Then he saw a slightly familiar face, Gao LINGJI!

The person in charge of the whole spa is Gao LINGJI, who brought the team by himself. What's the grudge?

Spa is the top safety contractor and the leader of the whole industry, and they are the ones who eat shrimps and pick up leftovers.

Seeing the leader on the stage in person, Wen Puming knew that things were going to be bad. He was unwilling to shout in it: "Gao LINGJI, are you crazy? Have I offended you there?"

However, Gao LINGJI didn't look at him either. Instead, he made a mistake and turned aside from the Middle Road, waiting for another figure to come.

This scene was seen in the eyes of the whole process, and the eyes were full of doubts, until a handsome man appeared.

Lin Feng!

It's the big single goal that he just imagined, 50 million, enough to make him eat full of oil.

Now, he appeared in front of him. He had just sent out two complete elite teams, which were the most effective under his command. He was very regretful.

If they don't leave, they won't be easily brought in by spa. Those two groups are real killers, not security guards who want to get paid to eat.

Lin Feng walked slowly to the outside of the glass wall and looked inside through the glass.

"Do you come out by yourself, or do I go in?"

When Wen Pu Ming saw this, he completely understood that he would go out by himself, only when he had a brain pumping.

With this composite glass wall, he can last at least two hours, during which time, enough for him to recall group A and group B and apply for support.

Lin fengzong has the ability to communicate with heaven. Under the relationship of the headquarters, Gao LINGJI does not dare to deal with himself any more.

"Don't think you've won. If you have seed, come in and fight me. I don't know who's going to win!" Wen Pu Ming sneers inside, picks up the phone and pulls it out.

It's just that I just picked it up and found that there was no signal.

As a professional, Gao LINGJI didn't even think of it.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the professional blasting team behind him immediately followed. They had plenty of means to deal with the target behind the hardware.

And they had made plans before they came.

As things like loudspeakers stick to the glass wall, winpurming's face turns pale.

This high-frequency shock wave is the strongest killing weapon of composite glass, connecting ten close to it.

As you press the remote control, the glass wall begins to hum and tremble, as if the whole building is shaking. There is an illusion that an earthquake is coming.

"Lin Feng, I also collect money. I can give you the Commission and give you the employer information. How about this as a misunderstanding?"

Wen Pu Ming can no longer calm down, hastily open product said good words.

It's never a shame to be soft hearted. People must live first. Only when they live can they continue to live, otherwise everything will stop.

For these people, they are just driven by their own interests. They have no hatred. What are they doing to take their own life for a spender.

However, Lin Feng was not moved at all. Through the glass wall, there was a constant buzz. Wen Pu Ming watched the spider like cracks appear on the glass wall, and his eyes showed the color of despair.

His last hope is that the two teams just sent to the team, as long as they have time to come back, everything has a chance.

After all, they are professional sniper killers. Even for spa, they have no fear. They can even kill spa in a river of blood if they have mental calculation and no intention.

However, another minute later, the glass wall collapsed and the barrier in the middle disappeared.

There was no barrier between the two sides. Spa members on both sides rushed in instantly, and he sat down on the seat, although there were pistols in the drawer and guns hidden under the stage.

As long as he does any action, he can take out the gun from any angle to fight back, but he still has no courage to do this.

In front of spa's armed forces, a gun has a fart to use. Even if it can spell out Lin Feng, it will definitely become a beehive.

Now, I'll bet whether Lin Feng will let him go in terms of his organizational identity.

After all, he's valuable, whether it's the identity of a killer organization, the skin of a local entrepreneur, or an information system that only he can inquire about.

In the employer column, only executives like him can access it. If you kill him, there will be nothing.

"You can't kill me, you won't get anything if you kill me!" Before Wen Pu Ming finished, he was pulled out by a spa.

I got a foot on the tailbone. It's a hard leather boot. The toe cap is padded with metal. It's specially used for some scenes, such as now.

Just a foot, he kicked the tail vertebrae as if to break the general, deep heart pain, ah, a cry out, rolling on the ground.

Where there is the big guy behind the killer organization? There is only a middle-aged fat man rolling on the ground. Lin Feng comes and stands in front of him.

Wen Pu Ming's limbs were trampled, and only his head could move freely. Looking at Lin Feng, he was frightened and scared. But to get this step, on the contrary, it aroused a little blood, "Lin Feng, don't mess, I have two elite groups just sent out, if I have an accident, they will certainly give me revenge, then not only, but also your family and relatives will be retaliated." Lin Feng takes out his mobile phone, clicks on a video and plays it in front of him. In the picture, a three car motorcade is stopped in the parking lot and several shock bombs are thrown in. With the electric light flashing, the inside of the three cars turned into a ball, and the people inside didn't hum. The burning car turned into a torch“ Are you talking about them? I'm afraid it's difficult! " Wenpu Ming was speechless, completely determined, and unable to ask for help. The other side quickly killed his own elite. Obviously, he did not intend to be kind. He held back his fear and said, "we have no hatred that can't be dissolved. Our company can make compensation. As long as you don't kill me, I can help you deal with your employer."“ That's right. But I still like to do revenge by myself. That's how I feel. " Lin Feng sat in his position, turned on the computer and lifted the network blockade. As for the issue of certification, that's what Wenpu Ming has been up to now. After scanning the iris, checking the fingerprint, you enter the background. It has to be said that the Jin Chu Anbao company is really powerful. It is much more mature than the black Yao group. There are not only enterprises on the surface, but also a bigger business on the surface. Anyone who wants to place an order can enter the intranet they set up to place an order.