There is only infinite space, no matter in any direction, it is theoretically impossible to bump into something like a wall

He was forced here, his body exploded, and thousands of souls who had just eaten were scattered everywhere, but he didn't care about it.

You know, this incarnation has 30% of the power in the noumenon, and even has no resistance. How powerful is this guy.

Is there already the power of noumenon, even above?

At that moment, he noticed that on the calm sea floor, a huge darkness was rising, and a strange head was sticking out of the water

Facing him, he opened his mouth like a stamen, with layers of fine teeth inside. What is this?

The next moment, a tug of force came. Fortunately, compared with that time, this force was nothing.

He can feel the power of the thing below. However, such a powerful body is not suitable for his sojourn

In the Great Rift Valley, Penn felt that there were many more nutrients in the original world, so he put away his book with satisfaction.

As soon as his body suddenly appeared in front of the rainbow bridge on the cliff, the virtual spirit of the guards nearby was immediately startled. In a flash, he started to move at the same time and rushed towards him.

But was submerged by a domineering light, "quack noise..." a voice light from the light.

Looking at the minaret that almost occupies half of the cliff, Penn's eyes are shining. It is worthy of being on the earliest rainbow bridge, and the maximum capacity is the highest one he has ever seen.

Next, we need to test whether we can pass

When the virtual spirits come here, they will be suppressed by the will of the world. Similarly, human beings in the past will also be suppressed by the will of the world. If they are too strong, they will be noticed.

He walked to the portal without paying any attention to the spirit coming from afar. Every step he took, his breath was converging automatically, and all of them were integrated into the book of the era.

There are many miracles in such a treasure. Sure enough, in this way, the power of repression will continue to decrease.

In front of his eyes was the channel of nothingness. His figure went up against the current, and countless lights and shadows appeared around him.

You want Ding Qing to see clearly, but you can't see why. He has already had experience and doesn't care at all.

I don't know how long it took, whether it was a day or a second, until the scene changed again.

At the same time, the power of suppression is also the strongest. In front of us is a floating island in the void, with a tower across it.

He just came out of the tower. Not far away, a dark and empty spirit was gathering. When he saw someone coming out, he was all in a daze.

Man, this is not the creature in the opposite world, with incomparably delicious soul and body.

It's just, how can it be here.

Is it the master who sent me? A lord of spirit flies over, "you..."


A small flash of lightning appeared and interrupted his message. His body became dark and almost broke up

Gee! Sure enough, Penn's face is staring at each other. If he wants to change his little role on earth, he can easily kill him.

But here, the other party just suffered a little injury, and look at this, this empty spirit is just an ordinary Lord, more than ten times stronger than on earth.

Well, the stronger the better. He came here just to look for these powerful virtual spirits. He took them all into the original world and tamed them slowly. If he didn't accept them, he forced them to refine and turn them into nutrients.

At the next moment, the Lord of Xuling had already taken the lead. A long dark gun penetrated through the void and blasted at him.

Penn's body scattered with strong light, this shot has been staring at him out of 100 meters, but still did not penetrate the protective light, both sides were a little surprised.

This virtual spirit is too strong. It's just any lord. It's a little role guarding outside the door. It can move itself.

He felt the surrounding environment for a moment. There was air, but the composition was very complex and totally unsuitable for human beings.

But for him, there was no impact.

With the help of Lord Xu Ling, the Legion behind him, just like locusts, rushed over and occupied the whole field of vision.

I don't know whether there are thousands or tens of thousands, among which the proportion of high-level virtual spirit is very high, and each breath is at least several times stronger than on earth.

Good, good!

He was not surprised but pleased. The book of the era appeared out of thin air. In an instant, it was creaky!

As if the space appeared broken, everything fell into stagnation, all the virtual spirit, no matter strong or weak, were in a trance.

However, the whole space began to collapse like, all involved

The opposite Lord also appeared panic, but he was sucked in before he had time to respond

In the distance, perceiving the abnormality here, more virtual spirits are coming. Penn is not afraid and opens the book of the era

Here, I just didn't move the tower. The world is made up of gas, which is rich in energy. The floating islands, big and small, are formed by gas condensation.

It looks like a broken world, but in fact, it's growing into a planet with land. The world is so big that it can't imagine. His perception can move thousands of miles, but he still can't see the end. Well, well, Penn has long predicted that the book of the age will be full of power, and he will completely turn the world into his own original part. At that time, he will have unprecedented powerful source space and become a God without God. Then he will go back to see the so-called gods who are high above. In the totem world, Lin Feng's figure flies rapidly across the sky. He flies so high that the powerful beings below are not found. Generally speaking, he passes through the territory of these powerful creatures. Either it's a detour, or it's too high, or it's considered provocative. Across thousands of miles, the goal of this trip finally appeared on the ground. In front of an airship appeared, it is from the earth up, constantly back and forth, the two places into a busy port. This is one of the strongholds of the dark temple. For thousands of miles, the strong gathered here. The method is really strong enough, he disappeared in the air, directly into an airship that just came from the earth. In the captain's room, I found the captain of this trip, a white faced handsome man, who seemed to be a mixed race. He was wearing a pirate uniform, but I don't know whether it was a uniform or deliberately dressed like this. He appeared directly from behind, reached out and pinched the other side's neck. Unexpectedly, the man turned sideways to avoid. Looking at him in surprise, "who are you?" Lin Feng didn't answer. He raised his hand again, but this time he couldn't hide. In fact, he couldn't avoid it, because his whole body was like a million pounds of pressure, and it was hard for his fingers to move. Lin Feng grabbed his forehead, penetrated his mind, and searched his memory directly in his brain.