Chapter 1004

After settling the boy Fu, Lin Chujiu couldn't help it any more. He put his hands in his waist and looked at Xiao TIANYAO angrily.

"Xiao TIANYAO, how do you take care of your children? How can we be like this Before she left home, her little boy Fu was soft and cute, and she would hold her in her arms and act like a coquettish girl. In only one year, Xiao TIANYAO had taught her little boy Fu to be a cold faced and proud man.

It's enough for Xiao TIANYAO to have a cold and hard faced paralyzed man at home. She really doesn't want to have another one. She has a toothache.

"How's Zifu? Isn't that good? " Xiao TIANYAO looks at Lin Chujiu in a puzzled way. His cold face is very serious.

"Good? What's better? Xiao TIANYAO, our son Fu is only four years old. You can't see how he looks like four years old. " Thinking that his son was as young as an adult and had no childlike innocence, Lin Chujiu couldn't help heartache.

"What should a four-year-old do?" Xiao TIANYAO has never seen many four-year-old children. Which of the four-year-old children he saw is not like a little adult?

And his son is not an ordinary person. How can he compare with the ordinary people's children?

"Of course, it's like the little nine kids of the flower family. They are warm and cute. They will hold people in their arms and call me Niang affectionately. It's not like now, like a little adult. It's heartbreaking to look at them." Whether Xiao TIANYAO's heart hurts or not, she does.

Xiao TIANYAO sighed: "our son is not Xiao Jiu Shao on the ninth day of junior high school. You know he is Xiao Jiu Shao, not the heir. How can our son be the same as Xiao Jiu Shao?"

Xiao Jiushao of the Hua family has no right of inheritance. He has no worries about wealth all his life, but he can't be in power. So as long as Xiao Jiushao of the Hua family is not bad in nature, no other Hua family will take care of him, but

His son is different. In the future, his son Fu will be the person who will sit in that position. He can't be coquettish and playful like ordinary children.

If you want to be a good man, you have to pay the blood and sweat that ordinary people can't bear. His son must be excellent, and he must be better than everyone else, so that he can sit in that position, that he can sit in that position, and that he can educate the next generation.

"But Zifu is only four years old." Of course, Lin Chujiu knew this, but she was distressed that it was her son. She tried so hard to make her son happy, instead of imposing a lot of responsibilities on him. She began to study hard at a young age.

"When I was three years old, I practiced Kung Fu in the morning, studied with my master in the morning, had a rest at noon, learned riding and shooting with my father in the afternoon, and learned the art of war in the evening." As long as they can speak, they have to start learning. If they can walk, they have to start practicing martial arts. There is nothing small, let alone childhood.

"Ninth day, what were you doing when you were four years old?" He believes that the ninth day of junior high school was not a good time.

"I..." Lin Chujiu was stunned, and his childhood memories flashed through his mind.

She thought she had long forgotten that childhood without childhood, but she didn't want to remember it all the time. She just didn't want to recall it.

Xiao TIANYAO saw that Lin Chujiu didn't want to say it, and he didn't want to ask. He just said, "is it playing and eating?"

"No, it's hard. I don't have a childhood." Lin Chujiu shook his head, tears in his eyes.

Because she has no childhood, her childhood is more bitter than anyone else, so she hopes her children can have a complete childhood and make up for her regret, but

It's not necessarily right to do so. What you lack in your childhood and what you want in your childhood does not mean that your children also want.

For example, when you were a child, you didn't have enough to eat, you didn't wear warm clothes, you suffered so much, and you were afraid that your children would suffer so much, so you went all out to eat and buy clothes for them, but are these really what you want?

You try your best to make up for your children in the aspects you once lacked, but you don't think about what your children really need?

You don't have a childhood, so you want your child to have a perfect childhood. But whose childhood is perfect?

No, a perfect life doesn't exist. It's beautiful to have regrets. In addition, children's childhood life is different because they are in different positions and bear different responsibilities.

Just like now, Lin hopes Zifu can spend his childhood happily. Doesn't Xiao TIANYAO want to?

Zifu is his son. He wants Zifu to be happy and happy more than anyone else. But now he has to connive at Zifu and let him play and not study. In the future, Zifu will suffer thousands and thousands of times more than others.

One day, after Zifu sat in that position, he didn't have enough ability to frighten the officials, and he didn't have enough wrist to sit in that position. Would he blame him?

Maybe not, but Xiao TIANYAO doesn't want to gamble.

"On the ninth day of junior high school, Zifu is different from other children. You can't treat him as an ordinary child. He is our son. As soon as he is born, he gets more than others and pays more than others. That's fair." Xiao TIANYAO came forward, hugged Lin Chujiu and comforted her in a soft voice.

There are not so many geniuses in this world. If you want to be better than others, you have to work harder than others and pay more blood and sweat than ordinary people to be better than others.

No one casually succeed, behind everyone's success, is blood and sweat!

Afraid of the loss of Lin's ninth day, Xiao TIANYAO forced down his worry and said, "if you want a soft, coquettish child, you can give birth to a daughter for me."

Their daughter does not need to bear any responsibility, even if she is unruly and willful, as long as she is happy.

"In two years... We have spent less time with Zifu in the past few years when we went to the east to fight in the south. If we have another child, we will have less time to give Zifu." Her body was recuperated two years ago, and she can have a healthy baby again, but she doesn't want to have one now.

Her son Fu suffered too much. At least when she grew up and had her own independent life, she would consider giving birth to a second child.

"You're right. We're not going to live now." Xiao TIANYAO breathed a sigh of relief, and tried to press down the corners of his lips.

God knows, he doesn't want to have another child at all. Having Zifu is enough for him to have a headache. Moreover, since having Zifu, Lin Chujiu's first concern is always Zifu, and he is always behind Zifu.

This time, Lin had not seen his son for more than a year, but he had not seen him for more than a year.

However, since their father and son came in, Lin Chujiu only had Zifu in his eyes and heart. Even if they were alone, Lin Chujiu talked about Zifu. He didn't ask him at all. He didn't find out whether he was fat or thin. It's really sad to think about it.

If they have another child, does he still have a place in the family? Is he still in the eyes of junior high school?

It's terrible to imagine