Chapter 135

King an almost died; Mo yu'er is under house arrest; The doctor lost the emperor's trust. This is undoubtedly the darkest day of his life for doctor Mo, but

For the elderly with silver hair, these are not enough. What he wanted was that the doctor of ink was ruined and lived in the world without words.

"Master, it's my carelessness to let him escape this time." As soon as he got out of the palace, he came to plead guilty.

The silver haired old man is really angry, but now he still wants to use the doctor. No matter how dissatisfied he is, he will not vent his anger on the doctor. Not only that, the silver haired old man comforted, "no, you're doing well. It's more interesting to cut meat slowly than to cut off his life with a knife. It's also a pleasure to watch him go to despair step by step and struggle on the edge of death. "

This is to comfort doctor Qin, not to comfort himself. He waited too long for the day when doctor Mo was ruined. Where is the patience to continue to wait

The doctor didn't know how true or false the old man's words were. He only said, "master, don't worry, I will never let him avoid it next time."

"Well, master, I believe you." The old man with silver hair coughed. Doctor Qin asked with concern, "master, are you ok?"

The silver haired old man waved his hand. "It's OK. It's old." But as soon as the words came down, there was another burst of coughing. Even if he tried to restrain himself, he couldn't hold it down and soon coughed up a pool of blood.

Qin Tai Yi was startled and rushed forward to feel the pulse for the old man with silver hair. However, he was rejected by the old man with silver hair. "I know my body very well."

Take out the handkerchief, wipe off the blood on the corner of the mouth, the silver haired old man said as if nothing had happened: "I can't live long. I'll be satisfied if I can see his bad luck in my lifetime."

"Master, don't say that. Your enemy apprentice will surely repay you. You must take good care of yourself. Your apprentice has not been filial to you yet. " Dr. Qin's eyes were red, and he obviously had deep feelings for the silver haired old man.

Although the old man with silver hair has made use of the idea of doctor Qin, he has no feelings when he is a master and apprentice. The silver haired old man sighed and said, "you are already very filial. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't live to this day. As for the teacher's body, you don't have to worry about it. When doctor Mo's reputation is ruined, the teacher will use this dilapidated body to give you a ride. "

As for what this journey was, the silver haired old man did not say, nor did Dr. Qin ask.

The days are always passing by. In the blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed since Xiao TIANYAO said one month's thinking period. However, Lin Chujiu still has no decision, and Xiao TIANYAO has not forced her. It's like forgetting.

But Lin Chunjiu knew that Xiao TIANYAO didn't forget. He was just too busy to ask her.

Mo yu'er caused an accident to king an. The emperor checked for a long time, but he didn't find the culprit behind it, so he charged the account to Xiao TIANYAO. During this period, he madly suppressed the officials of Xiao TIANYAO's faction, and the prison was full of people.

Supervisory yuan, Dali temple, military affairs office. These departments are as busy as a top every day. There are accidents every day, and officials have to pick up people every day.

The last case has not been tried yet, and a new case has come out. It doesn't matter if the evidence is not enough. Lock up the person first and investigate slowly.

Corruption, taking bribes, falsely claiming military merit, and empty pay. Looting houses and killing civilians indiscriminately; They killed the prisoners, robbed the women of the people and divided the results of the war privately; Killing colleagues, betraying companions, disobeying orders

According to the scripture officials, all the military officers in Dongwen are scum, and there is no one available. Their existence is not to defend the country, but to eat the blood and drink the meat of the people. Fighting in the battlefield is not to protect Dongwen's territory, but for one's own selfish desire.

Although only Xiao TIANYAO's confidants were impeached by the censor, other generals could not help but feel sad.

They fought with their lives on the battlefield, not in the hands of the enemy, not in the battlefield, but in their own internal fighting.

None of the generals who have been on the battlefield dare to say that they have not made any mistakes. Xiao TIANYAO's soldiers are strict, but even in this way, civil servants can pick out many charges, let alone them.

"If you want me to die, I have to die." Another military general, who was impeached by the censor, knelt down on the main hall and looked at the emperor standing high. The iron man burst into tears. "There are loyal bones buried everywhere in the Castle Peak. Why should mag's body be returned. I really hate that I didn't die on the battlefield, at least I have a reputation of loyalty. "

He who speaks is sad, but he who hears tears. When he was dragged down by the imperial guards, the whole hall was quiet without a sound. Even the censor, who had just been impeached with justice, could not lift his spirits at this time.

But the Emperor didn't pay attention to these. Today, Xiao TIANYAO is the most capable general. If he wants to fall down, Xiao TIANYAO's power in the army will be half destroyed, and then Xiao TIANYAO will not be afraid.

Victory is in sight, the emperor is very happy, but at this time, there is a sharp and urgent announcement outside the palace: "eight hundred Li, urgent! Urgent war report

It's impossible to repeat several times even if you don't want to hear clearly.

"How can there be 800 Li expedited war report at this time?" The emperor doesn't understand, but the matter is urgent and he can't bear to think about it. He asks the eunuch to pass the person on.

The messenger went into the hall and knelt down on the ground with a puff, presenting the battle report, "emperor, 800 Li urgent. In the past five hundred thousand troops from the North pressed down on the border and captured three cities in a row. Our army suffered heavy losses. "

After talking, he fell to the ground. The Imperial Army rushed to carry people down for medical treatment, but his words caused the anxieties of Manchurian ministers.

"The army of Beili is pressing the border? What's the matter? Beili hasn't invaded our border for several years. It's still some time before the autumn harvest. How could Beili send troops to attack us at this time? "

"Mr. Wu is right. It's spring planting. There's no reason for Beili people to attack us here."

"It's not good to send troops at this time in the northern calendar."


Several civil servants who didn't know much about the military intelligence murmured together and were skeptical of the war report.

The generals who know the situation of Beili and Xiao TIANYAO's strength have a clear mind.

You don't have to think about it. The people of Beili must have received the news. They knew that Xiao TIANYAO, the God of war on the mountain, had an accident. Then they took the opportunity to attack Dongwen and tried to get some benefits from Dongwen.

It's just that they won't and can't talk about it. Although they are not good at brain, they also know how much the emperor dislikes Lord Xiao. At this time, if you tell the truth, it will only make the emperor hate himself