Moreover, the symptoms are different, some headache, some stomachache, some arm pain.

The witch doctors of the two sides felt numb because they saw more than one kind of devil insect. This is the devil's land.

How can there be so many kinds of magic insects? Are they all brought by these iron jars? It's hard for the HAZ tribe to succeed because of these things.

Believe it or not, they believe it at least 70% or 80%. It's terrible and shocking.

In any case, we can't let this happen in our own tribe again, "go, go now!"

The witch doctor of Mufeng tribe cried out first. He yelled at the leader of his family, but he took the lead and rushed out

His whole body was shining. At this moment, he had released all his defense. The corpse mountain in front of him gave him infinite fear.

There are so many brave generals and so many strong men in the HAZ tribe, but they are totally destroyed. Just think about it, we can see the danger.

The witch doctor of Jiaozhuo tribe was not slow. He yelled and turned around.

Now, without any hesitation, the commanders immediately began to order, "all personnel retreat! Retreat

The order of retreat reverberated over the whole tribe. At this time, their respective legends had been startled, and they were watching the changes below in disbelief.

Then, what surprised them even more happened. Everyone ran out in unison, but they didn't take the spoils.

I don't know who yelled, "the HAZ tribe is cursed by the God of plague!"

So, all the people throw away the things in their hands and run away without hesitation or procrastination.

Even the silver tins were ignored and trampled on the ground

Some of the savages running out of the buildings are still unknown, but it's not ambiguous to see the people around them running. As soon as something is thrown, they will follow.

For a moment, the big exit gate of Nuo, the stone gate made of big stones, was squeezed by the people who ran away and collapsed.

The leader of the upper level of the HAZ tribe has already run away, and the people behind have followed suit. They don't care about anything else. Anyway, they have to run away first.

However, as they ran, some people felt soft at their feet and fell on one end. They didn't know how many big feet they got, and they just stepped on the whole thing.

Running team, there are people falling, at the beginning is not remarkable, but as the more run farther, more and more people fall.

Many people are writhing on the ground in pain. Fortunately, when they get out of the tribal buildings, they can avoid on both sides. Others continue to flee like crazy.

The more you see such a situation, the more you dare not stop. Who knows if it will be your turn next.

At this time, the legendary strong men in the sky finally came down. They caught their commander and asked what happened.

The commander said the matter flurriedly. Bai Chen frowned and looked into the HAZ tribe. He was also alert in his heart.

The devil insect is the nightmare of all savages, and he used to be the same. Until he became a sage, his body had completed the transformation, and then he got rid of this fear.

However, once you think of those little things growing up in your body and eating your own flesh and blood, even if he has become a legend, it will also be hairy in your heart.

No one is afraid of this kind of thing. The fear that he once had surged into his heart now. Without saying a word, he flew directly up into the sky, away from here first.

"Human beings!"

He read the word in his heart, his face uncertain.

Attention once again fell to the bottom of the escape team, more and more people fell, there are warriors, there are brave, are running, suddenly cut down

There are no signs, no, there are signs, because many faces actually have pain in addition to fear, but because of their strong body and will, they are still struggling to support.

Until no longer run, a cut down, 4000 people, there are flying dragon knight, flying in the sky, fell like onion, like rain.

The legend of Mufeng tribe looks at the Dragon Knight falling like rain. His eyes are full of fire. He appears next to the witch doctor and raises his collar.

"Do something, or our Dragon Knight will be finished."

"No, I can't help it. These monsters attack too fast. I've never seen them before," said the witch doctor, trembling

His whole face was terrible black, and then he went to Jiaozhuo tribe. Baichen also held his own witch doctor. His face was also very ugly, and he knew there was no way.

The escape team quickly divided into two groups, one to the West and the other to the south. No one paid attention to the fallen companion.

In the end, no one can run back to his tribe.

Jiaozhuo tribe has only about 80 people, including Baichen and witch doctor

Mufeng tribe is a little better. More than 150 people went back. However, don't forget that they have 500 Flying Dragon Knights. Now they don't even have people and flying dragons. The loss is extremely heavy, it is pain into the heart and lung. However, will those who run back be all right? That's too much to underestimate the power of these biological and chemical weapons. As long as they don't kill the bacteria in their bodies for a day, their bodies will become the source of the virus. Saliva, feces, blood, even the air you breathe, carry germs. In the tribe of savages, bloodletting is very popular. No matter what disease you have, bloodletting is the first step. It can be said that bloodletting can cure all kinds of diseases and has the effect of disease-free health care. Lin Feng was at the witch doctor's place and saw buckets of dried up plasma. Once the blood with bacteria was released, the concentration was so high that the tools had not been disinfected, and the consequences could be imagined. Five days later, the people who came back came sick and died one after another, while a large number of patients began to appear in Jiaozhuo and Mufeng tribes, and the news finally spread. All the tribes around got the news. Even the supreme Lion King came to see the situation. He just looked at the lion's expression and thought about something immediately. At that time, the lion's strength was clearly above himself, so he just left with the cornerstone of the temple. He thought it was the other party's reaction of worrying about himself and other allies. Now think about it, the lion was aware of something wrong at that time, so people are very fragile to leave. I can't imagine that I'm not as good as a lion. I'm worried and sad. This shouldn't be true. As more and more people in the tribe get sick, the witch doctors are in a mess. However, the more they treat, the more patients there are. Soon, even the witch doctors are recruited. At this point, anxious finally see clearly, things have come to the point of irretrievability, and finally summoned the rest of the disease has not been more than the strong. A total of two hundred people, with these two hundred people disappeared.