It's not said that the monks who are below ordinary level are slow to cast their spells. They also need to practice their precision. In addition, they have a period of time to touch the enemy when they release their spells.

There are a lot of variables in this. Only when you reach devasation, you can lock your spirit, control the direction of the spell to a certain extent, and deal with the virtual spirit precision head, can you improve it.

Now, the brothers of the Xu family show up and let the low-level friars see the direction. Only in this way can they be called a real fight.

On the practitioners forum, the melee faction and the traditional magic faction quickly formed. The melee faction took the Xu brothers as an example to analyze the various performances in the video. It is persistent, manly, and not afraid of emptiness.

The traditionalists, however, scorn this. They think that close body is death. It's not easy for practitioners to replenish their energy. Once their energy is exhausted, they don't even have a chance to run. In the video, they just show the process of abusing vegetables.

It's all edited. Once you meet a real strong enemy, you don't know how to rush up and die.

The two factions are fighting for each other. The melee faction thinks that the magic is not accurate enough, and it costs a lot of money. There are a lot of shortcomings. It's the man who should be positive. Take a look at the Xu brothers and choose a few easily.

The brothers in the video have only been practicing for a long time. They are all low-level monks with no more than five levels. Even they can do it, and they can also pick n. how can they be so frustrated now.

Many of the melee radicals have taken them as role models, teachers, and private letters, seeking to become apprentices.

The magicians began to question the authenticity of the video. It's not a movie. It's a real fight. It's a fight between life and death. Who will get a drone to shoot a video for you, and use a mobile phone? Isn't that a joke.

However, with the help of the government, this kind of opinion has become more and more untenable, because many practitioners have come out to say that they are all people who have been in contact with the five brothers on the plateau, or who have carried out tasks together.

No matter how noisy the Internet is, the five brothers of the Xu family are really famous, and their treatment has undergone a series of changes.

Not only do they all work as captains, but they can go to the best place to practice at any time. Everyone who goes in and out smiles and nods to the leaders who used to be superior in the past.

Even when they do tasks, they have a lot of autonomy, and the five have become small leaders, each with several subordinates.

Along with that, Ruishan society also made a big name. Ling Xue, the president of Ruishan society, took all his family members to the battlefield to practice, from a rookie to an excellent soldier and practitioner.

The success of Ruishan club is remarkable, especially the heroes like the Xu brothers. Now, the five brothers have become the team leader of Ruishan club, that is, the middle managers.

Tamagan City, central camp!

Ling Xue came out of the camp, full of pride and happiness, contrary to the oppressive atmosphere around her.

Just now, the headquarters promoted her to the top rank. Notice that this is not an empty post, but a real power.

Two brigades, one hundred practitioners, were assigned to her command.

All this, on the one hand, is based on the proud achievements of Ruishan club and the contacts she has managed these days, on the other hand, it is because of the five brothers of the Xu family.

The videos they sent have greatly made Ruishan Club famous. Even the upper level of Lianbang has attracted attention. After the Ling family blew the wind again, it's a matter of course.

Now, the evacuation has come to an end. As long as you leave here and go back to your own site, you can enjoy the fruitful results.

With her contacts and achievements, she has a bright future. It's OK for her to enter any college. At this time, all the people in her family are polite and dare not treat her as a chess player to win over others.

All this, of course, is based on strength. If they don't accept it, they will come to the battlefield to experience.

Now, as long as the Ling family members who are with her have accumulated some military achievements, they will go back to work or go to Fudi for further study.

Only she insisted, and here mixed like a fish in water, let Ling family in the rear waist are straight up.

"Well! What's up! "

As soon as I got back to my house, I came up with a look of excitement.

"I'm effective now," the teacher said, "work harder, and when this operation is over, I'll win a general!"

Ling Xue is not in a hurry, first poured a glass of water for himself, moistened the lips, this just Shi ran way.

"I'll be a general before I'm 30!"

My eyes are shining and I murmur to myself. Even if it's war time, it's shocking enough. How many people are there? Even those old family of practice, they are not as good as sisters.

Generals, even major generals, are also at the top of power. Once they become generals, Ling Xue can become a pole in the Ling family. Her weight is heavier than that of her uncle. That's the dream of their sisters.

Now, it seems that it's almost finished. Now Ling Yue comes out, they have another master, and they have more cards in their hands.

"Xu Ze and Xu Hui have made great contributions this time. How do you reward them?"

Ling Xue is in a good mood. For a moment, she doesn't know how to reward them. She just asks her sister.

"Aren't they all captains? Those guys used to be car repairers. They must be poor if they get such a little salary. Why don't they give a prize of 500000 to each of them?"

After thinking about it, Caiyi still thinks that the prize money is the most realistic“ Yueyue, tell me! " Next to her, Ling Yue Wen Yan, who has been closing her eyes and cross legged, opens her eyes. She came from Wushan base a few days ago, and took advantage of the end of the evacuation operation to earn some military achievements. Her strength has reached the fourth level of Juyuan. Now she is the strongest person in Ruishan club. Of course, this is what their sisters thought before. Only in the end was he transferred over. The last member of the shadow brotherhood, the five brothers of the Xu family, who were originally insignificant, rose like a comet after shooting a few videos. They suddenly found that these five guys are quiet, some of them have reached the fifth level, and their fighting style is of their own, but they are extremely practical. The record of five people performing tasks is very excellent. Can it be that the children who are released can learn skills? Because of various reasons, when they first came here, they were inevitably separated from the old members. The people of Ruishan society look down on them. They know some truth and feel that Ruishan society has gone to the brotherhood's companions, although the three sisters seem to be their own pieces. However, the isolation of five people is a real existence. Unexpectedly, the most humble one can grow up to such a degree, which gives them a big surprise. Ling Yue had seen the strength of the five people, and her arrogance was also restrained when she just came out. At this time, she said faintly: "the government has offered such good conditions, and we can't be stingy. Their family is not very good, and they are here. I think they must be very worried about their family." Ling Xue eyebrows pick, immediately thought of the key point: "you remind me, that is in Jian'an to give them a house, so that they can arrange for their families, and then give 500000 home settlement fee, so that they can work hard for us!"