Just here, Jiang Dahai and his wife came out of the room, and there was another clamor when they met.

Although the two families are less than 100 meters apart, they don't meet much. It's just that Zhou jianeng comes to have a physical examination every year. Now, seeing Jiang Dahai coming, they have more common topics.

Zhou Ying suggested that we go to dinner together.

It's time for dinner. Lin Feng plans to fulfill Jiang Xing's little dream when he was a child, so he readily agrees.

Jiang Dahai and Wang Mei take a look at Zhou Ying. They feel that their family background is too different from that of Zhou Zichuan. They are worried about embarrassment and are not easy to explain.

On the side of the beautiful woman is to open a way: "you still have something to do, nothing together, many people also lively!"

What she said is very standard. The implication is to remind you that if you find any reason, the dinner can be canceled.

Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang Dahai are farmers. They don't know what they mean.

Lin Feng and Zhou Ying haven't seen each other for a long time. They just want to get together and have dinner.

"Aunt's operation still has two hours to go. There's nothing to do here. It's just good to go to dinner first and come back!"

At the same time, Zhou Ying also said: "yes, it's rare to meet each other. I've long wanted to come back to eat the lotus root powder scallops. Let's go, let's go!"

Zhou Zichuan and his wife secretly looked at each other, but they could only smile, "the sea, we haven't drunk together for many years, let's go and have a drink!"

"You're still drinking. What the doctor said just now is too much for you." The beautiful woman spoke at once.

Zhou Zichuan is driving more than 300000 Wright. Standing beside the car, he asked casually but with a sense of superiority: "sea, did you drive here?"

"I didn't drive it." Jiang Dahai waved his hand.

Of course, he knew that Jiang Dahai was just about to ask the other party to get on a broken farm truck.

"Jiangxing is driving. That's it!"

As she spoke, Lin Feng, who had fallen behind, walked towards the Mustang. Zhou Ying's eyes flashed an accident, "Hey, this is a new car. Have you made a fortune recently?"

At the same time, Zhou Zichuan and his wife in the car also looked over their heads. The beautiful woman murmured: "didn't she say that Jiang Xing was in poor health and borrowed money everywhere?"

"Who knows? I guess it's good. Otherwise, I'm not in the mood to buy a car."

While talking, Zhou Ying opens the door and gets on Lin Feng's co driver.

Both of them were speechless for a while. Liang Yuqi was a little upset and said, "it seems that Jiang Xing has been thinking about Yingying before, so he won't be making any wrong ideas!"

"What are you doing? Jiang Xing's children have gone to school. Is your daughter so stupid?" Zhou Zichuan sniffed.

"It's hard to say, she is not just lovelorn, sometimes women are emotional, easy to be coaxed by bad people's rhetoric."

"She's bigger than you now. Do you really think she's a gas-saving lamp or a factory girl, and three yuan of fried noodles can cheat her out?"

Liang Yuqi nodded, "also, with her current level of vision, what outstanding elites have not seen, it is impossible to fall in love with such a hick."

Lin Feng, known as a country bumpkin, is driving to the restaurant under the guidance of Zhou Ying.

Jiang Xing, a native, has never been to the Lotus House in the town. She has heard of its name.

On the contrary, Zhou Ying is very familiar with the food and special dishes. She seems to have eaten them since she was a child.

Class is so magical. People living in the same village have no intersection with each other.

Jiangdahai couple in the winter wind, the beach search mud, a lotus root picked up for money.

Zhou Zichuan, however, is a manager. Every day there are all kinds of people in the restaurant. He is not a class at all.

Fortunately, although Jiang Xing can't do it, Lin Feng is there. He has to kill Zhou Ying a few streets to play and eat.

With rich experience and temperament in conversation, it seems that they are not ordinary people at the bottom.

Whether it's talking about that aspect, it's easy to come, and it's just like this. Unconsciously, it makes Zhou Ying forget her troubles and get on his car by the way.

Lianhualou is a tower like building with a retro charm. Even the waiters are dressed in palace clothes, hairpin and light rouge.

Being in the middle of it makes people feel confused in time and space.

"Where would you like to sit, gentlemen?" Asked the maid in court dress in a tone.

"Is there a place on the top floor?" Before Lin Feng came in, he took a look at the top floor, which is the 33rd floor. Eating on it should be very exciting.

"Yes." The waitress took the tablet and looked at it, "there is a big table, just suitable for several people, and the minimum consumption is 30000!"

Thirty thousand!

Jiang Dahai was frightened. Although he knew it was very expensive here, he did not expect that there would be a minimum consumption.

Wang Mei can't help but ask: "is there a minimum consumption here?"

"Other seats are not set, only the top floor. Because the location is limited, there are only four tables in total, so the minimum consumption can only be set!" When the waitress saw that the couple were dressed up, she saw that they were ordinary farmers, and she also had a little bit of impatience.

They are also those who have never seen the world and want to sit on the top floor without looking at where the top floor is. Of course, these words are said in the heart, the smile on the surface can still maintain. Zhou Zichuan and his wife looked at each other without making a sound. Of course, they knew the way. At this time, they came to dinner with Jiang Dahai and his wife. They felt a little out of class. It's also a bit dark and cool. They often come to this place. When they come to the table, they have to be forced. Now, it's up to them to retreat, and then reserve a third class seat by themselves, and talk to them well. Looking at Lin Feng, who just drove a half million Mustang, he must have been frugal. He didn't buy a car until he was in his thirties. They see too many of them. His mouth is blowing loud, but in fact, there is no door for him to spend tens of thousands of yuan for a meal. The next second, Lin Feng's voice sounded, "this table, let's go!" The waitress could not take care of the accident and nodded quickly. In this small town, although the lotus tower is one of the best. But after all, if you are willing to spend a few meals, there will not be a few every day. Setting the minimum consumption is nothing more than a force, telling the poor force not to follow and grab the position. I also tell the rich that the high-end atmosphere here is full of force, just taking advantage of you guys. Zhou Zichuan was surprised again. Looking at Lin Feng's back, he felt that there was something wrong with his eyes. It's impossible. Jiang Dahai's family have always been honest people with little prospects. They can't even remember their names. Jiang Xing is really capable and won't live until now. He doesn't leave any impression in his memory. I'm afraid I don't want to see my daughter and pretend to be forced in front of her, so that I can make a fat face. After all, men can do anything to show off in front of beautiful women.