Chapter 978

The power of the four countries is weak, and they can't find out what happened in the Empire. Therefore, the people of the four countries don't know how arrogant Xiao TIANYAO and Lin Chujiu are in the Empire, but

They don't know about the Empire, but they know about wusheng mountain.

A few days ago, Wu Shengshan announced Xiao TIANYAO's promotion to super martial saint, and stressed that he was the youngest super martial saint in mainland China.

"Super martial saint? How did he become a super martial saint? It's impossible, it's impossible! " When Emperor Dongwen heard the news, he was going crazy.

He couldn't accept the fact at all.

No one knows Xiao TIANYAO's ambition better than him, and no one knows the hatred between him and Xiao TIANYAO better. Xiao TIANYAO has become a super martial saint. Does he have a future?

"Super martial saint?" Queen Dongwen also received the news later. Her reaction was not as fierce as emperor Dongwen. After hearing this, she just sighed a long time.

With the protection of Xiao TIANYAO, a super martial saint, can she still move Lin Chunjiu?

No, so

She had to wait to die.

"Pity my little seven." All her life, Jiji camp escaped from the Empire, married to the Dongwen royal family, and became the queen of Dongwen. She dreamed that one day she would kill back to the Empire and ask those who wronged her to see how wrong they were.

However, there is no chance, Xiao TIANYAO will not give her this opportunity.

She can't touch half of Dongwen's rights.

Besides Dongwen, Nanman, Beili and Xiwu also received news one after another. At this time, Nanman was in a civil war. The former royal family of Nanman and the present royal family were fighting each other to the death. It was hard to win. Everyone called himself orthodox.

Beili did not send any more troops to the outside world, but the situation inside was also very bad. Last year, he was beaten by Xiao TIANYAO. Beili lost its main force and didn't get any food. He had to pay a high price for private food.

However, the quantity and price of smuggled grain are controlled by others. Let alone Beili, who is poor, can't buy enough grain even if he has money. The people in China can only eat soil and gnaw grass. Riots have taken place in many places. The army of Beili is unable to go out to fight, so it's too late to deal with the local riots.

The situation of Xiwu is not good either. With the support of Xiao TIANYAO, Ji Fengyu, who was originally weak, gradually gained momentum and competed fiercely with other princes. The battle for the throne of Xiwu has become white hot. Although there is no war, if the throne of Xiwu is uncertain, Xiwu will be in crisis one day.

As soon as the news of Xiao TIANYAO's promotion to a super martial Saint came out, Beili, Nanman and Xiwu were all stunned, and then the emperors of the Three Kingdoms calmed down.

It's not a trivial matter whether there is a super martial Saint among the four countries or a super martial saint with a heavy hand. If it's not good, it will lead to chaos in the four countries.

"Go and find out where Xiao TIANYAO, the super martial saint, will stay in the future? Empire or wusheng mountain. "

If Xiao TIANYAO only lives in the Empire and wusheng mountain in the future, there will be nothing wrong. Neither the Empire nor wusheng mountain is the place they can touch, nor can they care about them. It is Xiao TIANYAO's business to go to those places and what he wants to do.

However, when the news came, the emperors of the four countries were all dumbfounded.

Xiao TIANYAO neither goes to wusheng mountain nor stays in the Empire. He comes back and takes Lin Chujiu back to Dongwen.

Emperor Dongwen had already guessed it, so he was not shocked at all. He always knew what Xiao TIANYAO wanted, and if not, he would not aim at Xiao TIANYAO everywhere.

But the emperors of Dongwen can accept it, but the emperors of Nanman, Beili and Xiwu can't.

"Why come back? Isn't he super martial saint? What are you doing back here? " Xiao TIANYAO came back. They thought Xiao TIANYAO would die if he went to the Empire. As a result, he was not only promoted to the youngest super martial saint in the mainland, but also came back

When he comes back, can the pattern of the four countries remain unchanged?

"What does he mean by coming back? According to the regulations, can't wusheng stay in the four countries? Even the martial saint can't stay. Why can Xiao TIANYAO stay? Does the Empire leave him alone? " The emperors of Nanman, Beili and Xiwu were going crazy and constantly criticized the Empire.

Why did the Empire put such a ferocious man back?

Does the Empire not know that Xiao TIANYAO is not only a super martial saint, but also a prince of Dongwen with a heavy hand? There is such a powerful figure in Dongwen. Is there any way for them to survive in the Three Kingdoms?

In the future, they will not only pay tribute to the Empire, but also pay tribute to Dongwen. This is simply not a way to live.

The emperors of the three kingdoms were worried and constantly accused the Empire of no matter whether they were alive or dead. Soon after, they learned that Xiao TIANYAO had killed ten super martial saints of the Empire all the way, and the emperors of the Three Kingdoms immediately shut up.

They just said, how could the Empire let Xiao TIANYAO come back? It's not that the Empire didn't want to keep him, but that the Empire could not keep him any more. They could only watch him return arrogantly.

As for the people in wusheng mountain, they must be out of control, otherwise he would never break the rules and let Xiao TIANYAO return to Dongwen.

No matter what the conflict between Xiao TIANYAO and Dongwen emperor is, for Nanman, Beili and Xiwu, Xiao TIANYAO's return is like a tiger to Dongwen. In the future, their three countries don't want to look up to Dongwen's breath, so they can only fight Dongwen together.

The emperor of Beili did not care about the mob. The emperor of Nanman did not put his mind on calming down the civil strife. The emperor of Xiwu also warned the princes not to fight any more. Now the most important thing is to unite with the outside world.

The three emperors got in touch with each other very tacit. Within a few days, they formed an alliance. Xiwu and Nanman transported hundreds of thousands of loads of grain to Beili, which temporarily solved the food shortage crisis of Beili.

Beili borrowed 30000 troops to Nanman to help him calm down the civil strife temporarily?

Ji Fengyu has Xiao TIANYAO's support, which is a well-known thing in Xiwu. However, they didn't give Ji Fengyu a hand, but quietly put it on the air.

For the emperor of Xiwu, Ji Fengyu was an excellent chess piece. If the Three Kingdoms won Dongwen, it doesn't matter if Ji Fengyu doesn't exist.

On the contrary, if Dongwen wins in the end, he will give Xiwu to Ji Fengyu. With the relationship between Ji Fengyu and Xiao TIANYAO, how can he keep Xiwu.

Emperor Xiwu admitted that his move was too insidious, but what could he do?

His fists are not as big as others. He can only use these small tricks to keep his country.

As soon as Xiao TIANYAO and Lin Chujiu came back, they received the news of the alliance of the Three Kingdoms, as well as the documents sent to him by the alliance of the Three Kingdoms, hoping that he would hand over his military power, retire from the countryside, and stay out of the secular struggle like those super martial saints before

The secular struggle?

When Xiao TIANYAO saw the documents sent by the Three Kingdoms, he laughed but said nothing