Compared with the temple, this strange thing is really a formidable weapon. You can imagine how desperate people on the ground are when it opens on the head of any tribe

During this period, he saw the creativity, fantastic ideas, magical weapons and emerging strong people

Every new thing is impacting his cognition, making him clear that his own world is so narrow and complex.

Asher has a kind of desire. He doesn't want to be a knight in the air any more. It's just a backward way of fighting, riding a big bird and fighting with primitive weapons.

He wants to mount such weapons of war and crush the enemy with such weapons of terror, because such weapons make people unable to resist.

When I first saw the fortress take off, this picture appeared from time to time in ashaner sea. The empty Knight riding on birds rushed to this big metal monster full of fire

And then, like moths to the fire, they smashed to pieces, no doubt, because they couldn't even see the enemy.

"Target, Dajing island!"

Lin Feng's voice came into the operator's ear, the aircraft carrier calibrated the direction, and the speed suddenly raised.

Three hundred operators join in the battle, and the spiritual power they provide drives the aircraft carrier forward.

Dajing island!

It is a pirate force more than 1000 miles away from the sky god sea area. They occupy the channel between the sea and the land and dominate most of the trade of the Western overseas islands.

It is precisely because of their existence that the territory of the God of the sky has never been able to extend to the land, nor can it make use of island products to trade with the land.

Everything can only be sold to them. These powerful pirates have invented money.

It's a kind of metal called Zijin, which has good energy superconductivity. It's a common material for high-end equipment

Totem world has a history of more than ten thousand years, and many places have already formed city states, especially in most areas along the sea.

Only some tribes in dashangou still live a self-sufficient life and never communicate with others.

And these developed city-state areas also occupy rich land, developing hundreds of thousands of people, or even millions of people of super large tribes.

At the moment, a huge fleet of ships has just landed at the dock of Dajing island.

Behind a large warship, there are many simple rafts, on which there are old and young savages, sitting or standing in fear.

On the raft, blood can be seen everywhere. There are wild animals, fur and medicinal materials piled up in the middle.

"Lunding, my brother, it seems that you have a big harvest today." a wild man with a punk head, three meters and five meters tall, burst out laughing and came up. He opened his arms and hugged another strong man from the boat

"Thanks to you, herner, let me catch these hateful stowaways!" Lundin held him in his backhand, and the two great men pounded each other's broad back

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Herner and lunding, the two pirates of Dajing Island, can control the sea beasts, and they are said to be the sea overlord who makes countless people afraid

According to legend, their warships have been blessed by a mysterious existence in the sea. They cut the waves and come and go like the wind. There is no existence on the sea that can match them

When the savages who were driven down from the raft saw the existence of these two legendary terrors, they were scared as if they were bloodless, for fear of being targeted by them.

More than 300 savages were driven ashore, followed by carrying goods. Bundles of treated furs and medicinal materials were carried ashore and put in different categories

"Why are they all old and weak?" He said, frowning at the captives.

"Those who are strong will not yield. Stop it." Lunding made a show

"You, those are good tools, good tools that can create wealth for us. How many times have I told you." Herner shook his head.

Lunding: "brother, our wealth can already buy the whole city-state. Why do we have to haggle over it?"

"Brother, you are wrong. Wealth is the foundation of our strength." Herner stressed, pointing to the warships: "without wealth, there will be no such invincible warships, and there will be no enough sacrifice to buy. Without sacrifice, there will be no protection from the God of the sea.

Without the blessing of Poseidon, our warship is just a pile of heavy wood. Without all this, how can we cross the ocean, be popular and be admired by countless people!

How can there be a steady stream of powerful warriors to make it? All this is based on wealth. Now, the Zijin mine is digging deeper and deeper, and more and more people are needed.

The annual sacrifice is just around the corner. We must gather up enough as soon as possible. "

Hener's words, let lunding speechless.

Although he is bloodthirsty and cruel, he knows that elder brother's words are correct

More than 300 newly captured savages were driven all the way to the mining area of Jingdao.

The mining area takes up 80% of the whole island. There are skinny and crumbling miners working like machines with simple tools. There are whips everywhere. The clothes can't cover the body. There are scarred savages everywhere. The eyes of people here are numb, just like living dead people. Even more than 300 savages from wandering tribes, who had just experienced the great tribulation of the tribe, had been slaughtered. When they were sad and desperate, they could not help shivering when they saw such a scene. Because here, it looked like a real hell. They thought of all kinds of horror legends on Dajing Island, all of which had something to do with the mine. Suddenly, a shadow fell from the sky, The marching team, subconsciously raised their heads. At this moment, emergency horns sounded everywhere on the island, and then teams of Flying Dragon Knights took off and rushed directly towards the strange fish. A dazzling beam of light crossed the sky, and the powerful flying dragon was hit by the beam, The black fish slowed down and still moved forward. The big flying dragon fell to the ground and struggled desperately. In mid air, the knights on it had already been thrown away, and some of them were even killed by the flying dragon. The miners below made a mess and took the opportunity to escape one after another. The more than 300 savages who just came in were completely stunned. But they are not stupid. Looking at the fierce flying dragon rolling over, no one dares to stay in the same place and wait for death. Tens of thousands of miners are in a mess and continue to spread out. The guard is shouting and constantly cutting and killing the escaping miners. However, no one listens to them. Because the sky, the air power belonging to Dajing Island, has been slaughtered. The rest of the scattered Flying Dragon Knights were lucky enough to escape. Now they dare not approach.