The reason for the second level is that the force field generator on the body can only provide the second level limit output, and TIA is only a small team leader.

Strength, that is, the elite in the first level super ability, and the force field generator can provide the second level output, still occupy the authority of the team leader.

The force field generator limits its maximum output, but even so, according to the powerful source force support, as well as the powerful brain calculation, abnormal control force.

A player who plays ten at the same level will not have any problems. When he is familiar with the super power, the force field that originally seemed unbreakable is just like that.

Since the birth of mankind, no matter how powerful the shield, there will be more powerful means of attack, attack has always been ahead of defense.

Level two!

Morrison's face made no secret of his shock. The boss is only a few years old this year. He is really the waste master of the cha family.

Well, if the boss wants to be a super, learning consumes a lot of resources, bankruptcy makes sense.

However, it is reasonable to say that there is a child in the family who is qualified to be a super envoy. The cha family should be happy and try their best to cultivate him.

How could he be discredited and become such a virtue, or was it all just the result of Cha's family.

If he didn't come into contact with Lin Feng frequently during this period of time, he would really think so. But as far as he knows, Lin Feng really has nothing to do with Cha family.

All the evidence shows that Zha family is not only a member of his own family, but also all his relatives and friends, as well as enterprises, who have blackmailed the abandoned son.

And Lin Feng, also never bird those people, more did not use any of the resources of the family.

In other words, his boss may really fall out with his family and then work alone.

What's the picture?

If you don't understand, he hides the questions in his heart and will not ask such questions.

"By the way, the grandson has taken care of it. We have the evidence and can retract it at any time." What Morrison said is naturally the handsome uncle, director Sun.

One of the culprits who framed Xie Dan, this guy was ordered by Jia Hongjun and became an executioner. As a result, he has not been locked in until now.

Jia Hongjun didn't pay much attention to it. He was used some means by the real desperators in the black Yao group, and then he successfully rebelled.

"What's happened to Jia Hongjun recently?"

"He doesn't seem to have given up. He is preparing to direct the spearhead at you." Morrison will report the latest findings one by one.

"Deal with me." The corner of Lin Feng's mouth rises slightly.

Fenglin sanatorium, medical research center.

He Yeyue is standing in front of the gate of the center. She is in a state of extreme shock. She will work in this picturesque place in the future.

It was a scene that she had never dreamed of. Although most of the oasis star was covered with vegetation, most of the places that kept the natural landscape occupied.

The rich live in their own manor and mansion, enjoying the gift of nature. The poor can only live in high-rise apartment, which is called high-rise slum, stacking coffins.

A child born in a slum like he Yeyue can't imagine such a place.

Because it's impossible to be connected with her world at all, and now, she really stands here.

For the first time, she was glad that her choice was right. As long as she could work in such a beautiful place, even if she didn't want to work, I don't know how many people would like to.

Lin Feng didn't care about other people's reaction, including Jia Beisong. As soon as the team came in, he stayed in his laboratory.

On the experimental platform, the basic elements are ready. Next, it's time to make use of our original world to create eternal strange things.

He wants to copy the force field generator one by one through the original world.

The raw materials on the experimental platform are controlled by an invisible hand. One by one, they fly in. The passage with the faint blue light is only as big as the mouth of the bowl.

Even if the growth rate of the powerful field generator was maintained, it was very difficult. In just three seconds, he had to stop.

Looking at less than one-fifth of the materials entered, I had a rest and continued to work.

When the last material is sent in, the force field generator can be made in it by virtue of its natural connection with the original world.

In that world, he can create a void and rewrite the rules of physics with one thought.

It can also speed up the time to create any required environment. After analyzing the basic structure of the output field generator by element analysis.

After more than a thousand attempts, a force field generator with almost one to one similarity of 99.99% was produced.

Then test, activate, screen out all possible loopholes, and brand your own soul mark.

Lin Feng once again opened the channel and brought out the new force field generator from the original world. As soon as it came out, the channel immediately closed.

The force field generator as like as two peas in front of him, but it is entirely his own, and no fear of any tracking.

Soul power infusion, a kind of natural connection, is immediately produced, just like the extension of body parts, which is extremely smooth. succeed! Lin Feng's face burst into a smile, and the heart guard flew to the position a little below his chest and stuck it on the top. If two force field generators work at the same time, for others, they will be distracted, which is impossible for ordinary people. But it's a piece of cake for him who has a mutated soul and can form a system. The key lies in his subconsciousness. As a strong man who has undergone the qualitative change of becoming a God, he can be called a master of soul. He can completely divide his spiritual body and control multiple force field generators. Anyway, he doesn't have to leave the body, and he doesn't have to worry about consumption at all. For him, this little burden is just like the loss of water in his body. It's just a drizzle, and he can't even feel it. If he is thirsty, he will be able to replenish his thirst with a glass of water. Over time, as he understands more and more rules of the world, he will only be able to afford more and more consumption. Now, with one hand, he immediately opened the passage again in the air. This is the superposed power of two force field generators. The output power is doubled instantly. With its powerful control power, there is no need to improve the process. Even the process of getting familiar with the power is infinitely shortened.