I'm really too young, but after he tried to chat up and was blocked by others, he kept thinking about what these people are doing

Until the airship stopped, he found that there was a group of people waiting in line, his heart rose a wave, should not be to welcome yourself.

Just, look around that group of people, he is still cautious did not meet up

Then, I saw a leader standing in the queue come up and say hello to six people

Chen Jing secretly congratulated himself that he didn't go out to make a fool of himself

But, who are these people? There is such a group of friars to welcome them. You know, friars are not soldiers. It's a big deal to let them welcome them

What's more, those who can come to the foreign world are all elite. At least what he sees, there is no strength under him

He was deeply awed by this, but he was also a man with his tail between his legs

After waiting for the airship, we can see the wild people coming and going. They are wearing simple clothes and working hard

The dock is not far from the airship platform. Those savages come from the dock, and a lot of materials are moved from there.

He walked by, and there were five big ships on the dock, which looked no smaller than the earth's aircraft carrier.

The key point is that these huge ships are all made of wood, and even no cracks can be seen. They are made of steel, flat and smooth. If it's not for the tree pattern on them, they can't be seen to be made of wood at all

It's amazing how big a wooden warship can be. Is this the manufacturing technology of a different world.

Just then, three huge wooden rafts came over the sea, on which stood wild men of different heights, old and small, and on which could see the accumulation of living materials.

Someone at the dock with loudspeakers shouting, speaking the language of savages, leading the three rafts to the shore.

As soon as they came up, a female savage stepped forward and stuffed a stainless steel dining basin with white rice and pork stewed soybean on it.

The strong flavor of star anise cooking wine wafts over. Chen Jing has also heard about this dish. It's said that Xuexiang city has been collecting soybeans recently. It's said that they are specially used to transport them to other places for wild people to eat.

The savages, who had just come ashore with their families, looked worried and hesitant, but as soon as they took the plate and smelled the fragrance, they immediately began to eat, even the matching soup spoon was useless.

Use your hands directly. Fortunately, the female savages are eating and drinking next to you. These savages use a spoon instead.

Not to mention, after the first meal of landing, these savages had changed from their original vigilance to their expectation and satisfaction.

Every face showed a simple and honest smile, which was a kind of simple joy. Chen Jing could not help but feel dumb. He said that the more ignorant he was, the easier he would be satisfied.

All these people can be bought off with just one meal.

Chen Jing read fresh, then find someone to ask the way, to report

"You are Chen Jing who found the stone made by God!" When the reception staff heard his name, their attitude immediately became respectful

Because, this is the person that the Garrison has personally explained. Even if it's just a casual word, no one dares to neglect it. It seems that this person is old-fashioned with the garrison.

"Ah, yes." Chen Jing also later learned that those things in the underground shopping mall were called God made stones, which sounded very domineering

"Come in with me, please!" The staff led him in and knocked outside a room in the inner room.

"Come in." Inside came a male voice

When he went in, his eyes lit up. At the first glance, he recognized who was inside, Xu Ze, one of the most famous brothers of the Xu family.

Xu Ze, a real big man, seemed to be thinking about something. He pointed to his seat casually: "sit down!"

Chen Jing sat down, the other side just raised his head from meditation: "Mr. Chen just came here, what do you think of here?"

"Good place, full of hope!" Chen Jing answered truthfully

"It's really a good place." Xu Ze nodded and said, "it's a pity that you didn't come at the right time. You are the boss's acquaintance, and I won't tell you the truth. If someone comes here to make trouble, there will be trouble at any time.

If you don't want to get involved, I can give you some resources to go back to your life.

If you stay, you have to be prepared to face danger and suffering, and you may even die. "

Chen Jing looks at him and gives himself such a choice as soon as he meets him. He thinks of the six people on the boat together. He is also awe inspiring and seems to have noticed something

Pondering for a few seconds, he said, "I'll stay."

"Very good, then we will be our own people." Xu Ze said with a smile, "you go to the wharf first to maintain order, get familiar with the environment, go out and find my secretary, he will arrange it for you."

"Good." Chen Jing doesn't reject this position. He's just a new outsider, and it's impossible for others to undertake important tasks as soon as they arrive. As far as cultivation is concerned, anyone here is better than him. There are many people who are more powerful than him. As long as he can stay here, he is in a super blessed place. This is what he has always dreamed of as a monk“ Mr. Chen, I'll take you to accept the infusion of savage language, and then I'll arrange a residence for you. We'll talk about the specific work as we walk. "The secretary is a capable young man. Take him to a big house." OK, please! " Chen Jing replied. Savage language, perfusion, this word made him curious. In the big room, four savage priests sat in groups, and Chen Jing was arranged to sit in the middle. With him as the center, the lines drawn with unknown pigments on the ground suddenly lit up, and his mind was dizzy. Then he saw many pictures. It's all pictures of savages. From a child to an adult, it's not only one person, but also another person. Chen Jing responds that he is experiencing the life of the four savages in some way. When the four switch over, he can feel his body. In his mind, there were many strange things. He felt them carefully, and it took him a long time to recover. Another look at the time, it has been two hours, the Secretary has been standing quietly waiting. He was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."“ It's OK. I took the opportunity to practice for a while. I'm familiar with it. " The young man replied with a smile! The benefits of being in the lucky land are reflected. You can practice in the space all the time. It's efficient and effective. No wonder so many people have to rush in to break their heads. When I heard that he was going to be transferred to the totem world, the members of the new sword branch were all envious. Now I still remember clearly. Who doesn't know, as long as he comes out of the lucky land, Cultivation will definitely be greatly improved, and then it is not necessary to be able to improve a big realm.