Chapter 260

The number of the dead is far more than that of the pro guards, and none of them is fatal. The pro guards can't get rid of the control of the dead for a while, so they can only watch the dead and attack the horse pulling the cart.

"Princess, Princess... Be careful." Steward Cao curled up on the board of the car and wanted to rush forward, but the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword were in front of him. The oil lamp had been knocked down for a long time. But for a few night pearls, steward Cao could not see where the ninth day of Junior high school was.

Under such circumstances, how dare steward Cao rush forward to make trouble for the guards.

The goal of the horse is very big, and the horse can't hide. If a dead man wants to hurt the horse, he just needs to lift a knife. The horse is hurt and runs forward, and wants to get rid of his control.

"Ah ah..." steward Cao held the carriage and turned dizzy when he was thrown by the horse, but he didn't dare to let go. He could only hold the carriage tightly for fear that he would be thrown down and die alive.

"Where's Princess Xiao?" The injured horse ran around and ran for a long distance. Normally, even if Lin Chujiu would hide again, he would be trampled by the horse one or two times. As long as he was trampled by the horse's hooves, Lin Chujiu would not be able to run. It would be easier to kill her, but

The horse ran out more than ten meters, but they didn't see Lin Chujiu.

"Quick, light the torch and find out where Princess Xiao has gone." The lighting distance of the night pearl is limited, and it can't be seen from a distance.

"Poof... Squeak..." the dead man lit the torch behind him. The torch flashed by, but it was enough for them to see clearly.

"Princess Xiao hugged the horse's belly and hid under it."

That's right. When the dead man was about to startle the horse to death, Lin Chujiu quickly pulled the rope around the horse and put his legs around the belly of the horse.

No longer in charge of the bodyguard, the dead men took out their hands and ran after the carriage. It's their turn to come forward and entangle the dead.

"Princess, climb on the horse, cut the rope, and go back to the house." Pro Wei is afraid that Lin Chunjiu doesn't know how to run, so he makes a suggestion, but

They also reminded the dead.

"Kill the horse." Where can a weak woman go without a horse.

"It's like a pig." Lin Chujiu holds the horse's belly, his hands are sour and painful, and he is struggling to climb up, but he doesn't want to succeed, so he hears the conversation between the pro guard and the dead man.

For a moment, Lin Chu was very sad.

She was not as stupid as the soldiers thought. She knew how to do it without their reminding.

This time, the dead man didn't chase Lin Chujiu. Instead, he flew a knife directly to the horse. Seeing that Lin Chujiu's foot was on the back of the horse and his body was hanging on the side of the horse, the dead man threw the knife in his hand without thinking about it.

The blade flies straight to Lin Chujiu

"Your sister!" Lin Chu Jiu couldn't help scolding. He was about to climb on the horse's back, but now he had to let go.

Yes, if Lin Chujiu didn't want to be hit, he had to let go and stay away from the horse

Riding away is a good thing, but the premise is to have this life!

Without any hesitation, Lin Chujiu opened his hand, closed his eyes and let himself fall to the ground

The horse has been running forward. Although the speed is not fast, the fall will not be light. Lin Chujiu thought that the fall would break his arm and leg even if he didn't die, but he didn't want to

A strong wind suddenly swept up behind her. When she reacted, she found that she fell into a soft embrace.


Lin Chu Jiu suddenly opened his eyes and saw Xiao TIANYAO's magnified handsome face, "Wang Ye? Why are you It's Xiao TIANYAO. It's incredible.

"Who else is there but my king?" Xiao TIANYAO picked up Lin Chujiu, raised his foot and kicked him. The knife on the ground flew up and fell steadily into his hand. With a backhand knife, he heard the scream of the dead man and fell to the ground.

"The prince is here, and the princess is OK." Steward Cao didn't see Xiao TIANYAO, but heard Lin Chujiu's voice and immediately fainted.

I'm too old to stand such exciting things!

"Hold tight." Xiao TIANYAO holds Lin Chujiu in one hand and walks towards the dead man with a knife in the other. Lin Chujiu can't see his movements clearly. In front of his eyes, blood flashed by and the dead man on his side fell down one by one.

The bodyguards were helpless, but they were as weak as chickens in Xiao TIANYAO's hands. Once again, Lin Chujiu understood the power of Xiao TIANYAO.

This man, very strong, strong enough to make people afraid, but also reassuring.

Along the way, no one dares to stop the killing of gods and Buddhas.

After meeting with his bodyguards, Xiao TIANYAO threw away his bloody sword and said coldly, "clean up and send the body to the supervision hospital tomorrow morning."

These people didn't assassinate Xiao TIANYAO, but it doesn't matter. He appeared. These people came to assassinate him. The court had to give him an explanation.

The dead man solved in an instant, and the relatives were relieved with sympathy and shame.

They are the bodyguards of King Xiao. Their responsibility is to protect the Lord. But the reality is that the Lord doesn't need their protection. Instead, they need his protection.

They disgraced the guards.

"Find a carriage!" Xiao TIANYAO didn't scold his bodyguards for failing to perform their duties. He knew what level his bodyguards were. It's not his personal guard, it's the other party who sent the dead too strong.

It's no use killing assassins. It's a shame if you can't find a carriage.

The bodyguard soon got a carriage. Although it was not very spacious, it was enough for two people.

Xiao TIANYAO holds Lin Chujiu in his arms and gets on the carriage. In fact, Xiao TIANYAO has been holding Lin Chujiu since he caught her. Lin Chujiu doesn't seem to ask about it.

The bodyguard carries steward Cao behind him and drives his carriage towards the palace. The next day, someone finds that his carriage is missing and there is only a ingot of gold. That has nothing to do with bodyguard.

In the carriage, Xiao TIANYAO put Lin Chujiu down. When he heard Lin Chujiu hissing, he couldn't help making light movements, "what's the injury?" The voice is a little cold and hard, like blaming Lin Chujiu.

"There's a little scratch on the back. Just go back and apply some medicine. It's not serious." As he rolled down from the carriage, he landed on his back.

"Well." Xiao TIANYAO didn't manage it any more.

The borrowed carriage was not illuminated by the night pearl. It was dark in the carriage. Xiao TIANYAO could see things normally, but Lin Chujiu couldn't.

He carefully sat down in the dark. Lin Chu Jiu looked up at Xiao TIANYAO and said, "thank you for today."

"A word of thanks can counteract the favor of saving my life? How many times have I saved you? " In the dark, Xiao TIANYAO looked at Lin Chujiu with no scruples. Seeing that Lin Chujiu was wronged, Xiao TIANYAO's lips rose slightly. "Tell me, how do you plan to repay the king for saving his life?"

Xiao TIANYAO specially grasped the four words of "saving life". Lin Chujiu didn't know what Xiao TIANYAO wanted or what he could take out. He could only ask himself, "how do you want me to repay you?" Do you agree by example? She's married to him.

"You are all my king's. what can you do to repay me?" Xiao TIANYAO opened his mouth with disgust on his face. Without waiting for Lin Chujiu to open his mouth, he said, "forget it. For the sake of saving my king once, I won't worry about you. From today on, everything in the past will be cancelled."

After that, Xiao TIANYAO's ears were slightly hot. Unfortunately, it was too dark for Lin to see