"Isaac, Hoover and Camilla are still in hospital for serious injuries. It's said that the man surnamed Lin moved his hand. They're going to block that guy!"

Seven people belonging to a small team of ten gathered together, talking about this, still feel incredible.

What's the concept of a person fighting ten and still fighting like that.

"Is it transforming people?" Corker said suddenly.

The others were silent, and everyone thought of the possibility. They were still very powerful mutants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think this is the right time to discuss this. Mr. Taka seems very upset. Will it annoy us?" The other person expressed his concerns.

On hearing Taka, everyone's face became slightly ugly. They were living here, and they didn't want to offend this kind of local snake.

In this arena, Taka is the top Hunter overlord, and they just pick up some leftovers, even can't go on the stage, and they only use some third rate means, such as cheating, setting up a fairy game and so on.

The victims are tourists from all over the world. How much can they earn by using their short stay to build trust.

If this kind of trust can continue after going back, it can continue to generate income.

Many people have one or more gold owners. Of course, these gold owners do not know the existence of others, or they do not care.

They come here for vacation every year. They just need a regular playmate and a happy holiday.

Like this kind of person, in front of Taka, they can't get along with each other with a word.

"I've got a way to deal with both of them and help Mr. Taka out," Cocker said suddenly

"What can I do?" They all asked in unison.

Taka's manor is located on the top of a small hill. It has been handed down for hundreds of years. In his ancestors, his family has a title.

The manor is made of all kinds of sea stones. It has become one of the most famous buildings on the island after generations of construction.

Taka, who lives in it, is still a big landlord, even though he has no title now. Even the state rents his land.

It is needless to say that he is the real owner of the island, but, after all, he is only an island country.

The total area of the whole territory, more than a dozen islands, is less than square kilometers. In front of the big capitalists, they really have no confidence.

So when it comes to Lin Feng's relationship list, the most prominent one is the super power envoy of the Defense Department, Taka will put out his revenge.

No matter what the real situation is, when it comes to such existence, you'd better not provoke yourself.

It is precisely with such prudence that his family can continue to be rich for hundreds of years and remain as before.

"Master, Corker, please The servant's voice interrupted his trance.

Corker, an excellent cowherd, has some good means. On such a small island, he naturally knows this character.

Originally, I wanted to kill him, but on second thought, I said, "let him in."

"Lord Taka, I'm sorry about the music show!" Corker comes up and apologizes.

He didn't dare to look up at each other. The luxury here is comparable to that of a palace. Every inch of it shows wealth and pride.

Yu Fa widened the identity gap between the two sides, one second, two seconds, three seconds

Taka didn't make a sound, and in this silent gaze, corker felt as if he was passing the day.

They bribe the people under Taka's hands and make trouble on the music show, which makes Taka very passive and has serious consequences.

Although Taka has put out his revenge on Lin Feng, his anger will double against them.

"If you're just saying this, you can get out of here!" His voice was cold and stiff, and he knew the anger in it as soon as he heard it.

"No, I have a way to deal with those two people, and I don't need you to show up," he said in a cold sweat

"Oh, tell me!"

"We can install cameras in their rooms, they are very beautiful, and arrange a delayed live broadcast, which will certainly cause a sensation." Corker's fast tunnel.

"Go ahead, but remember that it's none of my business and I won't help." Taka's voice was heard again.

From the beginning to the end, corker did not dare to look up at each other. After listening to each other's tone, it was obvious that if this thing was successful, the matter between them would not be investigated.

He left with great joy.

Behind her, Taka sat on the coral fossil chair, and for the first time, she thought that these lower third rate products were still useful.

Even if the other side really stands behind the super can make, find these guys, also dare not admit that he identified, there is no evidence at all.

He picked up a piece of information, the above is a charter crew members, four survived only one, that is Lin Feng's charter plane.

I don't know why, the man who survived didn't dare to say anything, and half of the case was found, so he was sealed up, and even the airlines didn't want to go deep into it.

It was this strange situation that made him flinch the rat's fear. What happened in the bathroom of Junhao hotel's Gym also spread to him as quickly as possible. Everything here has something to do with Lin Feng. All of them have something to do with Lin Feng. The other side is very skillful, unscrupulous and has no awe at all. Such a person is either a violent maniac or a lunatic, but such a person can't live long. Obviously it won't be this. Then it can only be the latter, a person with deep background and strong strength enough to ignore most of the rules, combined with the super ability to make his attitude respectful, the rumor is eight percent true. If the other party is also a super, or has a super elder, stronger, more powerful existence, then it is not surprising that he is so arrogant. There is no lack of super powers in this world. The reason why they are so rare is not that they are not arrogant and polite, but that they despise it at all. Most of the super envoys are living in the heavenly palace. They have broken away from the shackles of the ground and gone to the sky and interstellar. Ordinary human beings on the ground, for them, are mole ants. In front of mole ants, they are not even interested in pretending. No matter whether the other party is really like the conjecture, anyway, he just needs to wait to see a good play. If it's true, it's more exciting. He's just a spectator. He just needs to wait and watch. On the beach, the red sun is about to set on the horizon. It is magnificent. Zhuang Shushi was not influenced by the bodyguard's unwillingness to follow him out. He walked on the beach with Lin Feng, blowing the sea breeze, sticking his skirt to her body, and brushing her hair. It was very pleasant. The time she spent with him seemed that no matter how dangerous the situation was, she didn't need to worry about it. This trip also made her completely identify with Lin Feng. He was the only one who could let go of her family, her company and her best friend.