"I'll go with you!" Lin Feng said calmly and firmly.

She didn't want to argue with Lin Feng, but she was indifferent: "whatever you want."

Yesterday's car, which he bought from the owner of the street, has been towed away by the golden age people.

A lengthened Lincoln is stopping at the door. Two bodyguards in suits and shoes wave to Zheng Wanqing as soon as they see her.

Before he got near, he opened the door ahead of time. Zheng Wanqing just sat on it, and the bodyguard of the Tao family slammed the door, ignored Lin Feng and quickly got on the car to start.

Just as Lin Feng was about to go around the other side, the car had already left. In the car, Zheng Wanqing didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't make a sound.

Looking at the back of the car quickly away, Lin Feng sighed, it seems that this cheap husband is not easy to be.

No wonder Cui Shi is under such great pressure. If it wasn't for her deep feelings since childhood, Zheng Wanqing would have dumped her husband long ago.

Tao Le is such a big rival. He is hanged in all directions, no matter his family situation or ability.

Cui Shi is the most proud. He has worked hard all his life for his super ability. He also sees that with the growth of his age, his opportunities become increasingly slim.

However, only in this way can there be a challenge. Lin Feng's face shows a meaningful smile.

Stop a car and let it follow.

The mine is located on the edge far away from the city. It took more than an hour to see the excavated mountain field and a large area of temporary buildings in front of it.

The crowd was noisy, gathering many workers and their families, as well as the media.

A team of security at the scene to maintain order, this mine, has an extremely rare associated ore, Woyin.

The high-end precious metals involved in the manufacture of force field generators, naturally, need not be mentioned.

Lin Feng's car, as expected, was stopped. He got out of the car.

"I'm Cui Shi." As soon as you open your mouth, you will show your identity.

However, the security guards in the road block are indifferent, just like they don't know each other. But the disdain in their eyes clearly tells everyone that they know each other, but they won't let you in.

He kicked his opponent's shin, his face was full of disdainful security guards, and his right foot immediately knelt down like a broken one.

With his mouth open, his voice didn't come out of his throat, so he closed his chin with a punch from Lin Feng.

PATA, the tongue is directly bitten by the teeth, banging down.

Lin Feng didn't look at the remaining three people, but walked in. The weapons in the hands of the remaining three people were tight and tight, but they didn't dare to come up again.

This is the boss's husband. The boss is in it. Even if the wind rating is bad and the status is not high, it's not that they can bully.

Needless to say, once on the table, Zheng Wanqing will let them know what they are.

On the stage, along with Tao Le, Zheng Wanqing has several fat headed local leaders who are full of authority.

As soon as he saw the situation, he knew that he couldn't get involved, so he just walked towards the warehouse area.

Warehouse is fully automated management, with a tall door, large trucks can freely access.

At the moment, there is only a small door. The security guards of a team of three people with heavy guns and live ammunition are watching in all directions, and the defense situation is very tight.

Lin Feng goes to a remote place and starts the invisible force field. The invisible force field has its own silencing. Even if you shoot inside, no one will notice.

So from the gap between the three people, swagger into, after the small door, there is automatic infrared recognition.

However, for the force field, this is nothing.

In the warehouse, a large number of molten metal ingots are here, and a strong metal smell diffuses in the air.

He glanced and walked to the concentration box house, where there were two security guards sitting at the door drinking tea.

The door is locked. There's a code.

Lin Feng went to the back of the two and started hypnosis. One of them shook his head. After a few seconds, he stood up and turned to open the door.

Sure enough, inside is a constant temperature storage room, one by one glass jar, which is filled with living silver like liquid.

Each can here is a special commodity worth tens of millions. According to oasis star's law, these commodities can only be sold to specific official agencies.

Lin Feng is not polite either. The scene outside now just needs someone to carry the pot.

Open the glass jar, and the silver inside is slowly sucked out like a living creature and directly transferred to the original world.

There, you can directly create the most suitable environment, and naturally you don't need these glass cans.

There are 21 jars in total. These Woyin alone are worth 210 million. It doesn't look like a lot.

However, it has nothing to do with value. The most important thing is the channel.

It's like ammunition. In some places, a gun costs hundreds of yuan. In other forbidden places, it's a rare thing.

It's about privilege and occupation. No matter how rich people are, they are not qualified to have them.

From the warehouse out, two security guards stationed outside, have been sleeping on the table.

Even from the point of view of monitoring, they just think that they are sleeping. He left leisurely and ran into the mine to see if he could find Woyin directly. Here, he turned directly into the original world, even more unconscious. As a result, after entering the mine cave, I found that it was like an underground labyrinth, and it was not too much to call it an underground city. At this entrance, it has been built in a very open space for a long time, and all mines have been made clean. Ore trucks were parked on the tunnel. He walked all the way and examined carefully. He found that getting Woyin from these ores was a matter similar to winning the lottery. This is still a rich mine that has been mined out. If you rely on yourself to look for it in the vast vein, the probability will be extremely low. After staying for less than ten minutes, Lin Feng came out of the mine and gave up his idea of mining. When he returned to the scene, Zheng Wanqing had already signed the agreement and was shaking hands with the representatives one by one. Tao Le accompanies the whole process and acts as a flower protector and backer. In front of him, all of them were quite interesting, which made Zheng Wanqing more and more grateful to him and his favor increased sharply. Lin Feng walked over and waited for her to finish. As the host here, Zheng Wanqing greets the head of the scene and goes back to the dinner. When they saw Lin Feng, Tao Le turned a blind eye, and Zheng Wanqing only paid attention to the leaders. Once again will he hang in place, Lin Feng but quietly, directly follow her. In front of the crowd, the bodyguard didn't dare to do it again. Maybe it was because Lin Feng opened the other door ahead of time. The carriage of the extended luxury car is very spacious. Lin Feng takes the lead to sit next to Zheng Wanqing. Tao Le doesn't think so and sits on the opposite seat“ Mr. Dong has a high reputation in the local area. If you can ask him to move this time, things can be settled smoothly. I'll accompany you to toast him later. We can't be careless when it comes to the last step! " Tao Le is on the opposite side, talking about several key figures who will appear today. Zheng Wanqing on the other side listened attentively, nodded from time to time, and wrote down the key points with a note on his mobile phone.