"Master Lin, the land of dawn has expanded to 130 Li Gong. We are in trouble!" Li Mingjian has been in Jian'an city.

The vice president of the guild was a successful businessman before, but he was not as good as Wei Fei and his children in management and practice

"What kind of trouble?" Lin Fengwen

"In both directions, we have met large tribes with a population of about 1000 to 3000. These tribes are powerful. We have clashed with each other several times, and the two Ming mood have made a move, so we can draw with each other's strong." Li Mingjian said it briefly.

There are many strongmen in a thousand people tribe. Fortunately, there are many means and many experts on the human side. The two Ming moods, together with a large group of Yuan moods, and the modern weapons of magic reform, have temporarily restored the state of confrontation.

However, it also greatly constrains Fukuda's energy, and once the opponent's Totem side does not have the corresponding strong one to hold down the battle, it is likely that a full-scale war will be launched.

Mingxinjing's strength is just as good as Bobcat's, two against one, and it still has some advantages.

With the help of a large number of yuanxinjing friars, specially trained sniper friars, carrying a modified version of anti equipment sniper gun, and bullying the Bobcats and black bears before, these tribes have had a good time.

Now, in the face of some larger tribes, their weaknesses will be exposed in the face of higher-level forces

"What are you going to do now?" Lin Feng didn't make any arrangement. He had only one person. He couldn't do everything. What should these people do.

Li Mingjian said seriously: "transfer another ming to come over and start the biochemical weapons program at the same time."

Lin Feng nodded, noncommittal, as he settled in Kyoto, where the three Daming mood, really can draw out another person.

Even in an emergency, it's not impossible for three people to switch together. After all, the top three are right under his nose.

In the war academy, the security level will never be lower than their original fortress. Dawning blessed land has now become one of the most important institutions.

With the arrival of a large number of professionals, achievements emerge one after another, and the site is also expanding.

Many people have gradually adapted to the environment there. With the advantage of population, as long as the territory there is not lost, the human race will surely be stronger and stronger.

Even a lot of ordinary people moved to the other side and used the environment there to practice.

Of course, at this stage, the past are all soldiers, and they are the most elite. Only those who are strong and of excellent quality can barely stand the gravity of 2.2 times.

Rao is so easy to get hurt. He has to go back and forth every day to give his body a full rest

"Take this. When you are in danger, you can call me through this!" Lin Feng handed over a rune card, which was engraved with the true language. With the revival of aura, there was aura everywhere, and finally there was a place to use it.

It can be predicted that the magic weapon will soon become popular with the rise of the cultivation civilization. The real language in this calling sign can automatically gather energy and store energy. As long as the spell is correctly recited and the spiritual guidance is used, it can be opened.

Of course, whether he responds to the call depends on his mood.

When Li Ming saw that Shuangjie solemnly took the rune card, he was trembling. This kind of thing was not available before. It was something that could summon master Lin.

This is absolutely a life-saving prop. Once you meet an enemy who can't fight, summon master Lin to come. What else can't be solved

The information of Huangsha city has always been communicated with the mutual aid association and the cooperation of the state.

The savage tribe of ten thousand people was destroyed by the one in front of us

Just, he says, pour also not really expect Lin Feng to come again, but also want to say hello first.

Look, it's solved. In his opinion, if you get Lin Feng's summoning props, things will be guaranteed

Compared with more than one Ming mood, he is paying more attention to the card in his hand.

"In addition, we found many exotic animals in the alien world. We invited painters to paint, and found that there are many creatures very similar to myths."

Li Ming said as he saw it and handed over a pile of picture books.

Lin Feng turned to the first page and saw a monster with a long body, barbs, wings on the back and a head like an ox or a dog.

It's found in a deep valley 70 li away from the West. It's five li away from the sound. It's meat. Its wings are 30 meters wide and its height is about 15 meters.

On the next page, there is an amphibian with a fish body, a snake head and eight feet.

Note: found in the east 50 Li beach, the largest diameter is about 8 meters, and the length is 110 meters. It can emit infrasound waves to attract creatures to invade its territory.

Lin Feng continued to turn, a total of 11, are human beings do not dare to provoke the existence, fortunately, these things do not seem to have any wisdom, just a certain sense of territory.

As long as we avoid their territory, the danger is not great. One third of these things are very similar to the creatures in ancient mythology.

Some scholars have speculated that the alien world on the head would be the place where ancient human beings lived, otherwise, why there would be such similarities. In other words, at least the people who wrote down these myths had lived in such a place. No matter which of the two is the truth, at least it shows one thing, that is, ancient times may not be as good as today's people think. Think about it, in this fierce animal infested environment, how can weak human beings reproduce, grow and become the master of the earth. Lin Feng was also very confused, he was not born in this world, Another Earth has the same legend. The multiverse has the same legend. It must have some unknown connections. In the magical world, those weak gods will choose to take risks in other worlds. It's not surprising that they brought knowledge to other worlds. It's very possible that some people in totem world had been to earth in ancient times. In other words, some people have traveled together in the two worlds, which is nothing to some powerful existence. Just like most of the dreams of ordinary people are to travel around the world, they have such an obsession all their lives, eager to see more and more novel things. Even if they are as strong as gods, they are only strong in their own territory. There are a lot of unknown things outside. As long as they are intelligent creatures, they are inevitably driven by curiosity. Li Ming looks at him with a look of hope, hoping to hear something useful from him. You know, in other people's eyes, Lin Feng's origin is the inheritor of ancient Xiuzhen civilization. Those secluded sects have been handed down for a long time, and they certainly know many things that ordinary people don't know, even the unsolved mysteries of the world.