If it's all involved, how can LAN Zhenzhen maintain her rich life, how can she live a good life, and how can she raise her head in the circle of sisters.

If we can get compensation now, we can stop loss in time.

With the present property of her family, she can definitely continue to live a rich life alone until she finds her next home.

Even if you can't find such a good bamboo platter, it's no problem to maintain the quality of life of petty bourgeoisie. How can you be willing to share your fortune.

"Books and poems, you must help me. This wealth is accumulated by our hard work. How can we give it to them?"

LAN Zhenzhen's voice was excited. She was dazzled and wanted to cry. With the pair of apricot eyes, she was a little pathetic. Women could not help but feel pity when they saw it.

"Calm down first. It's stipulated by law." Zhuang Shushi is not sure.

"Not as much as they want."

"I know, but I just don't want to divide them. Why, they didn't give us anything when we got married. We bought the house together." LAN Zhenzhen insisted.

It's not that she wants more points, but that she wants everything.

Gong Feixia curled her lips and could not help but remind the poem: "but that's the son of another family. His parents are very close to each other. The son's property always has the right to share."

Zhuang Shushi nodded his head to show his approval, which was originally stipulated by law.

However, LAN Zhenzhen did not agree. She took a look at her, and the hidden dissatisfaction and hatred in her eyes could not be concealed.

He began to wipe his tears again, whining, "but they have three brothers, two sisters and parents. How many shares do they have to share? Why?"

"What do you want?" Seeing her crying like this, Zhuang Shushi was also a monitor. She was kind-hearted.

"The book poem, now only has the immediate transfer, I use the entire wealth to become a shareholder in your company, as long as completes the account, lets the surface look completely loses money, like this they cannot grasp the handle."

LAN Zhenzhen said so, looking forward and excited.

Zhuang Shushi's lips were slightly open, and he didn't know how to answer them. This was to help him hide and transfer his property, but also to make false accounts.

If we don't mention other risks, even if it is really done, the bank can't immediately collect the money as soon as it looks at the financial situation.

Besides, why do you have such a big face and let others take such a big risk to help you.

At that time, the Wang family will go to their own company to make trouble. At the thought of that situation, Zhuang Shushi can't help shivering and wants nothing.

However, looking at LAN Zhenzhen, who looks forward to her as a savior, Zhuang Shushi really doesn't know how to refuse.

How to open your mouth? Everyone's dead. Now it's all on her head.

"Shushi, only you can save me, otherwise I really have to jump off the building!" LAN Zhenzhen saw that she didn't answer, so she had to continue to increase her firepower.

Zhuang Shushi looks at Lin Feng and Lin Feng like asking for help. She is still wondering, didn't she say that the students would come together.

There is another monitor, their monitor. There are two monitor, one male and one female. Her monitor is male, but none of them appears now.

On the contrary, it's self-evident that I finally received the news here, or I'm too naive.

In other words, this society is just like this. A few years after graduation, we are all so realistic that we are not sympathetic at all.

However, before Ming Ming, we had a party together and we didn't know how happy we were.

She thought about it and didn't come up with a reason.

Lin Feng can only cough, "don't cry, I ask you something."

Hearing his voice, LAN Zhenzhen's expression froze. Then she raised her head and winked at him with tears.

Come with me in front of my wife. What do you mean? Do you test my concentration or my IQ.

This woman is either stupid or bad. Lin Feng sees her like this. It's probably the former. Petty bourgeois women, with a bit of talent, have grown up by acting coquettishly and taking advantage of everything.

It can't be changed up to now, and it can't be changed in a lifetime. Even in this kind of thing, this kind of occasion, it's still habitual to use this move.

Gong Feixia rolled her eyes wildly beside her. Zhuang Shushi watched all the time, but she didn't feel much. On the contrary, she was taken over by Lin Feng and was relieved.

"You introduced Wang Songhai to me. Later he cooperated with cha haochu and asked me to take the land. Then he turned around and was recommended to Yuhua. You know that."

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was silent. LAN Zhenzhen's expression was innocent. First she was at a loss, then she shook her head.

"I don't know. Shushi and I are old classmates. How can I harm her and you? Besides, you are also our benefactor..."

LAN Zhenzhen quickly denied, "he never told me about his work in the company. Since he became a manager, he has raised people outside. I have to swallow my anger for the sake of my family..."

Next, it became a family affair, a tragic young woman's drama. She worked hard at home, waiting for her husband to come back.

As a result, they were betrayed miserably. For the sake of face, they had to swallow their pride and turn a blind eye. The implication is that they have long been in love with each other. Wang Haisong never told her what happened outside. If it wasn't for the villa that happened in the back, she would have believed her ghost. As for her daily exposure to delicious food, high-end cosmetics, high-end clothes and high-end places in her circle of friends. From time to time, she also thanks her husband for sending this and that, showing their love and throwing dog food. These are all pictures of her bearing humiliation, making fun of hardships, turning grief and anger into purchase, so as to vent her discontent. You have to understand a young woman in such a miserable life“ You won't tell me what happened to the video behind. It's also a coincidence, isn't it Lin Feng didn't give her a good face. She said coldly. When LAN Zhenzhen saw that she had tried all kinds of larks and conquered countless human beings from childhood to adulthood, it was no use pretending to be pitiful. Suddenly, she had no other way but to look at books and poems“ Book poem, you must believe me, that is a coincidence, since... "She continued to pour bitter water. All three of them have seen her tricks clearly, and believe that she has a ghost. This moment, Zhuang Shushi has rearranged her mood. Seeing this, he also lowered his face and said, "don't treat me as a fool. You know, in school before, you always treated me as an opponent. You want to fight with me for everything and think you are no worse than me."“ However, you have never surpassed me. Have you not recognized the reality so far? You can really cheat me. At the beginning, I felt strange. Why did you talk about the company from time to time when you asked me out? It turned out that you were giving me a briefing. He talked to me from time to time just to create opportunities for Wang Haisong. Later, after the accident, you disappeared immediately, and there was no more phone call for me. There are all kinds of boasting and rumors that I'm bankrupt. How about that? You're making up most of the stories here! " Zhuang Shushi counted out the past one by one, and talked about LAN Zhenzhen one by one. His face became more and more ugly. Even pretending to be poor can't go on. After all, it's hard to continue to be exposed face to face.