Chapter 835

Doctor Qin did not hear wrong. Xiao TIANYAO really wanted to cure the emperor. Of course, it was not because of brotherhood, but because of political needs.

The emperor does not lack a prince, and Xiao TIANYAO does not lack a puppet prince, but

Apart from the prince, each of the emperor's sons is particularly "progressive" and ambitious. Even the young seventh Prince is not a simple thing. It is not easy to choose one of the princes to be a puppet emperor.

But to let Xiao TIANYAO help the crown prince to the top, Xiao TIANYAO thinks he doesn't have such a big mind. He can let the man who has "engagement" with his wife jump in front of him.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, any prince can not suppress the queen.

The queen is the mother of the nation. No matter which Prince succeeds to the throne, as long as she is still alive, she is the Empress Dowager. With her identity and power, unless Xiao TIANYAO sits on the throne himself, no prince is his opponent.

But the problem is that Xiao TIANYAO can't become emperor now. He can't do many things and can't be so free as he is now. He can go wherever he wants.

In order not to make the queen bigger and suppress the queen, Xiao TIANYAO had to let doctor Qin cure the emperor and release him. After this incident, the emperor's confidants have been cleaned up by him. Even if the emperor sits on the throne again, he is just a puppet. At most, he can accompany the queen to fight inside. It is impossible for him to get involved in the power outside.

Doctor Qin was sure that he had heard right. King Xiao really wanted to cure the emperor. He carefully replied, "the emperor's disease needs to be treated at the beginning. I've never tried before. I'm only 20% sure." It was because he was not sure, he did not dare to mention it to the emperor. He only asked the emperor to have a good rest.

"Open your head? Brother Huang's illness is so serious? " Although Xiao TIANYAO knew that the emperor often had a headache, he didn't know that he was so ill.

It's not that Xiao TIANYAO doesn't pay attention to the emperor's health. It's the emperor's concealment that he can't find out.

"It wasn't so serious before. You just need to take good care of it. But this time, the emperor's condition is getting worse. Only if you open your head to find out the disease can you cure it." Determined Xiao TIANYAO's mind, Qin Taiyi is also bold.

In the end, brother, although the Lord and the emperor fight to death, but still care about the emperor.

"If you don't open your head, you may sober the emperor? How long can he live? " If we can save it, we will only have three or five months to live. That's not very meaningful.

Three or five months later, he will have to find another successor. How troublesome?

"According to the emperor's situation, even if he wakes up, he won't last long. At most, he has only half a year's life." If the emperor's position is unstable, he will certainly ignore the dragon's body and fight for power with Xiao TIANYAO according to the emperor's mind. He is afraid that he will not live for a few days.

"If the emperor is cured, how many years will he live?" It's not good for the emperor to live too long. Although he is not a good man, he doesn't want to kill his brother.

It's not a happy thing to dye your hands with the blood of your relatives.

"The emperor's body is strong on the outside and weak on the inside. He can only live for ten years at most." In fact, the emperor was not very old, but when he was the prince, he struggled with all the people for the throne, calculated with each other, and spent countless efforts. After he ascended the throne, a few years later, King Xiao grew up again, and the emperor was busy fighting with him. All these years, he had been living in calculation and thinking too much. How could he be healthy?

"Step back." When Xiao TIANYAO got the answer he wanted, he let Qin Taiyi go away and sat alone in the camp, thinking about which method was feasible.

Ten years is really too long. It would be nice for him to stay with the emperor for three or five years, but it would not be a matter of ten years if he wanted to help other princes. Most importantly, the identity and ability of other princes can't hold the queen down. When the time comes, the queen will stab him in the back and he will be in trouble.

"After all, it will be cheaper in the end, Emperor." Xiao TIANYAO closed his eyes and shook his head.

After many years of arrangement, he pressed down the emperor's arrogance, but now he has to help the emperor up again. I feel that I'm depressed when I think about it.

However, he believed that the emperor and the queen were more subdued. After all, if the emperor wakes up this time and sits on the throne again, everything will be different from before. I don't know if his good brother can stand such a big gap.

As for the queen?

I'm afraid I'll vomit blood in anger.

It took more than ten years, waited for more than ten years, and looked forward to more than ten years, but it was not easy to boil down the emperor and take power. However, it did not occur to me that the power in my hand had not yet covered the heat and would be taken away by the emperor.

However, he was not to blame for all this. The Queen's ambition was to blame. If the queen hadn't moved her mind and wanted to suppress him with the help of the central Empire, he would not have cheated the queen so much.

"It's settled." Xiao TIANYAO knocked heavily on the desk: "come on!"

"Lord." Yinwei appears and kneels at Xiao TIANYAO's feet.

"Go, let people keep an eye on the palace, don't let the emperor have an accident." According to the Queen's ruthlessness, it is very likely to attack the emperor.

"Yes." Yinwei is ordered to step down.

Midnight, the palace suddenly emerged a large number of assassins, these assassins target is very clear, straight to the emperor's bedroom.


"Come on, defend the emperor."

"Come on, come on, there are assassins assassinating the emperor."


Wave after wave of assassins in black came out from the corner of the palace, broke through one defense line after another, and went straight to the emperor's bedroom. But in a quarter of an hour, they rushed to the front of the palace,

"No, these people are coming for the emperor." Although the queen was in control of the palace, the guards outside the emperor's bedroom were the emperor's confidants, and they would defend the emperor to the death.

However, apart from them, there are no guards in the palace to stop the assassins. They are really good at it, but they can't stop the assassins by themselves.

"Lady, the assassin is coming. Take the emperor with you first." Seeing that the emperor's bodyguard couldn't stop the assassin, she asked Princess Zhou to leave with the emperor, but she didn't move: "go? Where can we go? The whole court is in the hands of that woman, and we will die as soon as we go out. "

Princess Zhou is not stupid. Assassins appear in the palace at this time. Even if these assassins are not sent by the queen, they must be related to the queen.

"Lady, it's not safe in the palace. You must take the emperor to leave immediately. If you want to worry about the empress's black hand, you can take the emperor to the empress's luanfeng hall." No matter how bold the queen was, she did not dare to take the emperor's life in public.

"Luan Feng Dian?" Princess Zhou's eyes brightened.

Although she didn't want to fall into the hands of the queen, the luanfeng hall is really the only safe place. No matter how hard the queen covers the sky, she dare not ask the emperor to die in the luanfeng Hall