Chapter 839

All the officials knelt down to welcome him personally. King Xiao had to have a degree even when he took the overseas Chinese. After all the officials invited him again and again, Xiao TIANYAO reluctantly agreed to return to Beijing to preside over the overall situation.

When the news reached Lin Chujiu's ears, he was not surprised.

It was Xiao TIANYAO who controlled the matter. Xiao TIANYAO really had to go back to Beijing to have a ghost.

However, although King Xiao should go back to Beijing to take charge of the overall situation, he did not rush back in a hurry. Instead, he delayed for a day on the ground of arranging things at hand.

Baiguan didn't agree, so they all said they would ask King Xiao to leave immediately. But king Xiao didn't take it. Baiguan had no choice but to wait for King Xiao in jinwuwei camp for one night.

That night, all the officials entered jinwuwei camp. In the middle of the night, they heard the voice of the troops. They woke up one after another and came out in their clothes. However, they only saw teams of people running forward. Everyone was in a hurry. They could not find anyone to ask for information.

"What's the matter?" When several ministers came out of the camp and saw their colleagues, they went forward to inquire about each other's information. But they were all at a loss, and no one knew what was going on.

"When the army is out, does someone attack the camp at night?" At this time, there are people who are not afraid of death to challenge King Xiao's Jin Wuwei. Do they think that life is too long?

"Is it not the reinforcements before the emperor?" A military officer boldly guessed that his words were recognized by most people present, but they didn't say a word except nodding.

In the middle of the night, the reinforcements raid happened to be on the night when they moved into jinwuwei camp. If it was a coincidence, no one would believe it.

"What happened?" When Lin Chujiu heard the sound in the camp, he put on his coat immediately.

After staying in the military camp for a long time, Lin Chujiu used to put on his clothes when he heard about Dong Yu, so as not to have time to run.

Standing at the entrance of the barracks, seeing the orderly gathering of Jin Wuwei, Lin Chujiu's tight heart relaxed and murmured to himself, "is it a coincidence?"

She doesn't believe it. There are so many coincidences in this world.

What's more, the reinforcements sent by the emperor are not jinwuwei's opponents at all. They are all blocked outside the town by jinwuwei, and they can't even touch the edge of the capital. How can they fight to the place where jinwuwei camped.

You don't need to ask Lin Chujiu to know that this man must be Xiao TIANYAO who specially released water to get here. The purpose of Xiao TIANYAO's letting them in is to build power!

All the ministers in Beijing know that King Xiao's jinwuwei is a valiant soldier, but few of them have ever seen the power of jinwuwei.

And tonight, King Xiao will show those people the strength of Jin Wuwei, so that they can no longer have the idea of overthrowing King Xiao and fighting for power with him.

"It's really a big deal. Don't you think the siege was as good as Jin Wuwei?" Seeing the rapid assembly of the troops and their respective dispersion, Rao Shi, who had seen a big scene, had to say that her heart was trembling at the moment when she saw Jin Wuwei go out.

Jin Wuwei's real ability can only be revealed in the battlefield where the two armies are fighting each other, and the siege war can not beat their real level.

Lin Chujiu is not a person who likes to join in the fun. Knowing that there will be no danger, she turns around silently and is ready to go back to sleep. But just as she turns around, Xiao TIANYAO in military uniform appears.

Xiao TIANYAO is wearing a set of black light armor tonight. Under the light of the torch, God will be strong. Light armour covered his muscles, just like his second skin, perfectly showed Xiao TIANYAO's strength and not easy to show a good figure!

With wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs, Lin Chujiu is full of strength and beauty everywhere. Even if it's not the first time, he can't help but wonder that this man has the ability to make women crazy!

That is the moment of Lengshen, let Lin Chujiu miss the best time to leave, Xiao TIANYAO found her existence.

Without any hesitation, Xiao TIANYAO left his soldiers and walked towards Lin Chujiu.

Lin Chujiu was so scared that his eyes were wide open that he wanted to run back to the camp, but

She didn't dare and couldn't!

She didn't dare to face Xiao TIANYAO in front of others, and she couldn't face Xiao TIANYAO in front of so many people. She could only suppress the impulse to hide in the house, and turned to stand at the barracks of the front desk waiting for Xiao TIANYAO to come.

"Lord." Xiao TIANYAO is still three steps away from her, and Lin Chujiu curtseys to salute.

"No gift." Xiao TIANYAO took two steps forward and stood in front of Lin Chujiu. He said in a low voice, "my king is going to fight with the army. You should take the good news from my king in the camp."

"I wish you success and return." Lin Chujiu once again blessing body, formula said.

Looking at Lin Chujiu's black and soft hair, Xiao TIANYAO instinctively raised his hand and wanted to rub her hair. But when he raised his hand, he suddenly remembered that there were many people around him. He had to take it back. He said coldly, "I will come back with victory. It's late. Go back and have a rest."

"Yes, Lord." Lin Chujiu got up, stepped back two steps, then turned and walked in until he entered the camp. Lin Chujiu didn't understand what Xiao TIANYAO had said to her?

Don't understand Lin Chujiu simply don't want to, take off the clothes to continue to sleep.

After saying goodbye to Lin Chujiu, Xiao TIANYAO walked out directly. On the way, he met many adults headed by the right prime minister and stopped.

The adults trotted to King Xiao and said anxiously, "what's the matter, Lord?"

"You don't have to panic. It's just that there's a small night to make trouble. I will fight against you personally, and the chaos will soon be calmed down. They won't have the chance to leave alive!" Xiao TIANYAO's cold-blooded words surprised all the adults. He didn't dare to ask who the troublemaker was. He only vaguely passed by and complimented Xiao TIANYAO by the way.

Xiao TIANYAO's face was not red and he was out of breath. He asked people to send all the adults back, and then he took his troops to fight.

After King Xiao left, the ministers did not dare to stir up trouble, and even more did not dare to talk much. One by one, they went back to the camp without even saying a word.

They are very reluctant to invite King Xiao to be Regent this time. If it wasn't for the dispute between the queen, King Wen and king an that King Xiao provoked, the government affairs were in chaos and the government decrees could not pass, they would never have asked King Xiao to go back.

They all know King Xiao's temperament. If he is overbearing or polite, this is the dictatorial and irreconcilable leader. Once King Xiao is in power, these officials will basically no longer have rights. They can only nod their heads and act according to King Xiao's orders.

Originally, I thought that when King Xiao came back to Beijing to take charge of the overall situation, I would secretly support the queen or king an, so that they could fight with King Xiao and reap profits by themselves. But when I saw this evening, they did not dare to have such an idea any more.

King Xiao is not only a dictatorial and irreconcilable master, but also a murderer. He's really going to piss him off. Maybe King Xiao will lead his troops to the door and directly destroy the whole family