A war of this scale, involving millions of people directly or indirectly, could not have been concealed, and the government simply made it public.

Just taking advantage of this war, we publicized the victory, set up heroes and boost the morale of the whole society. People have been dominated by uneasiness for too long.

If it goes on like this, the economy will be completely destroyed, and people's livelihood will be in a disastrous situation. At that time, you don't have to fight yourself to collapse first.

Kambela City, a fertile pasture, covers an area of 23000 kilometers, which is a country worthy of the name of the Middle Kingdom.

Its owner is Prince Ollier. As the owner of the Australian League, he lives like an emperor in this vast land.

Recently, the old Duke, once again summoned vitality, frequently moved in his ranch and engaged in construction.

However, these things are only known to the people in the ranch, and most of them are loyal servants inherited from the orell family for more than ten generations. Naturally, no one will question what the Archduke wants to do.

Outsiders have no way to know that at this moment, in the luxury building deep in the wasteland, Prince Ollier is sitting in the hall. When he is facing another man in his chair, he looks flattering.

This middle-aged man named Mark Penn has an air of admiration. He is strong, confident and wise. It seems that there is no secret in the world.

Although Dagong has received the best medical care in the world since he was a child, all kinds of problems are inevitable when he is old. He can clearly feel that he is going to die step by step. It is a countdown to say goodbye to this beautiful world.

Because he is already eighty-nine years old, ordinary people at this age have basically accepted their fate and live every day as if it were the last day.

However, on the day of his birthday, Mark Penn appeared and used magic to rejuvenate his body.

With just one spell, he seems to have taken off his heavy burden and returned to his youth. His breath is easier than ever, his eyes are sharper than ever, and the whole world is better.

He doesn't care who Mark Penn is or what plans he has. He's old and dying. He doesn't care so much.

What's more, the world is being invaded by other nations, and those virtual spirits are drilling everywhere and coming out from every corner.

At present, except for the three big ones, they can barely control the situation and remain in a stalemate. Other areas are in chaos, with places falling every day.

Although the Aussie alliance is far away from the world, which used to be a unique condition, it has now become a fatal weakness. Its traditional allies are far away from home.

Our weak national defense force is just a minaret in the mine, which can not be suppressed by the whole nation.

Almost every day in the use of human lives to fill, countless resources are consumed there, in exchange for only worse and worse situation.

At this time, there is a strong practitioner in front of us, who can also give him a new life. Of course, he will cooperate wholeheartedly.

A man in a suit came in, and Ollier knew that he was one of Mark Penn's men, Abraham, who was also a mysterious and powerful being.

"All right, Ollier, let your people speed up the progress, at most one month, the project must be completed!"

Mark Penn spoke faintly. Ollier didn't feel offended at all. Instead, he nodded his head and agreed, and then quit wisely.

"My Lord, it has been confirmed that the fall of Huangsha city is Altera, one of the demons under the throne of the emperor of the time. Everything is going well in the early days. More than 60% of the world has been in dire straits under the invasion of Xuling, but only a few big powers still have the right to speak.

He still has a big killing weapon that can wipe off everything on the ground, so he has to hold still, but it's only a matter of time, as the war goes on.

Practitioners will have more and more power, and the elites cultivated by the holy hall will take over the power from ordinary people, and finally complete the handover in the form of peace.

"It's my Lord. In addition, there's news from Badong city that Kunta, the spirit eating demon master, has suddenly fallen. Another demon master has taken over the overall situation, and it's also a chess piece we have cultivated!"

Mark Payne looked at him with a little interest: "our pieces?"

"It's Wang Zhongtian, and the devil is behind him!"

"Interesting, let him prove his worth."

Abraham bowed out. He went out of the door and into the basement. There were two rows of huge stone pillars.

The ground was covered with complicated runes, and five people in black elegant robes stood there quietly. When they saw him come in, the old man in the middle said, "Abraham, what's up?"

"Elder, I need prophecy. Come and see this man!"

He held up his cell phone and showed a picture of a young man with black hair to each other with detailed information

Ma Zheng, 25 years old, Juyuan fifth level, whose real strength is unpredictable, is now the garrison envoy of Huangsha City, nicknamed Xuling purifier!

Looking at the information, the old man nodded and stood in the middle of the hall, and Abraham retreated to the corner. The other four black robed men cast the spell with the old man at the same time, and the runes on the ground were activated by energy, and suddenly became like living creatures. The old man's face is solemn, his chest is straight, his hands are lifted up, it seems that he is communicating with something. As time went by, Abraham had been paying close attention to the change of things. The old man's face had changed from solemn to gloomy, and his heart was also mentioned bit by bit. The next moment, the old man's face suddenly became firm, and the energy of the ground, like the tide, began to accelerate. Before he could react, the old man would puff out a large amount of blood, mixed with internal organs“ Elder He exclaimed, but did not dare to rashly step into the big array, where is full of violent energy, rashly enter will only seek death.