The deduction is complete!

Malocclusion - level 1!

Good, try it first!

The next moment, he immediately remoulded his body, first of all his face. According to the savages he had seen, the most impressive one was the debater savage.

The facial contour changes rapidly, the eyes change from black to yellow, from yellow to gold, the bridge of the nose becomes longer, the nostrils become thicker, and the facial features change slowly.

A water mirror appeared in his hand, and compared with the mirror, he recalled the appearance of bianzi savage and imitated it a little bit.

Ten minutes later, a miniature version of the bianzi savage appeared in the mirror. If the other person saw it, he might wonder if he saw himself as a child.

The first layer is just like this. Lin Feng can still find a lot of flaws after a careful look. First of all, his hair is long, black and thick.

However, it's big fangs. Although the appearance of savages and humans is almost the same, the teeth are much bigger, especially the row of big fangs in the front teeth, which can be seen with one mouth.

Then there's the problem of body shape. His head is half as small as that of savages. These guys have necks as thick as his head.

The first layer doesn't work, so the second layer continues to deduce. Before the medicine is over, Lin Feng sits down again and continues to deduce.

The first level of misshapen work is to change the appearance. There is no way to change the body shape. Among the human beings on the earth, we can use other means to cover up, so as to achieve the degree of using the false to confuse the true.

In this case, it is far from enough, at least to the third level, and to reach that level, it is estimated that it will take the fifth level, which is the highest level of malocclusion theory.

At this level, there is no way to advance in theory, because there are so many changes, but although there are so many people practicing this method in the real world, only legends can achieve this level.

After all, it's just a method of metamorphosis. It doesn't help the increase of combat effectiveness. Except for some special people, no one will spend their whole life practicing and researching.

Now, these achievements, which require at least decades of hard work, are forced to be deduced by the subconscious system just a few hours later.

Malocclusion - level 5 100%!

Effect: change thousands, change breath, simulate gas field.

Looking at the introduction above, Lin Feng, who had been expecting so much, began to change. The next moment, his whole body changed.

When the body grows tall and grows up, all the limbs swell up. This process is still very painful. Even if it is the fifth layer, it is false to forcibly change the nerve direction or even modify the structure of the whole body.

Lin Feng didn't let the subconscious block the pain. The pain can make people more conscious. He can feel the process of the first change more clearly and learn more details.

It took him five minutes to see what could be changed. This transformation was basically completed. He had to walk out of the tree hole.

Bang, a big foot on the ground, the ground slightly sink in, body size, weight also increased.

From the original 300 Jin to the present 400 Jin, it seems that the increase is not big, but he was originally overweight.

Now the density of the body is far less compact than before. The density is much smaller. From 1.9 meters to 2.8 meters, the height is almost one meter longer.

Along with the vision has changed a lot, different heights, see things are not the same, before the body in this world, everything is huge, like miniature.

Now, after all, I've grown a little higher, and an inexplicable good feeling has come to my mind. Growing higher is just like increasing strength. It can really make people happy. This is the rise of self-confidence.

Lin Feng faces the water mirror, compares the appearance of the savage, adjusts a little bit, and finally grins, revealing the big teeth inside.

There are six big incisors in a row, one of which is two fingers thick. Most of them can swallow a basketball with their mouth open

As for the mouth, they can open to a terrifying degree like crocodiles, which may be related to food and living environment. After all, besides eating, the mouth is also a powerful weapon in many cases.

A boxer was forced to jump up and bite. Lin Feng looked at the details and found that there was no problem, but he always felt that something was wrong.

It was only when I raised one hand and inadvertently saw the five fingers above that I suddenly realized that there were only four savages.

This is easy to do. Immediately raise your hand and watch the extra finger slowly retract. The whole palm will automatically adjust and the order will grow to the position of the length.

After such an adjustment, the position of one more finger has just been adjusted, and the spacing has been adjusted again. It looks very natural and natural.

OK, Lin Feng thought about it, but he still didn't dare to use this appearance to go out. The strong men like ziyeren must have a high status in the tribe.

Just at the scene I saw at the construction site, everyone was working. He was the only one who sat on the top and read comic books. That kind of invisible costume forced everyone not to look at it and step closer.

This kind of person's popularity and recognition are too high, and the probability of being recognized is also high. Let's get a public face first. Two minutes later, his face has become another savage. He was a little shorter and became 2.6 meters tall. He was an ordinary savage who had worked in the construction site before. With his abnormal memory, all the people who were seen by him could remember his face clearly if he glanced at it. This way, his temperament also changed, from a super master who was very sharp before, to a passer-by with a public face, who can forget his name just after the introduction. With appearance, you have to wear clothes. After this transformation, you have adjusted your skin color. Your skin looks as good as those men in the gym. And it's full of sunshine. Lin Feng's long flowing hair is a little too clean. It's a trouble. These savages are so smelly that they can kill people. But if he wants to make himself like this, his hair will be unbearable. ok It's just the smell. The big deal is to block the sense of smell. I find the roots and vines to tie my hair and throw it back. The whole field of vision is clean again. Speaking of which, these guys, why don't I get a short haircut to disguise? As soon as Lin Feng was proud, he immediately thought of this problem. There were a lot of short hair among savages. He thought it was troublesome. He recalled it. It seems that in a group of people chasing themselves, short hair accounts for the majority, while those working on the construction site are mostly long hair. The biggest difference between the two is strength. Is hair related to strength, or how to explain? No matter how long it was, the usual member of the camouflage factory was the most reliable. He finally adjusted his breath and then walked outside the mountains.