Four tall savages appeared in the field of vision. They were wearing animal skin armour and carrying a big axe with thick washbasin in their hands. They broke through all the wall obstacles in the way of linear acceleration and appeared at the scene.

Just at a glance, the savages were on the alert. Two of them came forward to check and two of them were on the alert.

Their breath is powerful, far beyond yuan's mood. Only Ren Xibo and other people at the scene have ever faced up to the brave savages, or even stronger.

The rest of the people have been training in the dawn blessed land, and there are not many savages to kill, but there are few brave generals, and there are not many small tribes. They are not forced to go out so easily.

Now I finally meet some strong men who are still in Yuan state of mind. Each of them is a terrible war machine. As a savage, once they get close to me, it's not cold to think about it

Fortunately, the brave never met a few, but the brave, warriors, these people have been killed

It is because of their existence that dawn blessed land can develop and grow

The four savages were very careful and alert. As soon as they found something, they were ready to send someone back to report it. However, in front of the invisible enemy, they could do nothing to respond.

Four flames appeared again. Their Qi and blood expanded and formed a defense layer on the surface of their bodies. They started the strongest defense mode long ago.

But it still didn't work. The four heads burst open at the first time. Because they were a little small, when they fell to the ground, the heat had burned out, and even the skulls were red and hot

The procession advanced rapidly. The shrieks echoed over the city. They were short and quick. They were the warning signals of savages.

Along with the signal comes a large and ferocious flying monster. They are the fastest. In the twinkling of an eye, a black spot appears in the sky and zooms in.

"Spread out, deploy on the spot!"

The command is given by voice, and people move quickly. They use the surrounding buildings as shelters. With the unequal shapes of the two sides, these monsters can sweep them out of the stealth state just by flapping their wings

It's necessary to look for shelter. Lin Feng looks to the north with a slightly different face.

How fast!

A shadow in the sky zoomed in, and the clouds on both sides were squeezed away. It was a colorful bird, which looked a bit like the legendary Phoenix

But the color is not right, the image is also a lot of ferocious, claws like a hook machine, arrow shaped triangular head with fine teeth, neck thick and short.

The most important thing is its shape. When it appears in the sky, a hurricane of magnitude 7-8 blows on the ground, and the solar water heater on the roof is blown away

This ferocious looking bird first came and then came, but instead of stopping to check like other birds, it circled in the sky

It is used to observe the situation on the ground. As the most effective assistant of the God of the sky, it is the best choice in terms of intelligence and strength.

After seeing the following situation, it will not rush to check. As the overlord of the sky, it knows its advantages and disadvantages very well.

In the sky, it is the king, not many can threaten its existence, with several times the speed of sound, even those demigods, or real gods, can not help it.

But when it comes to the ground, it can't be ranked as the king. There are too many terrifying beasts living in the wild world.

Even if it comes to the earth, it also keeps a good habit and won't go down easily.

Although it seems that the little people in this world are weak and pitiful, there is nothing on the ground that can threaten its existence. So far, the most powerful ones we have seen are the iron birds.

Spitting out metal hit the body is just a little pain, completely helpless it, but it was a full grasp explosion, with its speed, these clumsy iron birds even have no chance to escape

Turn around, turn around, with its sharp eyes still did not find any, but it can still feel the ground has some abnormal existence.

Invisible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The next moment, its wings vibrate and dive at high speed. When it approaches the ground 200 meters, two terrible air masses appear under its wings

The sharply compressed air mass makes a sharp and twisted strange sound, which blows through several houses, boom!!

The two rows of buildings that had been blown through collapsed one after another. Although the super hunters who were hidden in them responded immediately, several of them were blown away.

Fortunately, with the protection of armor, he was only shocked, and his body was only slightly exposed, then he became invisible again.

Just this time, it had already been watched by the evil bird. It gave out a song to carry out the sky, and all the flying monsters around rushed to the ground in this direction.

Lin Feng feels the threat of this evil bird and orders to open fire freely. He takes out a two meter long anti equipment sniper gun and points to the sky


A lot of recoil force, heavy pressure on his arms, then to the waist, legs, feet, cement floor, click, there are countless small cracks

At the same time, the gorgeous fierce bird instinctively twisted its neck when it saw the fire on the ground, and the bullet flew past its head. In its neck beautiful thick feather opened a groove, proud of the feather is like a knife cut“ Whoa A painful roar, almost at the same time, the ground burst out of flames. The first fierce bird to dive broke out a fire foam on its body. It lost control and hit the ground with one head. In a moment, a sound of bone cracking came out. It was crisp and pleasant. Under the terrible high speed, it was crushed by its own speed and gravity. It just rolled a few times, and even had no strength to move, Some of these fierce birds successfully avoided the frontal sniping, but there were 100 hunters here, and the gunfire was constantly heard. The ground was blasted up by two regiments of air, and the four members who had just been blasted out were thrown out again before they were completely out of range. Fortunately, this time they were on the edge, and they were attacked by snipers. Their bodies could not be hidden, and they were flying in the explosion. Lin Feng was staring at the beautiful bird. The other side was too fast and cunning. Just after being shot, he didn't wait for revenge. His first reaction was to run away. He saw the enemy. At the moment of shooting, he was impacted by the recoil force, and Lin Feng's figure appeared for a short time. At this moment, he had already remembered each other's figure and breath. It was metal, and he could also remember the enemy's breath firmly, The cry resounds through the sky of the whole city. It is calling for reinforcements and passing on the position of the enemy.