The car in front of him slowed down sharply, and the man yelled from the window, "come on! Come on, didn't you eat, motherfucker! "

At the same time, two cars came up behind, almost sandwiching the three people's overtaking car in the middle. Gong Feixia did not dare to make any more noise at this time, and together with Zhuang Shushi, she nervously grasped the seat.

The whole body reined tightly, for fear that the other party would make any dangerous move. It was high speed here. At this time, Lin Feng had lengthened the speed of the car to 150 hours.

"Don't fight with them. Let's call the police. Let's pull over and wait for someone to come." Zhuang Shushi shouts to Lin Feng.

"No, these people come for revenge. Once they stop, they don't know what they will do." Lin Feng calmly replied, while controlling the car.

"Well, what about that?" She has been flustered, even if it is worth hundreds of millions of big boss, this situation is still the first time to encounter, in the final analysis, it is just two little women.

It's the kind of beautiful women who are always sought after and modest. If there is no Lin Feng here, they may smile with these people, and the other person will have a different attitude.

But now, Lin Feng didn't mean to compromise at all. He just said calmly, "don't worry, the car has a recorder. They don't dare to do anything. There are cameras on the highway."

His words let the two women's hearts at ease for free, thinking that maybe the two bitches in the red sports car just now could not swallow the tone and called for revenge.

Most of all, it is to create some collisions and verbal insults. I dare not really kill people.

However, if you think so, you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. After the car has been upgraded to a speed of 100, many things are not taken for granted.

If there is a slight deviation, the cars will be destroyed and people will die every minute. Besides, there are more than just a few of them on the road.

All of a sudden, there was a crash on the rear glass. Looking back, a cup of coffee was spilled on it.

The sticky coffee instantly dyed the whole glass into a disgusting color. A sports car in the back opened its hood and stood up to yell through the car stereo.

"Beauty, don't pay attention to that gun. Come and play with us. If you are happy, let you go!"

This is a young man whose hair is dyed white. He looks like he has been knocked. His expression is extremely excited, and he still smashes all kinds of things in his hand.

Cans of unopened beer, smashed by car, made a bang bang explosion.

Gong Feixia's face is full of anger, and her hands are blue. She takes out her mobile phone to call the police.

However, she was surprised to find that there was no signal. She asked suspiciously, "Shushi, please call the police. My mobile phone has no signal."

Zhuang Shushi still did it. The next second, he looked up in amazement. "I don't have a signal either."

"It's out of the service area. I've been through this road many times, not to mention how bad the signal is in this era."

Lin Feng took a look at the mobile phone, combined with the arrogance of these people, probably know what's going on, and reminded: "those people have signal shielding devices, ignore them, sit well."


With this kind of thing, both of them were shocked. Obviously, this kind of posture can't be ended casually.

At least it won't be as simple as they thought, and they immediately worried again. However, seeing Lin Feng's car driving very smoothly, Gong Feixia had a little more confidence in him out of thin air.

I can only hope that he can handle it. As for Zhuang Shushi, although he doesn't have such an intuitive experience, he gets along with Lin Feng for a long time. He also has inexplicable trust in Lin Feng, which is only much more than his best friend.

Bang, a can of beer explodes in front of the glass. It explodes as soon as it touches the glass. It's obvious that the throwing force is not small.

Four cars just put a passing bag in the middle and kept throwing things back and forth at them. There were men and women on those cars, one by one arrogant.

At this moment, the blue sports car in front of her stood up. A little girl lifted her coat and showed two white rabbits. She shook towards this side and then vomited.

He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "come on, I'm waiting for you here..."

There's a lot of ridicule and slander. Other cars on the road dare not get close to them. They just slow down when they see them. It's not a place to watch.

There was a big bend in front of him. Lin Feng reminded him again, "sit down!"

The speed has reached two hundred two. When turning, Lin Feng began to accelerate again.

The distance between the two sides immediately began to slightly open, aware of his intention to rush out, the four sports cars also immediately followed the acceleration.

Two hundred four, two hundred seven, two hundred eight

In the twinkling of an eye, 300 was mentioned. The centrifugal force produced by this big bend made the two women feel that they were about to be thrown out.

The heart all mentioned the throat, want to shout all can't shout out.

At this moment, Lin Feng slammed the steering wheel, stepped on the brake at the same time, and the car instantly floated out horizontally.

Immediately after that, the blue sports car in front of us had a flat tire. At a speed of more than 340 mph, even if there was explosion protection, it still didn't work at all. The car suddenly lost control and rolled over.

Just now, the little girl with the murder weapon on flew directly out of the car, rose five or six meters high, and then fell down. The car hit the gray sports car, which was almost side by side. The two cars continued to roll on the road together, and the latter two cars caught up with each other in the next second. Boom!!! The huge explosion, accompanied by the fireball rising, Gong Feixia and Zhuang Shushi saw an unforgettable scene through the fuzzy back glass. Four cars, right in front of them, turned into fireballs. They had not even recovered from the huge centrifugal force. He escaped in the moment. Four cars also had accidents. How could the accidents happen? They were caused by people's bad mood and acceleration in the curve? But what happened to the first explosion? After a while, Gong Feixia asked, "what's the matter? Why did the car suddenly lose control?"“ The tire has exploded Lin Feng's tone was calm, and he couldn't see what he had just experienced. Well, it's really the most likely. Zhuang Shushi also took his heart back to his stomach. It's not their business to burst the tire. In fact, it's these people who attack him all the way. However, even if there is a dash cam, it is difficult to say whether the party already has the responsibility for such a big accident. If you can send out four sports cars at once, the other party's family background will not be bad, at least it will not be a small family. Once you start a lawsuit, it is bound to be an extremely troublesome matter. She already secretly regretted that she didn't persuade Lin Feng at that time, or that she shouldn't attend the birthday party at all. A stranger invited him, no matter what important person he was.