However, Anka was killed for no reason. In his hurry, he only received part of the curse mark. It took a lot of time and effort to repair it.

At this time, the virtual world has undergone earth shaking changes, a large number of virtual spirit into the earth, he has been completely behind, line up can not squeeze.

Fortunately, with the completion of the repair of the curse mark, he can get a separate body, and the person in the curse has a good strength. The separate body is many times stronger than it was at the beginning.

As a result, when he came over, he found that the separation was still too strong and had to cut off most of his strength. Then he was abused by these little meat people.

This is simply unbearable, how can it be, how can it be!

That group of people stood together, well guarded, but the surrounding environment gave him a sense of repression, there was some kind of repression.

If you can't fight, run!

His figure was blurred for a moment, and disappeared in the same place, but unfortunately, it reappeared the next moment, just stuck between the walls, just like smoke flowing out.

Several magic weapons blasted on the wall, and the black smoke was blown away. Xu Ze rushed over and directly pushed down the whole wall with one palm. When he raised his hand, another golden light burst out.

Soren's body was rolled. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. The landlord was strange everywhere. His energy was greatly disturbed here.

Turning into nothingness, escaping has become extravagant hope. If you can't get into the ground, you can't fly to the sky, and there are invisible barriers to block it. What a ghost place.

How can anyone find a servant to come here? At the beginning, he was a mortal like a mole ant. If the human world had such a defense, Xuling would not have had to mix.

He slandered himself secretly, doubting whether he was cheated. Even if he was separated, he didn't want to die.

Fenshen has been self-conscious since he was born. Apart from the irreversibility of the will from the noumenon, he still wants to make a good career on earth.

As a result, even outside did not have time to look, directly will be destroyed here, it is simply unreasonable.

Soren, the leader of all souls, is also famous in the virtual world. His strong self-esteem makes him never give up struggling, but this area is blocked.

Bound by an invisible energy field, he can only rush to the edge and bounce back. The team behind him is pressing step by step.

Xu Ze's command team is divided into five parts, using the advantage of home court to drive him away in the limited space like a dog.

Several times, he became angry and attacked the team with injuries, causing a lot of trouble. However, with the cooperation of all the people, he didn't kill a single person. Finally, he cooperated more and more tacit.

Soren was suppressed. When Lin Feng came, he saw that this guy was trapped by five rainbow lights. This guy was rushing left and right in it, roaring, but he was as weak as an animal to be slaughtered.

Xu Ze was very happy when he came back. This was the first time that they had personally controlled a demon lord. It was a demon lord. As long as it could be made into a virtual spirit body, it was a wonderful treasure.

Among them, Xu Ze is the most aware of the huge gap between high-level virtual spirit and ordinary virtual spirit. Most members of the mutual aid association are ordinary virtual spirit. Only Wei Fei, Li Mingjian and others have high-level virtual spirit. Their strength changes are obvious to all.

However, Lin Feng is not here. The mutual aid association has no such ability to transform. It can only be so sleepy. But even if it's a team, the energy is not unlimited. It's hard to kill.

When I was anxious, I saw the Lord coming back, and everyone was looking forward to him to purify the Lord. I heard that every Lord had a lot of high-level spirit. Would he have a chance to catch one

Lin Feng went to the imprisoned Solon, looked at each other and asked, "it seems that we met one time last time. You are the mark at that time."

"Human beings, don't be complacent. The boundaries of the world are changing. Soon my army will be able to enter the world. It's too late for you to take refuge now!"

Soren was obviously aware that he was the right one. At the first glance, this seemingly insignificant human killed ANKA.

They destroyed their invasion plan. This time, the human became stronger. However, in his opinion, with the strength of ontology, it was just like a little ant becoming a middle ant.

No matter how strong he is, he is only an ant after all. Until now, knowing that he may not be spared, he is also single, and even threatens him in turn.

Boundaries are changing! Army in!

The news was a little scary to others, but Lin Feng had known for a long time that the deeper the integration of the two worlds was, the more blurred the boundary would be until it finally became the dark and silent world full of resentment.

There are many reasons for this result, but the biggest incentive is the influx of energy from the virtual world, so that the souls of the dead will not dissipate. Under the doomsday, a large number of deaths cause great resentment.

Even the gods in the totem world will inevitably fall. Their resentment is the most poisonous poison in the world. One thought can curse tens of thousands of people and lead a whole area of creatures to be buried with them.

Lin Feng puts his hand in, and Soren disappears into the public's field of vision the next moment. The magic that imprisons him is taken back one after another“ Master Lin, does he have any men here? "Li Ming saw that after Ma Weiwei's accident, he rushed back through the portal. At this time, he couldn't help asking. In the battle of Huangsha City, a demon master was killed and more than 70000 virtual spirits were obtained. That is a valuable resource for cultivating the same number of practitioners. If the Mutual Aid Association came to do the same. How strong will it be? Will it be able to become a man of the moment in this country, and dominate the fate of all living beings“ This guy came here by himself Lin Feng shakes his head and goes directly to Ma Weiwei's room without saying more. She lay quietly on the bed with a pale face. She had been awake for a short time before, but she was in poor spirits and soon fell asleep again. Only a few months later, she has changed a lot. Her face has grown and she has learned how to dress up. Her clothes and temperament have improved a lot. She is no longer the girl next door in the village. Lin Feng holds her hand, and there is still a trace of the curse mark on it. That's because this guy's body is not dead. Clear the last trace out. Ma Weiwei's face obviously eased, as if a long-standing problem had finally been solved. Seeing him stand up, Ma Tiancheng immediately asked in a low voice: "Zheng, how's Wei Wei?"“ It's OK. The matter has been completely solved. Don't worry! "“ That's good! That's fine! " Ma Tiancheng nodded repeatedly. This time, if there were not a large group of people from the Mutual Aid Association, his daughter would probably have an accident. He was just an ordinary villager. He had never met such a scene and had never expected to get so many people to help him. At this moment, he was really filled with emotion!