Hearing the voice, people raised their heads one after another. Over the sea level where the sun was gradually springing out, several objects like small airplanes were falling from the sky in flames.

"Cruise missile!"

Seeing the objects in the sky, Ye Feng turned his head in a hurry and said, "all climb down!"

Hear Ye Feng's words, the public quickly subconsciously all climb down.

"Boom, boom...!"

In front of everyone's eyes, the island destroyer, which was still swaggering, was directly hit by the falling missile, and was instantly turned into a sea of fire. Smoke and fire rose on the ship, just like a fireball jumping out of the sea level.

Then several fighter planes passed through the sky, painting the red flag of China under the wings.

And on the opposite sea level, a group of majestic fleet is driving full power, riding the wind and waves.

"It's our East China Sea fleet!" Looking up at the distant sea level, the man exclaimed excitedly.

Ye Feng raised his head and looked at it from a distance. On the sea level in front of him, a huge fleet bravely appeared. Just now, a missile cruiser, a Battlecruiser, five or six destroyers and dozens of frigates rushed forward together.

In addition, several J-15 fighter planes are hovering in the sky, and the size of the ship is absolutely the only cruiser and frigate left in the opposite island country.

"What shall we do now, sir?"

Different from Fen Fen on the fishing boat, looking at the East China Sea Fleet not far away, the command room of the island country was dead.

Island countries do not have any formal Navy. This cruiser they can hold is just an ordinary light cruiser. On the other hand, there are battlecruisers and missile cruisers. This is a progression.

Not to mention the size of the fleets of the two sides, plus the destroyers and two frigates that have just been reimbursed, now the island country has only one frigate and two cruisers left.

The old man in the black uniform didn't speak. He just looked at the East China Sea fleet with a blue face. There were several fighters on his head. They promised that as long as the cruiser moved, it would turn into a sea of fire just like the destroyer.

We should know that the Chinese people's character of protecting their weaknesses is also well known.

"This is China's territorial sea. You have invaded illegally. Now put down your weapons, shut down the fire control system, and come out and surrender immediately!"

The battlecruisers in front of them directly crossed the fishing boats of Qinshan fishery and the remains of two frigates in flames, and rushed to the opposite side of the island ships.

The numerous guns on the ship immediately aimed at each other's cruiser. For a moment, the alarm that the island was locked by guns sounded everywhere, and everyone turned pale with fear.

"This is the public sea, you have no right to catch us!"

After all, their cruiser is not in China's waters. The destroyer in the waters has been sunk.


The East China Sea Fleet on the other side did not speak, but hit him on the deck with a single shot, directly making the cruiser semi disabled, and rolling black smoke rose from the ship.

See the other side without saying a word on the direct fire, the command room of general Nakamura, eyes slightly shaking. He knew that this was a warning, and he knew that the East China Sea Fleet in front of him was absolutely furious. If he made a little rash.

"No matter who you are, our patience is limited. Now I count to three and I won't surrender. I promise to break your ship to pieces. It's not a joke!"

The opposite radio directly roared out a roar, listen to the voice, the other side seems to be young, but I'm afraid it's also suppressing the anger in my heart.



"Sir, what shall we do? Shall we go to the police station for help?"

The people in the command room looked at the old man in front of them. It's not a matter of going to the military court. They chased the fishing boats of China and were surrounded by the East China Sea fleet. It seems that the other party may hit themselves to the bottom of the sea at any time.

"White flag!"

Looking at the gun in front of the strong ship, the old man's hand trembled. At last, he said dejectedly, "turn off the fire control system. All crew members are not allowed to bring weapons. Go to the deck to assemble!"

Soon three of the battlecruisers didn't speak out. The white flag was quickly raised on the other side's cruisers, and then a kind of crew came out with high hands.

"They surrendered!"

In the cruiser command room of the East China Sea fleet, a kind of high-ranking officers in white navy uniform all drank in unison.

Soon the destroyer was approaching. Chinese Marines carrying assault rifles and navy blue uniforms boarded the island's light cruiser one after another from the floating ladder, capturing the people on the deck and directly controlling the situation.

"We are officers, we ask for prisoner treatment, you can't..."

In the crowd, an officer carrying a star was about to say something when the butt of a nearby gun came down. "Prisoner treatment, do you dare to ask us for treatment? Why don't you have treatment when you let the helicopter strafe the crowd? Why don't you think about treatment when you bombard my fishing boat? Do you think about treatment when you point the muzzle at others? Now you are reduced to prisonersPrisoner's treatment, why don't you tell those who died in the sea of fire that this is the treatment I give you. "

Looking at, the soldiers also want to smash, people around the hasty false stop, and then the scene was a bit chaotic.

"You are in violation of international law. Beating prisoners is inhumane!" Said the island officer flustered, whose head was swollen from the butt of the gun.

"All right!"

At this time, general Nakamura, who was in the front, said, "we are all prisoners. We should not force anything. The soldiers of the island country should be aware of current affairs and not daydream."

After hearing the words of the old man in black, they were speechless. After all, they grew up in a peaceful environment and did not have a strong concept of prisoners of war.

"Are you general Nakamura of this ship?"

At this time, under the escort of the crowd, a Navy General in a white navy uniform with a star on his shoulder came over from the pontoon.

"Do you want to humiliate me? Come on!" Nakamura took a look at the commander, but his heart was full of sorrow.

When I was young, the navy of the island country dominated the Pacific Ocean. Now I look at the young general opposite him and all kinds of brave new warships behind him. I look at the old cruiser under my feet, which is going to be eliminated after many years of service. It's killing me!

"Shame you, you deserve it!"

The middle-aged man looked at the old man in front of him and said, "hum, you didn't save people last night on the shipwreck of Queen Mary on the high seas. You also wantonly blocked the rescue of Chinese fishing boats, and even shot at Chinese fishing boats and victims.

Just now, the pursuit and shelling of Chinese fishing boats in the sea area forced more than a dozen fishing boats to collide with warships, and the destroyers of your island country even arrived in the sea area of China. Do you really think that our East China Sea fleet is made of paper? " Next to the middle-aged man, a bespectacled school official cheered with righteous words: "all you have done, our military reconnaissance satellites and UAVs in the air have already captured images. In fact, you can't make any sophistry. If you don't give us an account of China, you are ready to go to the military


The middle-aged man turned his head and said, "needless to say, take them all away, and drag this broken ship to the east harbor for me!"


Nakamura held out his hand to stop him and said, "I recognize what you said just now, but I have another request. Please do agree, otherwise my old life will be killed here. I think China will not want to have any complications." "Old devil, you threaten me?" Cried the middle-aged general.