Standing tens of meters away, the high priest, who was still casting the magic, was shocked. This was the first time that he saw the villain's evil means, but it was totally unable to deter the angry savage. He put his big hand on the ground.

Lin Feng, who was reunited, immediately felt something strange under his feet. With a bang, he kicked a sudden clod of soil. He reacted very quickly and stepped out with the other foot.


Again, the ground turned into a staircase. This accident made him fly out directly. A savage roared, and the axe waved at him like a meteor.

The axe has great power. The savage is very confident in his own strength. No one can stand it.

A small fist waved to the ax, the villain devil even tried to use that small fist against his axe, it is ridiculous.

The next moment, the two collided, the savage hands a shock, axe handle out of hand, unexpectedly can not hold, huge anti shock force, let him feel the arm was shocked into several sections.

Lin Feng's figure settled down again. He slowly took back his fist. There was a strong golden light on his face. It was clearly a slow action of taking back his fist, but it was a row of illusions.

The savages were still falling down. They couldn't find the enemy lurking in the dark, so they kept staring at him. The white elephant was slightly low and was preparing to come down from the mountain wall.

All of a sudden, a tiny, indelible light spot fell on its back. Because of its coarser body than a truck, the light spot was insignificant.

But it is still keen to capture, and then two football thick pupil turned to look at the top of the mountain where Xu Ze is.

Although the light spot didn't do any harm, and even had no energy response, the white elephant still sensed a breath of danger, and the hidden operator on the opposite side was as weak as a bug, without any threat.

However, long-standing intuition, or let it change the target, regardless of the following is wantonly slaughtering villains, trunk raised at the direction of Xu Ze.

Just then, a huge flame cut through the sky, stirring up a white passage in the air, and the cone cloud spread rapidly behind it.

White elephant instantly felt a strong threat, the body did not hesitate to respond, the whole body as if wrapped in brilliant light.

As a white elephant family, they are good at speed. Their strongest advantage is the defense advantage brought by their huge size. Their thick skin and thick flesh instantly stimulate their talent.

A layer of mirror like armor appeared all over his body, and the tight skin became as tight and tough as steel. As soon as these reactions started, the flame had hit him.

At this moment, both humans and savages almost involuntarily put their attention on the white elephant.

The attack came so suddenly, so fast, so fast that even the naked eye had just had time to catch it.

Xu Ze's palms were full of sweat, and his eyes were staring at the white light. He was reading silently in his heart. The data of thunderbolt fire missile flashed in his mind. It was an anti tank missile that could penetrate 20 steel plates.

No matter how thick and powerful the elephant's skin is, it can't be as strong as 20 cm steel plate.


With a loud sound from heaven and earth, the white light from the white elephant was engulfed by the fireball. The white elephant was big enough, but it was nothing in front of the fireball.

There was a creaking sound of breaking from the cliff, as if it was too heavy to bear the burden. The huge stones rolled down from above and collapsed. A rain of gravel came from the sky.

This fireball lit up everything around. For a moment, it was like returning to the day when the sun was still rising normally, so that everyone was distracted.

Fireball in all people's attention gradually narrowed, a dark figure is still burning, it is white elephant, but at this time, it should be called black elephant.

It is still standing in place. In the view of the savages below, its patron saint is still there, and the defense of the holy elephant is invincible. As long as it is still there, the enemy will never be able to destroy the tribe.

However, the next moment, the giant elephant's body was askew, and it turned to one side. This time, the savages below could see clearly, and a terrible blood hole appeared in its abdomen.

It can be stuffed into several people, and the skin is still burning. You can almost see the opposite side. The guardian totem has been hurt so badly!

Almost in an instant, all the savages, including the high priest, had a blank in their mind, and almost didn't faint directly.

The first time they think about the consequences of losing the guardian totem, no totem, is a lost dog, in this land or wandering around, or to others.

Now, they are besieged by villains and demons, and their only hope is to guard the totem.

The elephant is seriously injured, but it hasn't fallen yet!

Instead, he stubbornly maintained his body and did not fall down. The light in his eyes was dim. Looking at Xu Ze on the top of the mountain, he was full of anger.

If the eyes before can kill people, then it's just powerless anger. Xu Ze looks at the huge blood hole, and every cell in his body is excited.

Facing each other's eyes, although still some fear, but dare to stare back, don't believe you ya hurt like this, can fly hundreds of meters to bite me. The next moment, his scalp numb, even on the equipment are ignored, the body a bounce out of the soil. Boom!!! A bright white light burst in his original position, and the stones and air waves from the explosion pushed him out like a ball. The stones hit him like a bullet. My mother! Before Xu Zeren landed, he did not know how many times he suffered. As soon as his throat was fishy, he opened his mouth and vomited blood first. As soon as he landed on the ground, he didn't care about the injury, so he pulled his legs to hide behind the big stone. There was a sharp whistling sound behind him. The white elephant's nose was like a gun, spewing out compressed energy. The first light spot came from there, and it had been identified as the opponent's hands and feet. As for Lin Feng, who is slaughtering savages, he can't take care of it at the moment. Of course, it's the most important thing to revenge himself first. The savages are in charge of their death. Lin Feng was also startled. Xu Ze won't be killed. The six members of the mutual aid association are on top of him. However, in the face of this kind of advanced combat power, sincerity doesn't play much role. At this time, the white elephant was already a little crazy. He leaped across the distance of tens of meters and rushed to the opposite mountain. In front of its three story tall body, it is like a super bulldozer, pushing all the way, and nothing can hinder its action. However, in fact, its action has been greatly affected. Otherwise, with its ability, it can still do it in a short time without walking on the ground full of obstacles. Only a dark figure, all the way through the vegetation, straight out of a huge channel, Xu Ze hiding behind the big stone, see scalp numb, hurriedly called behind the companion pull.