Rules are used to constrain the lower level. Only when both sides are at the same level can they act according to the rules.

Back to the floor where the company is located, the two women are worried. It is estimated that the class is not stable.

Lin Feng's phone rings and he sits down on the sofa.

Xu's voice came from inside, "Mr. Lin, I'm satisfied with this."

"It's not bad. It's OK with the end of the hand."

"If there's any problem, it's up to the slums."

"That's fine. This number will be disabled from now on."

"The next treatment will be in three days, no problem."


Lin Feng cancelled the number directly. Naturally, the number was not opened by his name, but by someone in the slum who didn't know whether there was still a person in the slum to contact with him.

The number under his name is only the contact records of a few people, such as Zhuang Shushi, who are enough to cope with the scene.

Over the next two days, people came to ask questions.

If you don't know his real name, I'm afraid he's already squatting inside. How could anyone come to ask him in person.

It's a real question. It's polite. I don't even have a hard tone.

Also very intimate with a female colleague, in order to avoid his aversion, called Xiao Lingtong, bright eyes and white teeth, wearing a uniform appears valiant.

"Mr. Lin, someone saw you using your mobile phone at that time. We also asked Miss Gong and miss Zhuang that the vans were not called by them, only you."

Xiao Lingtong's tone was slightly heavier and her eyes were fixed on him.

"You can't talk nonsense. I'm just playing with my mobile phone. I don't know how many people those mad dogs have bitten. According to your way of doing things, they must have many enemies. Maybe we just happen to meet enemies to take revenge."

Lin Feng takes out his cell phone and plays with it.

Xiao Lingtong's tone is stagnant. She is not an idealist who just came out of society. She has seen the complexity of society for a long time. It's also very embarrassing.

At the beginning, the other party showed his identity and tried to suppress others. No one expected that the most humble man was the ruthless role.

If you can use such means at the first time, you say that he is the waste of the family. Who believes who is a fool? Of course, no matter whether it is true or not, as rumor has it, apart from him, who else has the ability.

But there was no evidence. The vans were so skilled that they even had fake license plates. They drilled into the blind area, dispersed and traced to the slums. That's all.

There is another area where the water is so complicated that no one wants to get involved easily.

"Mr. Lin, we need to check your mobile phone. I hope you can cooperate." She was serious.

"Of course, I'm a law-abiding citizen." Lin Feng simply pushed the mobile phone from the desktop.

She picked up her cell phone, dialed her number first, and then handed it to the person behind her.

The other side took out an instrument on the spot and connected it. It took only five seconds for one, two, three, and all the data of the mobile phone had been copied.

Mobile phone back to him, the program is very formal, but everyone knows, this is just a formality.

If he had done it, the mobile phone would not have left anything useful. Although there is a way to recover the deleted data and conduct deeper tracing, it is time-consuming and laborious, and the key is the immortal fighting method behind it.

The owner of the dog is obviously not of the same level. Although Lin Feng is alone now, it is said that he is a waste firewood who has been expelled from his home.

However, no one can despise such waste wood for playing such tricks, not to mention the tricks played by the upper class, who believes who is a fool.

She has already concluded that this guy is playing with his family just to avoid debt. If he doesn't have eyes and thinks he is easy to bully, he will be taught to be a man.

"As a victim, I have the right to pursue responsibility." Lin Feng took the phone and asked her.


Xiao Lingtong took a deep breath, in the heart already scolded to open, you still want to pursue responsibility, don't be too excessive.

"Yes, you see, they attacked us first with dogs. As for the latter, they were also attacked by dogs. It's none of my business. Since they are victims and can let you handle the case so actively, my attack is much simpler and I can directly determine the responsibility."

Lin Feng hesitated, looked at her word by word and said: "or do you only stand out for some people because you handle cases for others? I'm such a powerless ordinary people who have been bitten by dogs and only have to pay a million kowtow to admit my mistake!"


Xiao Lingtong was shocked by his eyes. Well, she admitted that those families had gone too far before. Now, it's not wrong to see how they ended up.

Just, she thought of each other's tragic situation, can't help but distinguish: "but you have killed two dogs, but also beat them into what kind, if you are responsible, you may not be able to get a bargain in a lawsuit."

"I was defending myself. It's merciful if I didn't kill them. I'm exercising my right of self-defense, but they haven't killed me yet."

"It doesn't count that way." She was a little flustered when she saw the tendency of speaking more and more rigidly“ If you are not guilty of hurting people with a dog, what are you still pursuing? For the sake of their just dead Master, I will ask for five million yuan. If you don't want to do that, I will tell you Lin Feng nodded at the table and didn't go on. The meaning was obvious. The team leader on the side quickly came up to interrupt: "Mr. Lin, don't be angry, don't be impulsive, we will help you to take the words to the front right away."