the secret service people, we are not outsiders, just say a private word, we secret service, how many people's descendants, can catch up with their parents' achievements?"

"If they're all like my son, there's no hope for the country."

Professor Qin shakes his head and sighs. She is very powerful, but his son can't. Professor Qin sometimes doubts whether he has the wrong child. His parents have such excellent genes that how can he give birth to a son who doesn't grow up.

"Ah, Professor Qin, you can't say that. Isn't Professor Zhou's daughter studying abroad now? It's also one of the best famous universities. After graduation, I'm afraid her achievements will not be much worse than Professor Zhou."

Professor Zhou smiles and mentions his daughter with a red face. It's true that all the people sitting here have excellent genes. As the top talents in the national industry, he is not much better than others. After all, everyone's field is different.

However, compared with the younger generation, his daughter definitely gave him a long face. Although all the people present were scientific research maniacs, their family generally suffered from one headache and two headaches. They put their energy into scientific research, and their children's discipline was much less concerned.

Almost all of them are in the state of semi stocking, which leads to the fact that when the children grow up, let alone become masters, most of them are worried together, so having a promising child is enough to make everyone envious.

"My daughter's family is easy to support. No boy is naughty. Don't hold her high." Professor Zhou said politely, but his pride could not be covered up.

"It has nothing to do with boys and girls. Look at Professor Wu. His son is not so good. It's a matter of style. I think we should learn more from Professor Wu."

Professor Qin has a hard time in his heart, but it's hard to say. So he ignores Professor Zhou and asks Wu Yan for the truth to see how to teach his children.

Xu Haotian and Xiao Qian look at each other and see how a good meal has turned into a better one than a child. However, seeing several high-level intellectuals chatting happily, Xu Haotian simply doesn't listen to the things outside the window. He looks like it's none of his business, and he is eating.

"I don't have any experience. When I was a child, I didn't have much time to take care of him. Until college, he took care of himself. Before college, I really couldn't see that he was better than others." Wu Yan is afraid of trouble, so to tell the truth, Xu Haotian arrived at the University. Xu Haotian is not obviously better than others, and his grades are better than those of the middle class, which can be regarded as excellent. Xu Haotian's change has to start from Xu Haotian's first return to China. However, Wu Yan doesn't know exactly what Xu Haotian has experienced. She only knows that Xu Haotian's whole life has changed since then. So now Professor Qin wants to talk to Wu Yan for some experience. Wu Yangen has no experience to share. Everyone is engaged in scientific research. The situation at home is almost the same. Most of the time he devotes to his work. How can he have so much spare time to take care of his children“ Oh, Professor Wu, you are not right. If your son is excellent, he is excellent. He should be excellent. " Professor Zhou fanned the wind and ignited the fire. If the children were not promising before college, they were doomed to be hopeless. They all went to college and couldn't catch up with each other. Isn't Wu Yan fooling people. Wu Yan frowned and looked at Professor Zhou. She didn't know whether Professor Zhou was intentional or unintentional. Most of the people who do scientific research are straightforward people, because they don't like the way of doing things. Wu Yan has to help Xu Xingyu in business occasionally, so she is not as dull as these professors who stay in the research institute every day. Wu Yan looked at him for a while, and knew that Professor Zhou didn't mean it, so she couldn't blame him, so she had to change the topic, "anyway, he depends on himself, so I don't care what you want to ask him Wu Yan threw the pot, and we didn't think much about it. Compared with the lunatics who engage in scientific research, they are all simple people. Now they stare at Xu Haotian.