Chapter 761

Chonglou did not leave willfully, but did not come back for breakfast, of course, did not come back at noon. It was not until the evening that Chonglou slowly returned to the cabin.

"I've found my way out and I'll leave tomorrow." Obviously, Chonglou is not discussing with Lin Chujiu, but telling her about it.

"All right." Lin Chujiu is no exception at all, and he does not think that Chonglou is too much.

The devil Lord is willing to take her out. How dare she be choosy.

Lin Chujiu's straightforward, but let Chonglou very surprised, pick eyebrow asked: "I thought you don't want to leave."

"Ah? What makes you think that? " Lin Chujiu was fooled by Chonglou.

Which eye of Chonglou saw that she didn't want to leave?

She ate too much, will want to stay in this kind of ghost place, day and night do not say, God knows next second will become the food of wild animals.

"Isn't it? Even the house has been built. Do you really want to leave? " This dead woman, if he doesn't come to look for it, surely won't want to leave?

"Of course I want to leave. I just can't find anyone and I dare not walk around. Yu Yu built this house because as soon as I arrived in this forest, I was caught in a heavy rain and almost got drenched to death. After the rain stopped, I came across a tree knocked down by a wild animal. I wanted to build a house to avoid the rain. " The house looks like it's made of wood. In fact, most of it is made of branches and vines. It's not solid. If the wind is stronger and the rain is stronger, the house will be scrapped.

"Is it?" Chonglou is suspicious.

With Lin's ability, it's not difficult to go out. At most, he took some risks.

"Of course, I don't have to lie to you." Chonglou is not Xiao TIANYAO. She doesn't have to lie in front of Chonglou.

"Indeed, you don't have to cheat me. In that case, pack up and we'll leave early tomorrow morning. " Get the answer, Chonglou no longer entangled, directly into the cabin, and ordered Lin Chujiu ready to eat.

The narrow and cramped cabin was even smaller because of the heavy building. There was no place to turn around. But Lord Mojun ordered her to go in and prepare food for him.

There is a lot of fish left in zaochen. Lin Chujiu continues to cook fish soup, and then divides it into two parts. He gives more to Chonglou and eats less by himself.

Two people quietly eating fish soup, who did not speak. After dinner, Chonglou hands the empty bowl to Lin Chujiu. It's as if he has done it thousands of times. Lin Chujiu doesn't feel anything. He takes it and washes it clean.

And last night, after opening the window and the door, Lin Chujiu was sleeping in the corner with his quilt. However, Chonglou couldn't find the clothes to cover tonight, because Lin Chujiu put the clothes away.

"Mean woman!" Chonglou murmured in his heart, but the corner of his mouth could not help rising.

This stupid woman finally knows her identity and avoids suspicion!

The next morning, when Lin Chujiu woke up, Chonglou was not there. With what happened yesterday, Lin Chujiu got used to it. After a bit of grooming, he packed the things he needed to take to the road, packed them with a big bag and carried them on his back.

It's not nice to carry a big burden, but it's even easy. Lin Chujiu doesn't think that Chonglou will help her carry things. Even if Chonglou is willing, it is estimated that she doesn't have the courage. How dare she command Chonglou to help her?

Not long after Lin Chujiu had packed up, Chonglou came back with some wild fruits in his hand. Seeing that Lin Chujiu had packed up, he didn't say anything and handed them to Lin Chujiu.

The fruit was obviously washed clean. Lin Chujiu didn't dislike it either. He took it and said thank you. Then he ate it with a click. Chonglou took a look and said, "can you go down?" If he can't, he'll take a loss and give it a hug.

"Yes, demon... Don't worry, I won't hold you back." Lin Chujiu almost called out the devil again. Fortunately, she responded quickly and changed her mouth in time.

Chonglou coldly glanced at her one eye, but did not say much, a little toe, jumped down.

Lin Chujiu put the unfinished fruit into his pocket, holding the right in his hands, and climbed down, clumsily like a bear.

"It's so ugly." Chonglou looked disgusted. Of course, he didn't mean to help.

"Just be safe." Lin Chujiu didn't feel ashamed. She was not a goddess, and she didn't want to be a goddess in front of the Chonglou. The image was not so practical for her, at least not now.

"Just know. Stay close. I won't come back to help you." Chonglou looked up and down at Lin Chujiu and made sure that Lin Chujiu was OK. Then he turned and walked to the East.

Lin Chujiu is busy following up, and has made plans to trot all the way to bear hardships, but he doesn't want Chonglou to walk slowly. Lin Chujiu doesn't need to work hard to keep up.

"I didn't expect that the devil was very considerate." Lin Chujiu immediately understood the intention of Chonglou and muttered to himself.

Chonglou deliberately slows down, so Lin Chujiu doesn't have to worry. He takes out the unfinished fruit and continues to chew it. If he wants to see the right herbs on the road, he will also pick two.

She studied western medicine. She only dabbled in traditional Chinese medicine. She got to know more about traditional Chinese medicine only after she got acquainted with Doctor Wu in King Xiao's residence.

She doesn't know many herbs, just some basic herbs, so it's easy to find. But Lin Chujiu also knows that she can't be too greedy. Now she's just on her way. She won't pick any other herbs unless she needs them.

Traditional Chinese medicine needs to be processed. If she picks it and doesn't deal with it in time, it will lose its efficacy, and it's useless to pick it.

When Lin Chujiu stops to collect the medicine, Chonglou will not wait for her. After collecting the medicine, Lin Chujiu has to trot two steps to keep up.

Every time I hear Lin Chujiu running behind, Chonglou can't help but draw a little.

This woman, obviously married, or pro princess, how not solemn at all? People who don't know it think it's an unmarried girl.

However, the dissatisfaction belongs to dissatisfaction. Chonglou has never been dissatisfied with Lin's stopping to collect herbs, nor has it speeded up. Just as Chonglou said before, he asked Lin Chujiu to follow him, but he would never turn back to save her.

Of course, Lin Chujiu does not need to be rescued by Chonglou. Because they didn't encounter any danger along the way, which made Lin Chujiu think that they were not escaping from the jungle, but having a picnic.

Although this road is very safe, Lin junior nine will not be silly to think that the jungle is really so safe, so safe that even a rabbit can not meet.

Along the way, she smelled a lot of blood. Even if he didn't see the animal's body, Lin Chujiu could roughly guess what was going on, but he didn't know whether Chonglou had been cleaned up in advance or whether Chonglou's subordinates had been cleared up.

However, these are not important to Lin Chujiu. What matters is where she will go after she goes out?