Seeing that Xu Haotian didn't hit her, Jiang Qiong raised her head and said, "come on, hit me."

"It's a pity to hit you with such a beautiful woman."

Xu Haotian grabs Jiang Qiong's clothes and tears them off. Jiang Qiong is scared, but she wears a training vest, so she doesn't show anything. However, she believes that Xu Haotian will tear off her vest if she doesn't call it over.

"It's over."

"That's boring."

Xu Haotian released Jiang Qiong. Jiang Qiong lost Xu Haotian's power. Jiang Qiong rolled down the hillside under the gravity of the earth.

Glasses breathed a sigh of relief, Xu Haotian picked up Jiang Qiong's pistol and fired three shots at the sky.

"Six minutes and seventeen seconds."

The butterfly set the timer.

"No way. Six minutes is not enough."

Looking at the timer, Gong Zhan felt that it was incredible. Even if he ran for six minutes, he didn't have enough time. What's more, Xu Haotian had to deal with a sniper and a special soldier.

"Don't you think his speed is enough for six minutes?"

Butterfly looks at gongzhan. Gongzhan hesitates. Xu Haotian's speed is enough to run past, but there are snipers staring at him. Doesn't Xu Haotian stop for a moment?

"Do you think a sniper gun can stop him easily? If you think too much, you will understand later. "

Butterfly shakes her head. Gong Zhan hasn't injected potential needle yet, so they don't know how terrible the person whose potential is stimulated is. Team two and team one can easily avoid the bullet of Gong Zhan. Can Xu Haotian's speed be blocked by glasses?


Bumping into the bamboo, Jiang Qiong snorts. Watching Xu Haotian's back slowly leave, she doesn't mean to pull herself. Jiang Qiong feels a sense of frustration.

Glasses quickly slide down from the trench and pull Jiang Qiong up. Looking at a bloodstain on Jiang Qiong's face, I think that such a beautiful girl, don't break her face.

"All right."

Jiang Qiong shook his head. "This bastard."

"Come on, the drill is over."

Glasses shook his head. Glasses knew very well that if it wasn't for the drill, he and Jiang Qiong would have died. Xu Haotian obviously didn't try his best to beat them.

Looking at Xu Haotian back, all the people shut up, Xu Haotian came to the butterfly in front of, "time."

"Six minutes and seventeen seconds."

Butterfly reported the time, but Xu Haotian frowned, "strength seems to be a little bit reduced."

Far away, see bamboo forest, glasses and Jiang Qiong two people are coming here, Dong Jun quickly welcome up, "Jiang Qiong, you are OK."

"I'm fine."

Jiang Qiong shook his head and looked at Xu Haotian's back. He didn't know why. There was always an impulse to smoke Xu Haotian.

"All of you, assemble and return to base."

Xu Haotian motioned for a moment, the No. 1 of the second team, quickly went to the middle, "immediately back to the road, gather back to the base."

Xu Haotian climbed into the car, butterfly driving, looking at Xu Haotian, "is it over?"

"Special training is just a preliminary selection. Originally, I thought that these people's quality was not enough, so I was ready to practice for two more days. Now it seems that their potential is better than I imagined, so I don't want to continue."

"I understand."

Butterfly nodded, holding training is just a preliminary selection of people, these people also need to go through systematic training, and then carry out potential needle test, after the potential needle, they can carry out targeted training, after they have the most potential, they can form combat strength, which is the talent Xu Haotian needs.

At hongxiangshan base, Xu Haotian looks at 37 members of the team.

"You only have 30 people to stay. The first seven eliminated people, thank you, you can go back to the original army."

The hound took the list, looked at it, and began to sign up. The person who registered number was the one who wanted to send off.

The remaining 30 people, Xu Haotian nodded slightly, very satisfied, "Congratulations, from now on, you are no longer stupid, you become the base of Hongxiang mountain, the highest glory, that is brain damage."

"Brain disabled people, tell me, you are smart people, smart people will not stay here to suffer, next you do not enjoy, you will be more painful physically and mentally, because next, you will have systematic training."

"You are really suitable to be a brain cripple. I'm disappointed that none of you choose to quit."

Xu Haotian said, pointing to the hound, "next, you will be trained systematically by the Deputy instructor and the teaching assistants."


Zaeva reported a, zaeva like to look at Xu Haotian unhappy appearance, listen to Xu Haotian meaning, it seems that Xu Haotian will not participate in the next training?

"He said

"Instructor, what about you? What about our instructor? "

Xu Haotian showed a smiling face, "I, I have other tasks with the instructor, and we will come back. On the day I come back, you may become a real member of Hongxiang mountain, receive the highest courtesy of the country, and enjoy the best training welfare of the country."“ Now, you have 15 minutes to enjoy the hot bath in Hongxiang mountain. After taking a bath, change your training clothes, and then go to the canteen for dinner. Today, all your training is over. I'll give you half a day off to get familiar with the base you are going to live in. "“ What are you doing? Don't you want to take a vacation? " Seeing that all the people didn't come back, the hound roared and gave them a half day off to have a good rest. No one applauded“ Ah, it's over. "“ It's finally coming through Looking at this group of brain damage, they cheered excitedly as if the college entrance examination was over. The hound shook his head and came to Xu Haotian, "instructor, when will you go back?"“ Butterfly and I are going to dianhai this afternoon“ Ah, Dong Jun, compared with the hell week of special forces, is this better, or hell week better? " Glasses came up, glasses and Dong Junjiang Qiong fought side by side, so a group of people were close to a lot“ To be honest, hell week is a torment to the body. It's a double torment to the body and mind. The main test is not physical strength, but willpower and comprehensive quality. I'd rather go to hell week. " Dong Jun likes hell week personally. It's nothing more than physical torture. Their physical quality is good, so they can endure physical torture“ Help Jiang Qiong to have a look. There's such a long scar on her face. Don't leave a scar. And comfort her. " Glasses remind Dong Jun that Xu Haotian is too cruel to Jiang Qiong. Finally, Jiang Qiong is a girl. Xu Haotian almost takes off Jiang Qiong's clothes, which will definitely have an impact on Jiang Qiong. The brain disabled went to take a bath. Xu Haotian and butterfly drove away from the base of Hongxiang mountain, the target, dianhai city. Xu Haotian's car came to the Academy of Sciences. As soon as it stopped, it saw Yu Le. Yu Le saw Xu Haotian get off the military car and stare at Xu Haotian, but did not come to say hello.