However, no unified kingdom was born, and their guardian totem was no different from God

"Then I won't hinder you. I'll wait for your good news!"

Lin Feng left the last sentence with a smile, but they all waved their hands, but they had completely lost interest in dealing with him.

This is a group of extremely focused people, they put all their energy into technology, no interest in other aspects of hypocrisy

He didn't mean it. The environment of Huangsha city was peaceful for the time being. Next, whether it was a comprehensive attack on Xuling to recover the lost land, or going into a foreign world to build a sub base on the site of the HAZ tribe, it still had to be studied.

The strategy of attacking Xuling to recover the lost land was formulated at the beginning, but with the appearance of savages, this strategy had to be shelved.

Now with his return, the yellow sand army has proved its strength, but it is too weak to fight with Xuling in an all-round way.

The battle of the yellow sand army these days are all the old practitioners. The new practitioners can reach the third level or above, only a thousand

Although the casualty rate is very low these days, it has been reduced by hundreds. In addition to the previous raids by savages and the losses in the previous wars, it has nearly reached 3000.

The elite of the whole Legion are half less. Even if there is HAZ fighting hard in front, he is a little weak. Although the casualty rate is still decreasing, every death is painful

Among the practitioners above the fifth level of Juyuan, who have not experienced ten or eight years to grow up, like the Xu brothers and Ling Yue, are totally exceptional.

Which of the whole Huangsha Legion has such a chance? Once there are too many casualties and faults, the Huangsha Legion will lose its combat effectiveness.

In addition, the timing is not right. Now the existence of Xuling is the first line of defense against savages. Except within the control of Huangsha City, Xuling is occupied in other places.

If the savages want to enter the earth, they will have conflicts with them for the first time. It is in the interests of mankind to let the two go to war and consume their strength.

The newly occupied three blessed areas can accommodate 6000 people at a time. As long as they are selected and let the people who are about to break the border enter, they can quickly cultivate elite.

It only takes two or three months to get a group of friars above level five. By then, the strength of the yellow sand army will be very different from what it is now.

In addition, the recovery of aura has accelerated, and all localities have opened the national practice mode. Although the concentration of aura is still low, there are many problems in its popularization, such as too few practitioners who act as teachers.

However, judging from the fact that there are still 1.9 billion people in the whole country, most of them are concentrated in big cities. As long as they are popularized among one billion people, only one thousandth or one thousandth of the talents are needed.

At that time, tens of thousands of practitioners will be born. It is the so-called quantitative change that causes qualitative change. It can be imagined that when there are widespread monks among the common people and they know how to basically protect the spirit, the situation will certainly turn around.

So, time is on the side of human beings for the first time.

The later the delay, the better the decisive battle will be. The strength of mankind is entering a period of growth.

Xu Ling is also slowly recovering his strength. With the integration of the two worlds, there will be stronger demons behind him. They no longer need to separate and compress their strength.

Many of the virtual spirit lords who come in now don't even have 10% strength, let alone many of them are less than 1%.

Otherwise, these guys who have lived for countless years will not be so weak. Of course, it is impossible for them to restore their own strength on the earth.

The world itself is different. It is impossible for them to use those tactics to destroy the sky and the earth, because there is not so much energy to use at all. For them, the earth is also a poor magic area.

However, because of the human soul and other delicacies, they have an unparalleled attraction.

However, such attraction has limited influence on those truly powerful demon lords and royal Lords. When they grow up to that level, their mood is naturally comparable to those small Lords.

But with the passage of time, the human situation is gradually proved, and the suppression is gradually released, those big demons will come.

It's like a race between the two sides. Fortunately, the AFC has finally responded to his efforts and started to prepare for the takeoff.

In this period of time, the number of people directly controlled by the alliance is less than 500 million, and there is a shortage of materials and troops. Even if some people see the revival of Reiki, it is impossible to seize the opportunity.

Without a stable environment, people were in a panic. Even food became a problem. At that time, practitioners from all over the country almost concentrated in Kyoto.

Other places have given up, and the number of practitioners has dropped to a very low level. Compared with 500 million people, it is a drop in the bucket

Lin Feng sighed softly. His efforts were not in vain. It seemed that he was developing towards the savage.

This is also in line with his heart needs, in fact, where he feels more comfortable than on earth.

Because there is no suppression of the will of the world over there, he can not worry, there is a supreme existence suddenly jumped out and killed him“ Boss, news from Wei Fei! " Xu Ze came in a hurry. It was obvious that there was something urgent. After receiving the telegram from him, today's communication system has the feeling of going back to the 1950s and 1960s. Once again, the telegram system is useful. Just a glance, you can see all the contents. Six surrounding cities were involved in the Xuling riot in Badong City, two of which were occupied by Xuling, and the local garrison suffered heavy losses. The vanguard had to withdraw from Badong city and enter Toulon city. Now it is still fighting. Lin Feng just glanced at it and sniffed. He probably guessed who was playing tricks on Wang Zhongtian. The ten thousand French Alliance urged Wang Zhongtian to do something. In other words, this guy also has three good places. At the thought of this, Lin Feng had no reason to get angry. Before the debt had not been calculated, this guy was still making trouble behind him. He beat himself to death. He did it with Xuling and savage. He finally won three good places. It's a good thing for these miscellanies to take advantage of the decline of the alliance's strength and the lack of control to grab the territory behind them“ Let's go. Let's go back! " As soon as he returned to Huangsha City, new news came directly to his office. This is a letter for help from Kyoto. In view of the collapse of the situation in Badong City, the upper authorities decided to send him to take charge of the overall situation, but they did not specify how many people he should take. However, the meaning is obvious, that is, let him take care of what he can take. Well, it happened that he was going to take a trip. Along with the letter for help, there was another sentence that caught his attention. Kyoto is going to set up a new school of practice. I want to invite him to be the Dean!