Chapter 532

"Why?" After xiaojinchuan came back, Liubai still asked Xiao TIANYAO this question.

It's not easy to have the chance to kill the two martial gods of Beili. Why did Xiao TIANYAO give up?

How hard it will be to kill them again in the future.

Liubai didn't understand, and he was a little regretful that he didn't kill the two martial gods of Beili directly, so he kept asking Xiao TIANYAO, and he didn't stop if Xiao TIANYAO didn't answer.

If Su Cha is there, it's OK. Su Cha will naturally answer such a question for Xiao TIANYAO. But when Su Cha is not there, Xiao TIANYAO, who is tired of being asked by Liu Bai, has no choice but to look up and say, "what's the use of killing them? Without them, there will be others. The central empire will not allow the four countries to break the situation of checks and balances. "

Why did the central Empire stipulate that each of the four countries, such as Dongwen, only allowed two military gods to sit in the town, and that they were not allowed to appear on the battlefield?

The apparent reason is to maintain the peace of the four countries, protect the God of war, and prevent the God of war from making unnecessary sacrifices. But in fact, he is afraid that one of the four countries of Dongwen will dominate and swallow up the other three countries, so as to compete with the central empire.

As long as people with a little brain can understand this truth, Liubai just can't understand it, or he wants to understand it, but now he is at the top of his rope.

"What does this have to do with killing beiliwu God? Kill the two martial gods of Beili, and the battle will be over. " Liubai understood the central empire's checks and balances on the four countries, but he killed the two martial gods in Beili. It was better for them that there were no martial gods in Beili for a short time?

"They are afraid of our king, and they are poisoned. They can't do it in a short time. Instead of letting two more powerful enemies appear, why don't they stay?" Since he answered Liubai's question, Xiao TIANYAO didn't say that half of them are hidden and half of them are hidden. "Besides, do you think that if they die, they will influence the war between Beili and Dongwen? Don't forget, before that, the two military gods of Beili didn't attack the ordinary soldiers. "

Although Beili ignored the rules and sent Wushen to the battlefield, it was also to restrict him. The two martial gods of Beili didn't fight against ordinary people. They just appeared to improve the morale of Beili.

Liubai understood Xiao TIANYAO's concerns, but he was still worried about one thing: "what if they report to the central Empire about the poisonous smoke and explosives?"

"Do you think you can hide for a lifetime without talking about the existence of explosives?" Xiao TIANYAO shakes his head. Seeing that Liubai is still puzzled, Xiao TIANYAO is too lazy to say to him, "you don't have to worry about these things. You can do what you should do."

"For... Yes." Liu Bai opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

He thinks his proposal is for the sake of the Lord, but he seems not happy?

Liubai is quite lost and goes out. When he meets Mo Qingfeng, who is trying to figure out the moves by himself outside, Liubai is very upset. Seeing that the moves made by Mo Qingfeng are exactly the moves Xiao TIANYAO uses today, he wants to break up with him.

"Let's fight for a dozen." Liubai takes out his sword and points to Mo Qingfeng.

This is not to give Mo Qingfeng the opportunity to say no, Mo Qingfeng does not mind, nodding and flow white to open up.

Both of them have the same martial arts skills, and they don't have the ruthlessness to kill each other. After hundreds of moves, they are still tied. They are a little tired, so they tacitly agree to stop.

"Have a good time!" After a good match, Liu Bai's depression dissipated. He put his sword on the ground and found a stone to sit down.

Mo Qingfeng sat down beside him, took out a pot of wine from behind the stone and threw it to Liubai? In a bad mood? "

"Well, there are some things I don't understand." Liubai knew the details of Mo Qingfeng, and today he fought with Beili Wushen. They had a little brotherhood. After a little hesitation, Liubai said what he didn't understand.

"I don't understand why Wang Ye let go of the two martial gods of Beili. Although Wang Ye's reason is past, I still don't understand what it has to do with Wang Ye killing them?"

Mo Qingfeng laughs at Liubai's words without saying anything, "you, what do you want to do with this kind of thing? You can do what the Lord tells you to do. The Lord must be more thoughtful than us."

"It's a pity to miss such a good opportunity. If we kill beiliwu God today, our pressure will be much less. Moreover, this move can also frighten the four countries, so that those rats who hide in the dark do not dare to trouble the Lord any more. " Liubai is really for Xiao TIANYAO, but his thoughts are not comprehensive enough.

Mo Qingfeng didn't want to say more, but when Liubai talked about frightening the four kingdoms, he couldn't help saying: "Liubai, what would you think of the Lord if you knew that the Lord killed five martial gods?"

"Of course, the Lord is very powerful. He can't be offended!" He has a white face and shining eyes.

"Yes, you will say that the Lord is very powerful and can't be provoked. What about the emperors of Nanman, Xiwu and Dongwen? What would they think? " Mo Qingfeng can guess Xiao TIANYAO's meaning, but he doesn't say it directly. Instead, he slowly leads Liu Bai to think about it.

Liubai didn't want to think about it, and naturally said, "of course, I'm afraid of the Lord, and I don't dare to fight against him any more." Liubai still can't forget that Xiao TIANYAO was killed a year ago.

At that time, wasn't it because their princes were not strong enough that the four countries dared to fight against them?

Let the four countries know that the king of their family killed five martial gods at one stroke, and see who dares to do it!

Mo Qingfeng didn't have to ask. He also knew what Liubai was thinking. He shook his head and said, "Liubai, it's not as simple as one plus one equals two. It's not a good thing to let the four kingdoms know that the king can kill five martial gods in one fell swoop."

"Why?" Liu Bai doesn't understand.

Mo Qingfeng did it to the end and explained, "is the central Empire powerful enough? However, the four countries only submit to each other on the surface, but at the bottom of their hearts they have been planning for independence. No matter how powerful the Lord is, he can't surpass the central empire by himself. If the four countries want to kill him, can you stop him? "

"Well, how is that possible?" As soon as he turned pale, he thought of what happened a year ago.

Isn't that a joint effort of the four countries?

"What's impossible? If Wang Ye killed two martial gods in Beili today, he would set a record of killing five martial gods by one person. And because the two martial gods died, no one knows that the king killed the five martial gods with poison. How afraid do you think the emperors of the four kingdoms have to be? "

"Can we prove it?" When Liubai said this, his voice was very small, so he knew that he was not strong enough.

Mo Qingfeng said with a smile, "at that time, even if we say to the outside world that Wang Ye used poison at that time, they will not believe it. They will only think that Wang Ye wants to hide his strength. At that time, the four countries will get rid of Wang Ye at all costs, so as not to make him stronger."

Mo Qingfeng didn't understand it at first, but when he came back, he understood Xiao TIANYAO's plan