Chapter 746

The water volume of the waterfall is very abundant, and the current is very fast. As soon as Lin Chujiu jumps down, he is washed away. The black armour Wei came after him and didn't even see the corner of his clothes.

"What to do?" The two black guards looked at each other, and no one could make up his mind for a moment.

Their armor is good at everything, but there is a fatal drawback, which is bulky.

At ordinary times, they are not used to wearing anything, but once they get down, the shortcomings of armor will be obvious.

It's OK to dribble a small stream or something, but when they meet a fast river, they have to die when they fall into the water.

"We look down the current." Black armour Wei thought for a while, still give up the idea of diving.

As for their clothes, when they get into the water, they are only looking for death. The current is so fast that when Lin Chujiu falls into the water, he must also drift away along the current.

"To die is to see a corpse, to live is to see a man. We have to find people. " Another person also has no opinion, two people jump down the hillside, looking down the waterfall. It's just that this section of the road is downhill, very steep, and there are many tributaries. Heijiawei has been looking down the biggest current for a long time, but he hasn't even found his own shadow.

Seeing that it was going to be dark, it was more inconvenient to find someone. The black guard couldn't help frowning, "can't it fall into the tributary?" If so, there will be no one.

"You can't go back. Keep going." If you choose, you have to move forward. Looking back, those who can't be found may be bigger.

The black armour Wei finally gave up the idea of looking back, two people continue to go forward. Soon, it's getting dark, and it's even more difficult to find people. The black guard made two torches and carried on with them. The only thing is that the light of the torches is too weak and the visible range is less than one meter. How can we find people?

"I'm afraid we can't find anyone today. Let's have a rest for a while." Find the second half of the night, still did not find, black armour Wei had to rest first.

They have been running for a whole day, but they have been running for several days to catch up with Lin. along the way, they are more tired than Lin.

When the two black guards are ready to have a rest, the black guards who chase Liu Qi also find them.

"It's you?" Seeing clearly the appearance of the comer, the two black guards immediately put down their guard.

"No one?" Just arrived the black armor Wei, saw two people's appearance to know.

"We dived and ran. We went all the way down the current and didn't see anyone." Both of them were partners, and the two black guards didn't hide it. At the same time, they asked, "what about you? Did you find anyone? "

"A soldier is dead. But before he died, he sent out a signal. According to my inference, Wang Xiao's men and horses will come tomorrow at the latest. " This is a mistake of his. He didn't solve the problem at the first time. Instead, he let the other party have the opportunity to send a signal.

"That's the trouble. We don't have to find people in one night." Two black armour Wei listen to, can't take care of tired, immediately stood up.

"Retreat if you can't find it. We can't meet with King Xiao's people. If they want to see us, they may recognize us. " The new black armour Wei has a dignified face. He has walked more than both of them, and he must be more tired than both of them. But in this situation, they can't stop.

"Keep looking. Anyway, we'll retreat tomorrow. It's better not to meet with King Xiao's troops." A few small bodyguards, they can easily solve, but there are too many people, they do not have that ability.

"Well. Let's go. " They are all well-trained soldiers. Even if they are too tired, as soon as they step forward, the two black guards will recover their spirits without a trace of depression.

Three people along the River straight ahead, but the river seems to have no end in general, they walk from afternoon to night, see the day is about to light, still no head where.

"Isn't this current connected with the river we walk in the daytime?" The day is getting brighter, and the visibility of the eyes is higher. The black armour Wei faintly feels that they are a little familiar with the road they are taking now.

"It seems to be." The other two also have this feeling, but there is no trace in the river, and they are not sure for a moment.

"If so, we should be able to see the traces left by the day and look for them again." After walking all day and night, heijiawei was tired and hungry, but he had to stick to it.

With the target, the black armour Wei had a little momentum, and the three went forward in silence. Two hours later, they saw the traces left by the day.

"It's really flowing here. It seems that Princess Xiao has not been washed to the shore." The water of the waterfall finally flows into the river. Although the river has branches, the flow speed of the river is not fast. If Lin Chujiu wants to fall into the water, he will only be drowned, but not washed to the bank.

"One day and one night later, if Princess Xiao hadn't been washed to the shore, she would have died by this time." And the body was in the water, but the current was too long for them to find.

"When a person dies, the body will float out. We haven't seen a floating body all the way." Death to see people, did not see Lin Chujiu's body, black Jia Wei still dare not leave.

As soon as the words came out, the other two were silent. After a long time, they said: "maybe they were caught by something. When Princess Xiao fell into the water, she got an arrow in her leg, and most likely she was stuck by the rocks in the water."

It's not a good way to keep looking. If they don't leave until noon, they will meet with King Xiao's army. They can't leave even if they want to.

"Then... Let's go." The other, convinced, said with his eyes closed.

The other two breathed a sigh of relief, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm sorry I didn't catch him. But when Princess Xiao is dead, King Xiao will also charge the account to the great prince. "

Nowadays, the black armor guards in Dongwen and Beili are all the people of the great prince. If the people of King Xiao want to see the equipment of the black armor guards, they will only think that the great prince sent the black armor guards to kill Lin Chujiu.

"Well, let's go." After discussion, the three black guards turned to one side and tried to avoid King Xiao's army.

After the three black armour guards left, there were not many. The vanguard of King Xiao's army arrived at the place where Liu Qi sent the signal as soon as possible.

The pioneers found the body of the dead black armor guard in the forest, but they couldn't see his face. His face was gnawed by wild animals. Only the black iron armor on his body could prove his identity.

Not long after they found the bones of heijiawei, they found Liu Qi's body again. Liu Qi's body was also gnawed by wild animals. Without the protection of tianwai's black iron armor, he had only a few bones and pieces of broken clothes.

"I've collected people." The forerunner's head, seeing Liu Qi's miserable appearance, reddened his eyes slightly.

He knows Liu Qi. He knows all the people who were chosen by King Xiao to protect Princess Xiao, because they are the best in the army and have an unlimited future.

If, if they were not sent out by the prince to protect the princess, they would not die