Chapter 819

"Newspaper..." the urgent and nervous announcement interrupted the emperor's conversation with the special envoy of Dongwen.

"Come on The emperor shook his hand and stood up abruptly.

This is a notification channel for military information, which will only be activated when there is tension.

"Emperor, King Xiao arrived at the gate of the city with his vanguard troops and was reading out an address. In the address, he said that the sycophants around the emperor were in charge of the way and made king Xiao innocent. He was willing to ask the emperor to kill the sycophants and make king Xiao innocent. Otherwise, King Xiao would send troops to the side of King Qing." The small soldiers who sent the order presented the proclamation to the emperor.

"Come on, come on." The emperor had known for a long time that Xiao TIANYAO would have this skill, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. His hands and feet could not help shivering.

According to his inference, Wang Xiao's men and horses will arrive early tomorrow at the earliest, and there will be reinforcements tomorrow.

Now, one night earlier, if King Xiao broke the city before dawn, it would be useless for reinforcements to come.

The eunuch took the address and presented it to the emperor. Before he finished reading it, the emperor's face was distorted and his tendons were exposed. "Xiao TIANYAO bullied people too much!"

In a rage, the emperor crumpled the address in his hand and smashed it on the ground.

Special envoy Dongwen didn't want to see it. It can be seen that the emperor was so angry with an article that he couldn't help being curious. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the paper on the ground and unfolded it

At this point, the special envoy's face could not help twitching.

King Xiao was indeed arrogant. In his address, King Xiao firmly affirmed that he was innocent. He did not support his troops by war, nor did he cooperate with the enemy and betray his country, nor did he not fight to the imperial court of Beili and Nanman when he was clearly capable.

In order to prove his innocence, Xiao TIANYAO listed the provisions, weapons, and military supplies provided by the Ministry of war and the Ministry of household in the form of tables. Everything was clearly written, and the time, place, and who was in charge of the imperial court were listed one by one.

In addition, King Xiao also publicized all the property and wealth of King Xiao's house to the public, and listed clearly the origin and expenditure of each sum of money.

In order to prove more intuitively that he was not rich enough to rival his country, King Xiao listed clearly the size of the house and the number of rooms. Finally, he came to the conclusion that unless every empty space of King Xiao's house was filled with money boxes and stacked to the height of people, it would be possible to hold the figures released by the Ministry of punishment and the Ministry of household.

However, the fact is that it's impossible for King Xiao's house to stack money boxes in every corner, and it's impossible to stack the boxes so high that it affects people's life too much.

King Xiao didn't say a word of nonsense. He told the world in simple and straightforward words and figures that it was not that he didn't fight to the imperial court of Beili and Nanman, but that the food, grass and ordnance provided by the imperial court couldn't support him to fight to the imperial court of Beili and Nanman.

He didn't explain constantly. He didn't make money by war. He just told the world in the simplest way that King Xiao's house couldn't put so much money. How could he get so much money from the imperial court?

As for the incident of leading troops into the city without permission, Wang Xiao also gave the answer.

King Xiao will lead his troops to Beijing without permission. He has received the emperor's secret order. He will lead his troops to the city according to the emperor's order. Otherwise, how can his troops be stationed outside the city?

The private possession of the Dragon Robe is even more ridiculous. In the important area of the military camp, not to mention a few literati, even King Wen and the seventh prince can't walk around at will. It's ridiculous for those literati to say that they found his private Dragon Robe in the army.

With his ability to hide the Dragon Robe, can he be found by several literati who have no power to bind a chicken?

Wang Xiao's words can be described as very arrogant, but he has the capital to be arrogant, and his arrogance is also to the appetite of the world. The special envoy of Dongwen can imagine that once this proclamation is spread all over the world, the reputation of Wang Xiao will be higher.

A piece of address, King Xiao did not shout a word of injustice, but the paper is full of injustice.

Of course, although King Xiao was full of grievances, he didn't say that the emperor wasn't half wrong. He only said that the court's treacherous and sycophantic officials were in charge of the court, and that it was the treacherous and sycophantic people who slandered the emperor and asked the emperor to kill the treacherous and sycophantic people for the benefit of the Qing government.

In order to let the emperor know who he was referring to, Xiao TIANYAO made it clear that the punishment department, Dali temple and household Department of King Xiao's residence were suspicious.

The military department that provided the army with grain and equipment and issued military documents was very suspicious.

In addition, Lin Xiang, Qin Taiyi, Jiu men Ti Du, general Zhou, general situ and others all went forward to slander the emperor, and their crimes should be punished!

In a word, Xiao TIANYAO's move is to capture the emperor's confidants. The emperor now has two ways to go. One is to hand over these people to King Xiao, and the other is to wait for Xiao TIANYAO to lead his army to attack the city, break into the city and kill them all.

No matter what kind, it's a fatal blow to the emperor. If he loses his confidant, the emperor will be just a decoration in the future.

After reading the address in his hand, the special envoy hesitated for a long time and finally said, "Your Majesty, it's late. It's time for the grass people to leave the palace."

King Xiao has made it clear that the emperor has almost no chance of winning the battle. Although he wants to help the emperor, he doesn't want to gamble on the whole tiancang Pavilion.

What's more, tiancang pavilion has never been involved in the struggle for imperial power. Before, it helped the emperor because of the lack of main voice. As for now?

If the emperor has a chance to win, it's good that they have the right treasure in tiancang Pavilion, which is to maintain the Royal orthodoxy. But in the present situation, the emperor has no chance of winning. If they want to go all the way to the dark, they will only pollute the reputation of tiancang Pavilion. In the future, Nanman, Beili and Xiwu will also try to clear tiancang Pavilion.

"You... You..." the special envoy of Dongwen drew his hand in the middle of the way, which was undoubtedly worse for the emperor.

"Your Majesty, tiancang Pavilion is a small business and never participates in the struggle for imperial power." The special envoy of Dongwen did not give the emperor a chance to speak, but hastened to state his position.

"Hello! Go away, go away, go away Although the emperor is angry, he knows that tiancang Pavilion can't be offended. If tiancang Pavilion is really irritated, they can sell him as an emperor.

"The grassroots have retired." Dongwen special envoy's face was calm, and he didn't pit the emperor's consciousness at all.

Please, this time it's not their tiancang pavilion that has ruined the emperor, but the emperor has ruined their tiancang Pavilion!

Do you know the loss of tiancang Pavilion for the sake of the emperor?

The spies buried in Dongwen in tiancang pavilion have been cleared. There are so many people who are disabled because of injuries. Tiancang pavilion has to support them all their lives.

Dongwen special envoy is a decisive person. In order to show the position of tiancang Pavilion tomorrow and keep the signboard of tiancang Pavilion, he asked tiancang pavilion to announce that tiancang pavilion would temporarily withdraw from Dongwen, and restart tiancang pavilion's business when Dongwen situation is stable.

In this way, apart from King Xiao, the emissary behind the scenes of Ci'en hall, and tiancang Pavilion itself, no one knows that tiancang Pavilion is eating in Dongwen and is cleaned up by King Xiao.

Xiao TIANYAO soon received the news, and could not help saying: "the people of tiancang pavilion are really interesting."

It takes courage to survive. Tiancang Pavilion is really not simple!