Ayna gasped with her mouth open, her legs still twitching mechanically, and climbed up the mountain.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, the previous consumption, coupled with the fact that all the way back is uphill, and the consumption intensifies.

On the other hand, it is due to the environment. The pace of the world is lighter. At the beginning, I feel relaxed. However, a very familiar element is missing in the air, which is a natural element in her world.

After a period of time out of this environment, she will feel very empty and can't make up for the consumption. Although she is only a warrior, she hasn't fully mastered the skill of using this element, she also relies on it.

In this world, the natural elements are very few. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to give birth to the extraordinary, but what about the villain devil.

All the way back to the hillside, the scorched and hot air gradually became sticky. Ayina took a long deep breath of the air and filled the whole lung, as if there was a force in her body to supplement it. A kind of oily and comfortable warmth suddenly rose.

Looking up at the world overhead, time has been completely out of order, there is no sun, only mutual reflection of light, just like the bright moonlight on the earth.

Her own world is already in front of her. It seems that as long as you work harder, you can go back there, and Aina's steps stop.

She looked back for the first time. After confirming that there was no one, she looked down to check her pocket. There were several metal rods in it.

There are also some parts with gadgets. She has seen the process of using them. After the firearms are consumed, they need to be supplemented.

Curious in the heart, picked up a ready, while no one tried, suddenly her ears heard the subtle vibration of the ground.

Aina's face changed dramatically. She quickly put the metal pole back into the bag. As soon as she looked up, she saw a familiar color appear in the back.

It's the villain devil. She ran to the mountain without hesitation. The devil came here. What's the revenge

Lin Feng is also aware of the changes in the air. This is the intersection of the two worlds. The energy is extremely abundant. The differences between the two worlds are fused here.

He was a little excited at the bottom of his heart. After crossing the mountain, he was in the totem world. There would be no world will there. Could he develop there.

Set up trans - World transmission array and go back to the new wind star directly, so you don't have to be trapped in the mud and play with people in history

Compared with this, the female savage in front didn't pay much attention.

Just let her lead the way in front of him. When he catches up with someone, he slows down, hangs slowly, keeps the pressure, and chases him away.

In such a dangerous time, nature is the first time to choose a safe place to run, where is the safest place, nature is their own home, their own tribe.

As a matter of fact, Aina thinks the same way. Her liver trembles, and a thought keeps flashing. The tribe has a guardian totem. As long as the devil dares to come, he will never come back.

The totem world is not like the earth. In addition to the savages, there are all kinds of powerful creatures. Because of the abundant energy, these basic particles affect all creatures.

Small microbes, big beasts, intelligent creatures, and even all kinds of pure energy creatures, such as souls, ghosts, and some powerful natural spirits, coexist in this world.

It's like a mysterious world, where animals and plants, visible and invisible, are likely to give birth to wisdom and embark on the road of self evolution.

Even the group's willpower has magical power, such as the totem worshipped by the wild people, some of which are ancestors, but more of which are all kinds of powerful creatures.

As long as it is powerful enough to form a deterrent force and protect one side, it may be offered as a totem, be worshipped, and embark on the path of becoming a God.

Savages don't care if you are any creature. This is an absolute world of the strong. Winners take all.

There is such a guide, can save a lot of things, Lin Feng followed, for already some bumpy ayna, no sympathy.

Although his two bodyguards can still follow behind, they are also panting like bellows, and their white light has faded a lot.

At the top of the mountain, the two mountains overlap. When Aina jumps across the opposite side, her body shape changes miraculously. She actually runs upside down on the mountain.

Lin Feng jumped over without hesitation, and the gravity changed in the middle of the sky, which made him feel magical.

It's not a strange experience for him who once traveled in the star world. He adjusted his figure in the mid air and stood on the soft ground with thick dead leaves under his feet

Lin Feng raised his foot and took the first and second steps. The gravity here is about twice that of the earth. Don't underestimate this little change.

The first step here is equivalent to carrying twice the weight of yourself. If you are not careful, you will run with your legs in shape. If you are not careful, you may sprain or even break your tendons.

If you look at the athletes, you will be injured as soon as you slightly exceed the critical point.

Ordinary people in this case, even walk hard, and Aina back to this environment, like a duck in water, quickly disappeared in the woods. The two bodyguards were in a bit of a hurry because of the gravity change. They barely touched the ground on all fours and quickly got up. Looking around, they were surprised. They finally felt the change of the environment. The energy here was so abundant that they felt like they were in a blessed place. No wonder those savages are so strong one by one. Even if they don't practice, they will grow up in this environment and be nourished day by day, and their bodies will be strong enough to be a person. And what they face is the enemy of such a world. They look at Lin Feng with questioning expression, waiting for his instructions“ Chase Lin Feng said only one word. He had taken three steps to get used to the gravity here. When he touched the ground under his feet, people chased him out. From the early contact, this is only a small tribe, with no more than 200 people. No matter how strong this small tribe is, it is limited. The totem world is rich in products and is full of treasures. There are special priests in the tribe who will collect all kinds of raw materials and make them into medicines. As long as you grab one, you can have a fat New Year! Ayna skillfully avoids traps everywhere. This mountain is their tribe's hunting area, which can be easily distinguished even if it is not arranged by her. At the same time to avoid those areas where there are beasts, she followed a path, crouched down in the woods, and soon saw a huge stone heap. There is a towering tree over her head. The boulder is cool and comfortable. It is a resting place for the tribe to hunt. As soon as she appears, two people jump down from the tree“ It's Aina“ Aina, didn't you go to the opposite mountain? " Two tribal hunters with colored stripes on their faces appeared. They were here to deliver the news. This time, the tribe sent out more than 200 people, almost half of their fighting power, in order to seize more territory in the new world opposite.