Chapter 553

After solving the hidden danger of the emperor, Lin Chujiu was completely relieved.

In fact, they are not afraid that the emperor will find out that Xiao TIANYAO is injured. Unless Xiao TIANYAO's injury is cured immediately, it is impossible for them to keep it secret. It's just

It can't be now!

Now the emperor must not know about Xiao TIANYAO's injury, or they will have no way to live.

She and Su Cha are in such a hurry to leave. They just want to hurry up. If this advantage is gone, without Xiao TIANYAO's super support, what else can they fight with the emperor?

Now the world is great, and it's the best way to save Xiao TIANYAO.

After eating the dry food, Lin Chujiu clapped his hands and stood up: "almost. Let's go." They will not be able to make it in the next few days, even if they want to make it.

"Good..." Su Cha stood up and held on for a long time. She pointed to Lin Chujiu's hat and asked, "princess, what is your hat for?" Ugly like this, and no effect, Lin Chujiu even sleep do not take down, cover your face?

"When you go out, don't call me princess. Call me junior nine or ah nine." Lin Chujiu first corrected Su Cha's name, then pointed to the hat on his head and said, "as for this hat? It's windproof and dustproof. What a good effect. When waiyi falls off his horse, he can still protect his head with it. " Well, no matter how strong the bamboo hat is, it can't protect the head, but

What else can she find?

She, she... Can you tell Su Cha that this is what she used to prevent from asking for help?

You don't believe it, do you?

"But I don't take it with me when I eat or sleep." Su Cha has never seen Lin Chujiu take it down.

"I like it, can't I?" Rich, willful. What a good reason, isn't it?

"OK, you are the princess. You has the final say." What else can su Cha do?

A group of people once again on their way, and with their departure, the calm capital also set off a wave.

Lin Chujiu's disappearance did not attract people's attention. At the moment, whether it was the emperor or the queen, they all focused on Su cha.

I can't help it. Su Cha is too high-profile this time. I can't let people ignore her.

Earlier than Su Cha expected, the emperor's spies found out about the silver mine one day later.

"Emperor, the Su family's caravan found a silver mine in the south that had not been mined." When the spy said this, there was a strong emotion.

It's exciting to think about it.

"Silver mine? Is that true The emperor stood up excitedly.

Now, what he lacks is silver. Well, what he needs most is gold, but gold is hard to find.

"I'm sure the Su's caravan has protected that place. Su Cha is in a hurry to deal with her family affairs. She leaves Beijing quietly just for the silver mine. I think he wants to mine it in private. " The spy chief is very diligent, not only to find out the news, but also to say his guess.

"Private mining? How bold. " After the joy, the emperor soon calmed down and said, "pass on my will and dispatch local troops to encircle the whole mountain area where silver mines are found." This time, he would never let anyone get involved in the silver mines on his territory, nor would the central empire.

"I understand." The head of the spy responded with a loud voice.

The emperor knew that soon after, the queen also received the news. Different from the emperor's joy, the queen did not believe it.

"Mother, did the Su family really find silver?" The seventh prince asked suspiciously.

On hearing this, the queen laughed: "why, don't Xiao Qi believe it?"

"I always feel wrong. Su Cha was not a man who had not gone through the storm. He could not speak at that time when he opened a bank. Now he just found a silver mine. How could he lose his temper and forget? So, he showed such a big flaw? " Su Cha's move is like leading them to find silver mines. Is this really a move to find silver mines?

"My little seven has grown up and become sensible." The queen touched the head of the seventh Prince and laughed softly: "Xiao Qi, maybe you guessed right. Your uncle Xiao may be in trouble on the battlefield. " Therefore, Su Cha will get a silver mine to divert the emperor's attention.

When he was praised, the seventh prince was not happy. He asked suspiciously, "empress mother, Su Cha is so obvious. Why didn't father think of it? Are we wrong? "

"I don't think it's wrong. It's not useful for us to guess here. After a period of time, you will know if you are wrong. As for your father? Your father is different from us in the game. " Silver mines are only attractive to the emperor. What about them?

It's not that they are unattractive, but no matter how attractive they are, they can't afford the next silver mine.

The seventh Prince nodded, his eyes like black grapes were covered with mist

After su Cha threw out the silver mine, the emperor no longer cared about Lin Chujiu. Lin Chujiu and Su Cha had a smooth journey. The only pain was that after three days, Lin Chujiu found that his inner thigh was worn by the saddle.

Originally, there's nothing wrong with such a little trauma. It's good to have scab for two days. But Lin still has to ride a horse the next day. How can he have time to wait for scab?

In the evening, Lin Chujiu took medicine and wrapped it with cloth for several layers. The next day, he continued to ride. However, when he touched the injured place, it was like a knife cutting. It was very painful.

It's like a new shoe. She has to wear it all the time and wear the wound all the time.

This is self abuse!

That night, Lin Chujiu quietly looked at her wound and found that, as she had guessed, the gauze was directly attached to the wound. As soon as she tore it, she would tear off the skin.

"It's unfortunate that I forgot to prepare in advance." People who have never been far away have never suffered like this. Lin Chujiu only knows what to do next time after suffering.

There are still three days to go. Lin Chujiu dare not tear off the bandage on the wound, because after tearing it off today, it will be the same tomorrow, and it will be more painful without the dead skin outside.

"Let's make it up like this. Fortunately, it's not hot now, otherwise it would be rotten.".

Lin Chujiu didn't move. He sprinkled medicine directly on the wound, and then made another layer, just like making zongzi.

Of course, Lin Chujiu's injury can't be concealed from dark Wei and Su Cha, but they can't help it. All these hard riders have to suffer. In fact, they are just a little better than Lin Chujiu.

"On the ninth day of junior high school, we'll be there in three days. Then we won't have to ride again." When Su Cha smelled the strong smell of medicine and blood on Lin Chujiu, she knew that Lin Chujiu was seriously injured.

To tell you the truth, Su Cha is really worried that Lin Chujiu can't make it. You know, in the next three days, it's the hardest