Chapter 750

Seven days!

Lin Chujiu has been missing for seven days. Although Jin Wuwei is still searching for her whereabouts, he has no hope of her survival. Their goal now is to find Lin Chujiu's body.

When they find Lin Chujiu's body, they're on a mission.

Chonglou appeared on the seventh day of Lin Chujiu's disappearance!

Along the way, Chonglou has received enough news to know what happened to Lin Chujiu's disappearance and that Jin Wuwei has been unable to find anyone.

When Chonglou arrived at the mountain range where Lin Chujiu had disappeared, it was dark. He didn't appear in front of people. Instead, he didn't move anyone. He dived directly into the forest and came to the waterfall where Lin Chujiu had jumped.

Chonglou didn't jump into the water foolishly and feel the direction of the current. Instead, he walked around the current and finally set his goal on the waterway crossing the middle of the mountain.

All the water sources of this mountain range come from this waterfall. You can see where each tributary will eventually flow. You can't see where the end of the water flow is only through this waterway passing through the mountain.

Jin Wuwei sent people to enter the waterway, but it was dark and there were many rocks. Jin Wuwei had to go on for more than 100 meters with great efforts, and they couldn't do it any further.

Inside the waterway, there are many crises and numerous rocks. There are reefs everywhere, one by one, no matter at the bottom or on the top of the cave. Except for water, nothing bigger can cross the waterway, let alone people.

Jin Wuwei didn't think that Lin Chujiu would flow in with the water when he fell behind the channel. After several times of exploration, he resolutely gave up and continued to go deep.

But what Jin Wuwei can't do doesn't mean Chonglou can't.

How can a great demon put a small mountain waterway in his eyes? What if that waterway is dangerous? No one can stop him where he wants to go.

Take off the coat, show the tight night clothes inside, and jump into the water.

"Pa..." Chonglou is like a fish, jumping into the water, leaving only a circle of tiny waves, just like a pebble thrown into the water.

Because there is a goal, Chonglou doesn't need to think about it. He uses his hands as a blade to cut the water waves and swim to the watercourse in the mountains. Before entering the cave, Chonglou jumped out of the water for a breath, and then continued to swim in.

It's dark outside. How dark inside the tunnel is has no effect on the Chonglou at this time.

Along the way, I soon met the reef that Jin Wuwei said. As Jin Wuwei explored, there are many rocks in this tunnel, each of which is in a strange shape. They are very messy and closely spaced. It's easy to hit or get stuck by the rocks.

However, all of these are difficult. Chonglou in the water, body shape like a swimming fish, swing freely, posture soft frightening, people do not know that it is a big black fish swimming in the water.

With its flexible body, Chonglou passes through the reef at a very fast speed. However, this is just the beginning, not the end. The deeper you go, the more reefs there are in the water, and the smaller the distance between them, making it almost impossible for people to pass.

The water in this tunnel is too deep for people to walk in. The water surface is very close to the top of the tunnel, so only one head can barely emerge, and people can't walk on the water.

It's also very important when it comes out of the tunnel, because there are many rocks on the top of the tunnel. These rocks are very sharp. If you accidentally hit them, even if you don't stab them to death, you'll break your head and bleed.

If you're hit here, you'll probably die miserably.

The more you go in, the more cautious Chonglou is. Of course, the speed is much slower, and even the frequency of ventilation is higher than before.

However, this is understandable. The thinner the air is, the more normal it is to come out for ventilation.

Chonglou knew this before he entered the water. At the same time, he also knew that the waterway was very long, and he was ready to fight for a long time, but

What he didn't expect was that he felt tired and couldn't swim any more, but he still couldn't see the end of the channel. He didn't even know how long he had to swim before he could swim out.

People are instinctively afraid of the unknown. If they work hard for a long time and still can't see the end and the light, it's easy to have the idea of giving up, such as the former Jin Wuwei.

Chonglou... If it wasn't for Lin Chujiu, he thought he would give up.

It is reasonable to choose the road and move forward firmly; But knowing that the road ahead is not clear, you can't see the light, and you go to the dark, that's stupid.

"It looks like I'm going to make a fool of myself." Chonglou came out of the water and rested on the rocks.

He is very tired. If he doesn't rest, he will fall into the water. If you die here, I'm afraid no one will know, just like Lin Chujiu.

Originally, Chonglou was only seven percent sure that Lin Chujiu had been washed into the tunnel, but after diving in the tunnel for a day and a night, Chonglou was quite sure.

Lin Chujiu must be in this waterway. Only when he falls into this waterway can Jin Wuwei find no one.

However, he is sure that Lin Chujiu has fallen into this waterway, but he is not sure whether Lin Chujiu is alive or dead.

This waterway is very dangerous, not to mention Lin Chujiu. Even if he is suddenly washed in by water, he can't guarantee to survive.

"I hope you are still alive, otherwise..." thinking that Lin Chujiu might die miserably in the water, Chonglou breathed, and unconsciously put his right hand on his heart.

"Now think about what these useless things can do, and find someone first." At this time, Chonglou still didn't want to say that what he found would be the corpse.

How can a woman like Lin Chujiu die easily?

Although in the heart anxious, but the heavy building also knew that some matters anxious does not come. If he doesn't adjust his interest rate well now, it will only delay the follow-up progress, on the contrary, the gain is not worth the loss.

Chonglou was really tired this time. It took him more than an hour to adjust his breath before he returned to normal.

After the interest adjustment, Chonglou continues to swim forward. As for eating to supplement physical strength?

He is not so delicate that he has to eat every meal. In the wild, he often can't find food for three or five days. He has been used to hunger for a long time. Of course, his stomach is also used to it.

Continue to move forward, tired to find a place to lean on, slowly adjust breath, until physical recovery and then continue.

Under normal circumstances, Chonglou can swim for one day and one night in a row, that is to say, every time he stops to adjust his breath, it is a day and one night. From entering the waterway to now, Chonglou has stopped three times.

For a master like Chonglou, he didn't see the end of the waterway after swimming for three days and nights. It can be seen how long the waterway is and how dangerous it is.

After the third breath adjustment, Chonglou didn't rush to go. Instead, he leaned on the rocks, looked up at the bottom of the cave and asked himself silently: can Lin Chujiu really survive if he falls into this waterway?