"Ma zhenshou!"


Outside the yard, they felt the movement stopped. They were looking inside with equipment on their backs.

As soon as I saw him appear, my face looked like a huge stone, and I said hello.

"How did you do that?" Lin Feng saw that they were in a mess. Their clothes were damaged everywhere, and they were injured. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. It seemed that they had been with a Xu Ling.

"Well, we've met some tough problems... We've wasted some time!" Zhu Chunming quickly explained.

Lu Ke Jin opened his mouth, did not make a sound, but nodded

It can't be said that just for the sake of going to the theatre, those who have been affected will feel numb when they look at the ground as big as the blue court.

This is far beyond the scope of human beings. It's God!

"Is it all right? Is there a problem with the equipment?" Lin Feng also did not think much, casually asked a sentence

"This... We're all right, the underground spirit?" Zhu Chunming asked carefully.

Lin Feng said: "I killed you, but it's just a small Lord. There should be a master on his head."

"Little Lord!" Well, what you say is that for two people who are irresistible as natural disasters, they are just a small role in Ma zhenshou's eyes.

People, why is the gap so big

Looking at Lin Feng's age, it seems that he is in his twenties.

"The equipment is OK, we can go back." LV Kejin also spoke out in one side

"That's good. Let's go. I've contacted people and they're outside now. Just follow them back!"

Lin Feng said and motioned to the outside. The three of them went out together, found the bicycle and stepped on it. Like an ordinary passer-by, they gradually disappeared in sight.

They stood by the side of the road, paying attention. At this time, they didn't panic at all. Even the Lord Xuling was killed. There was nothing terrible about this place.

The original sense of coldness was swept away, and the town was just an ordinary abandoned town. They already felt the arrival of reinforcements from outside.

Zhu Chunming unscrewed the mineral water from the roadside shop, Gulu Gulu took a sip, and sighed: "it's worthy of being a big man. It's really easy-going."

"It's also a matter of looking at people. Well, some people have big airs. In the past, the small section chief of our unit had their nostrils facing the sky. If they had nothing to do, they would toss people around." Lu Kejin hummed

"That's a big fart. If you think about it, the more important a person is, the higher his status is, the more broad-minded and approachable he is. It makes you feel like a spring breeze. Why? Because a small person is just like an insect. Who will think about it?"

Zhu Chunming said with an open face.

"It's a pity that you are handsome." Lu Ke entered the road

"They are handsome. What's your pity?" Zhu Chunming has a strange face.

"The handsome and capable young man is so approachable. It's a pity that my daughter is only ten years old. Otherwise, I have to work hard!"

"Go, your daughter looks like you. She's round headed and round headed. Even if she's the right age, she won't be seen by others."

"Fart, it's baby fat. It's cute." Lv Ke Jin can't help but feel confident about his daughter.

"Yes, your daughter is the most beautiful and lovely." Zhu Chunming did not argue with him, "I'd better go out first. I understand. If you don't have the strength, you'd better not get involved in such things. It's no different from looking for death."


The totem world in the sky reflects the green light, blurring the day and night of the earth. Even now it is 10 pm, the ground is still like a full moon, and everything is clearly visible.

Of course, this is for him, but for ordinary people, it will not cause many accidents.

It is because of this layer of reflection that the temperature of the earth has not dropped sharply. At this time, the temperature is hovering around five degrees, and the rate of decline has slowed down.

From the appearance of virtual spirit to the totem world hanging upside down in the sky, the power situation is getting worse and worse, and the public facilities are basically shut down, even the newly developed high-voltage lines.

It can only satisfy some important institutions, such as the war Academy.

With the cool wind blowing on my face, bicycles quietly shuttle through the deserted streets. During the day, there are still a lot of people here. At night, it's like a curfew. No one dares to walk around.

This is also normal. At night, the spirit is the most rampant. After the advent of the totem world, this point has not been so obvious, because the spirit dares to run out during the day.

But the idea of ordinary people is still the same. In these areas where ordinary people live, there are soldiers stationed. Far away, there are two groups of practitioners stationed. They are responsible for maintaining the operation of the Falun and monitoring the possible illusions

Lin Feng deliberately let go of the protection and let the wind blow on him. I don't know how long he has not experienced such an ordinary and simple life. His heart fluctuated slightly and his spirit began to jump

Since he entered the dark world and was involved here, he has been looking for ways to get rid of difficulties. Now he has reached the peak again and is finally qualified to relax occasionally. All of a sudden, a familiar smell came into his nose. His face turned black, and protection quickly covered his whole body, but his eyes could not help sweeping the dirt on both sides of the road. I almost ignored these bombs. This world is not a peaceful time. In the dead of night, I don't know how many people take this opportunity to sneak out to set off bombs and bury mines. The number of public toilets is far behind, and the sanitary conditions are not good. Even if there are, most people are not willing to use them. In addition, they are all outsiders. As soon as there are many people, they feel that there are not many more than me, and there are not many less than me. They are not responsible for the public. When they get back to the gate of the college and ride into the gate, they put down their protection and take a deep breath. The air in their own territory is the best. Fresh and natural. Compared with the dark houses outside, there are lights everywhere in the college, which finally looks like a modern world. I don't know why, the buildings of the school are familiar. Suddenly, he thinks of the night watchman school in the dark world. It can't be such a coincidence that night watchman school is its own college. Lin Feng can't help but stop and think about this problem. Theoretically speaking, it's impossible. It was just a university that didn't have time to start. Because of his arrival, he would become a school for practitioners. However, when he looked at these buildings, he scanned the layout of the whole college in the sky and remembered them all. At this time, compared with the night watchman college, he had five or six points, which made him feel more gloomy.