Only in the performance of Zhang Jiasheng and all parties, the video has explained everything clearly. He is not a suspect, but a victim.

When Lin Feng came out from the inside, Gong Feixia's car was waiting at the door. It was not a prisoner, so she didn't need her relatives to bail.

Zhuang Shushi was a little bit excited. He could not help but welcome him, and his face was full of concern.

He took it into his arms with two hands. Gong Feixia rarely came out to make trouble and sat quietly in the driver's seat.

At this moment, Zhuangshu leaned on him quietly and smelled his taste. A feeling of gain and loss came into being spontaneously.

"Come on, I'll take you to dinner!" Lin Feng is in a good mood after earning another 500 million yuan.

New Inn Restaurant, located in a village on the outskirts of the city.

There are hundreds of years old trees at the entrance of the village, just like a giant umbrella in the sky, bringing the road and the surrounding into the shade.

The entrance is decorated with the sign of the New Inn Restaurant. This is a well protected natural village, which is not a place for civilians.

The whole village belongs to a local family with a long history. The restaurant is also a part of the family industry. Within five minutes of driving in, you come to a beautiful lake.

About 1000 square meters of small lake, surrounded by large and small trees, as well as lush water plants, along the construction of wooden plank road, outside the plank road is a vegetable garden.

Most of the fruits and vegetables in this restaurant are grown by ourselves. On the other side, there is an animal garden.

Lin Feng called in advance in the car to make a reservation, but the restaurant didn't see anything bad because of his bankruptcy.

It's dinner time. The car in the parking lot is full. From the parking lot to the restaurant, it takes three or four minutes to walk along the wooden plank road by the lake.

On one side is a natural lake, on the other side is a large and small vegetable and fruit garden, the shed is transparent, you can see the plants inside.

When I came to nature from the city's steel forest, even the air I breathe is very sweet and refreshing.

This kind of feeling, after living in Fenglin, the three people are used to it, but suddenly see the new scenery, plus food in front, the mood is very good.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry. He takes them along the plank road. It's like walking in the grass. If only they were.

Gong Feixia, the top Bai Fumei, has too low a chance to support her. In other words, I've been a big man from all walks of life for such a long time, but I haven't received the harem. Isn't that a failure.

Looking at the two long legged beauties, Lin Feng can't help reflecting. In front of him, a building similar to a barn appears, but the walls are made of transparent glass.

You can clearly see the furnishings, seats, tables, diners, and the staff in and out of the restaurant.

By this time, the sun had set and the lights were on before it was dark.

Looking outside is like being in the wilderness and seeing the prosperity of civilization, which makes people yearn for it.

After Lin Feng reported his name, a beautiful and exquisite waiter took him to his seat. It is worth mentioning that all the dining tables were placed along both sides of the wall.

In the middle was a wide passage, and they were at the end, on the side of the lake.

Sitting on the seat, you can see the natural landscape through the glass wall. It's a completely different feeling.

Zhuang Shushi and Gong Feixia have never been to this restaurant, which is quite new. There is a man and three women at the table next door, chatting and taking pictures with a camera.

Basically, every dish has to be changed from several angles to see how it is dressed. They are all luxury brands.

The man is handsome and smart, with famous brands on his body. No accident, he is the gold owner of this meal.

The three women were all dressed up, and their appearance was very delicate. Their skin was more beautiful than before, and they didn't know how much BB Cream they had applied. At first sight, they were the petty bourgeoisie who came to punch in the pilgrimage.

This kind of people is easy to recognize. In the circle of friends, they often eat, drink and go to all kinds of high-end consumer places, but they will never pay.

People who can afford to spend the money can't sun this kind of thing. Basically, if a woman sun this kind of content every day, the old managers will have a tacit understanding smile.

In the upper class circle, there are countless such women with ordinary birth and exquisite appearance. They want to catch up with the elites and climb up the branches to become Phoenix.

In the memory of the predecessor, we should not have too much experience to realize the leap of social class, but there is a consensus.

Such a woman can only play and never get married.

No matter how well they say it, I want to get married. I want to make friends for the purpose of getting married. Anyway, I don't believe a word.

Since the two women of Da Zhuang Shu Shi sat down, the man at the next table kept glancing towards this side. No matter whether they were men or women, they could clearly feel what they represented.

How sensitive the three petty bourgeois women were, they naturally noticed that there was more competition in their eyes.

Unfortunately, no matter Zhuang Shushi or Gong Feixia, their appearance and temperament can be called natural beauty, and they can be tied without makeup. In addition to their dress and the grace brought by their long-term high position, no matter how they refuse to accept it, it's useless. Some gaps can be seen at a glance. They can't afford to offend anyone who can or can't. In addition, they can't afford to offend a casual guest in a restaurant of this level. Naturally, they could only express their dissatisfaction with their eyes. The two women didn't care at all. They were facing their back and couldn't see the three women's eyes. But the man, just looking at his back, can also see Zizi interesting, which is a bit intriguing. The menu uses an ink screen, which is as comfortable as a paper book, but with bright colors. Today, there are three packages, the cheapest is 1688 yuan, the second 2688 yuan and the third 5688 yuan. The first time the two women came, they had no experience. They all had their own set meal, which was at least matched by the chef. This level of restaurant can't be wrong without understanding. Lin Feng ordered three 5688 yuan C meals. There was a bottle of mulberry wine in the set meal, and he ordered another bottle of yellow sparkling wine, which could relieve the greasiness. Especially with the cheese cheese cheese after the meal, people feel just right, there is no greasy feeling after the meal, but it is delicious and pleasant. A bottle of yellow sparkling wine is 18, plus three set meals. The consumption is about 20000, and a tip of 100 is given to the waitress in charge of the table. All of a sudden, the pretty little sister's smile bloomed, and her dimples were beautiful. It turned out that it was necessary to give a tip. In this way, the waiter's little sister's attitude immediately went up to a higher level. It's not that the original service was not good. Before the reward, she was purely out of her professional instinct. Everything was a formulaic mechanical response.